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complete newb - How do I go about making my own flavours with bulk nic juice?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by dyoung1218, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. horneddevil

    horneddevil New Member

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    %100=1000mg is a big no no (it can kill you as soon as look at u)..

    100mg is about the strongest nic u should look at. As far as quantity goes.. each to thier own.. I think a 1ltr is a good option. (you never know if you have to hunker down in a bomb shelter for a year or two). I have brought in a couple of 1litre bottles and it was not a hassle. If you decide to go the 1 litre option there are some threads around which mention decent vendors. I chose it be.comse of price and the 'peace of mind' knowing u wont be left high and dry in the short term.
  2. emely201

    emely201 New Member

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    Cool, I wanted to buy more, I just don't want to get in trouble for it. Ya never know when they might put a stop to it and I want to be ready if they do. I should be fine getting 1/2 ltr every month or so?

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk 2
  3. Snituence

    Snituence New Member

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    I started my vaping , mixing my own juice from concentrates, not with doublers.
    So everything you have just written, about my advice, is IMO garbage.
    Mixing from concentrates to make simple flavors is not hard & certainly not much harder than using doublers, it just means a bit of calculation & maybe some adjustment of flavor.
    I am not talking about "what if the guy doesn't like such & such concentrate flavor" be.comse the same can be said for doublers, some people dislike some doublers too.
    I actually find it harder to get the correct flavor using doublers or tripplers, than I do using concentrates. It is much harder to adjust a flavor with a doubler.
    Some vendor's doublers are weaker in flavor than others & some tripplers are weaker than some doublers in flavor, strange as it may sound, I have experienced it first hand.
    IMO concentrates are more consistent, more easily adjusted to my own taste or anyone else's taste & take very little to learn how to use properly when you have a recipe to follow.

    Edit: I don't want to name names of vendors, be.comse I don't think it is fair to them, since I have not tried all their doublers or tripplers or at least the ones that interest me, to allow me to be able to label XXX vendor as having weak doublers or tripplers & XXXX vendor as having strong doublers or tripplers.
    I will say this though VM Wake n Vape I bought as a doubler & then mixed it as a trippler 1 part doubler 1 part nic & 1 partVG/PG & it was strong enough for me like that. Given that I like strong flavors, that should tell you that this doubler is very strong & serves to highlight my above statement.
  4. BextSeds

    BextSeds New Member

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    I have brought in 2x 1L on two occasions of unflavored nic, I wouldn't worry too much about bringing in 500ml or more at a time. 100mg is not 100% 1000 mg is 100% 100mg is 10%, I don't recomend getting higher than 100mg juice.

    As a rough guide 3ml per day of juice is the "average " vaping requirement, mine is closer to 5ml per day @ 18mg/ml. Lets just say that translates very roughly to 30ml per week of juice mixed to your taste.
    so if you have 36mg unflav. nic & are mixing it 50/50 with doublers for 18mg juice, 300ml unflav. will last you 20 weeks roughly.
    If you don't think you have enough in 300ml to try mixing your own with concentrates be.comse you won't have enough to "waste", you probably never will have enough to "waste" lol
    What I am saying here is, 300ml is plenty to allow you to experiment with concentrates & if you feel you need to, get some doublers to get you through the first couple of weeks while you experiment.
  5. moleking82uk

    moleking82uk New Member

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    yeah, I agree with you 100%, I want enough doublers to get me by when I do decide to play around with concentrates, so if I screw all of them up (unlikely) I still have something I can vape that will be pleasant while I am learning. I'm not worried about the cost, I am worried about running out though.
  6. htekin

    htekin New Member

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    The best thing to do is mix up small bottles with concentrates when experimenting. 5ml is plenty to test a recipe & allows you to mix up another 5ml to make 10ml if you need to change the flavor strength(halve or double easy).
    You can use an atomiser, while using cartos or clearos with your made up doubler juice, to direct drip your test flavor into to see if it is strong enough or too strong or if you just like or dislike it. You can do that easily while you have 60mls made up from doublers(2weeks supply roughly) & dial in the flavor you are mixing.
    Once you have 2 or 4 you like, you might want to try using combinations, 2 concentrates can produce excellent results or terrible results the % of flavor should remain around the same as you would use for 1 flavor.
    So If you used a 10% flavor recipe for say peach & then wanted to try mixing peach with tea, the combination of the 2 should still be 10% in total, to start with, after that you may need to dial it in a bit more.
  7. Alexa Sun

    Alexa Sun New Member

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  8. IAmTheDrummer

    IAmTheDrummer New Member

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    That's where you start, keep it simple at first. You have a known base to keep you going and then you can experiment if you like.

    You don't have to experiment with concentrates using nic juice either, just use plain PG and VG and then if you cock it up it's not a big deal. I would buy my PG and VG from a vendor be.comse I believe them to taste the best. For instance, .comlding VG from Coles or Woolies etc tastes the pits (but that's my opinion, others think it's ok).

    Best of luck :)
  9. Prince

    Prince New Member

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    Well if that's your opinion then you must be ignorant and delirious.

    It's common sense to start simple and work your way up.

    Anyone with half a brain will tell you that the more variables you have, the more that can go wrong.

    With mixing concentrates there can be a lot of experimentation and the possibility is there to completely ruin a juice by adding as little as a few drops too much of something. If you don't know that you either haven't mixed before or you just don't car what your flavour comes out like.

    Anyway, I might as well be arguing with a baby. I'm done in this thread after this post, I'm not even coming back to read replies. so, don't waste your breath.

    Let's let DruidCarey decide. He can look at the advice and see which way he/(she?) wants to go, that's what matters.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. White House Watching

    White House Watching New Member

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    No, just intelligent enough to know it isn't that difficult. All these people that keep saying mixing from concentrates is hard have me baffled. I find it very easy & most times I don't even use measuring equipment, if it vapes a little strong on flavor after a test vape it can be adjusted if a little weak it can be adjusted, doesn't get much more easy than that.

    No need to .comnch personal attacks, this is a forum for discussion, we all have different ideas & we all benefit from sharing those ideas.

    Looks to me that DruidCarey already decided, did I try to stop him from going about his direction? No, I simply gave him an alternative & the instructions needed to make an informed decision.
    Seems to me that some members of this community want to treat newbs as dummies, not all newbies are going to want to get into the more technical side of vaping & that's fine but some will. Yet if we don't give them the information & good advice to go with it, then they won't know about it or will have heard about it, try for themselves without advice & get it wrong & give up.

    Not once did I say DC shouldn't use doublers, initially, if that is what he wants to do. What I did say was, there is another way to do things & I myself started out mixing that way, without difficulty & without any more instruction than reading about how to mix concentrates on forums such as this one.

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