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Any advantage in going from VV/VW to a Kato mech mod

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by Ray, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. Ray

    Ray New Member

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    I'm currently using iSticks and DNA30 clone, mostly with Kayfuns and Magma drippers. I've liked the Kato box mods since I started vaping 7 months ago and would like to try one. It would seem that going to a mech mod from VV/VW would be a backward step. Are there any advantages or disadvantages in a mech mod apart from their simplicity and shininess?
  2. dfins891

    dfins891 New Member

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    I've been contemplating a similar buy (looking at the Joyetech Ego One, which is kind of a hybrid). The advantage I see of mech mods is their size. much more stealthy when out in public. my current VV/VW is 18.5 cm from drip tip to base. An Ego one is 10.5cm or 13cm, depending on battery. The disadvantage I see of mech mods is their somewhat inflated 'bang for buck'. Another reason why I like the Ego one. I'm not after some artistan crafted hand made one off signature series gold infused platinum plated moondust creator. I just want something that produces the right vape for me, without the wank factor. YES I KNOW. Some people see that is sacreligious. Horses for courses though. Whatever works for the individual is right for them.
  3. Transitional CatBunny

    Transitional CatBunny New Member

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    Not as safe with mechs vw mods have lots of protection compared to mechs imo
  4. Kutt

    Kutt New Member

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    You just get more direct power from mechs coz it doesn't go through any chip per say so it all depends on how good your battery is... theres pros and cons for both vw/vv and mechs. It all boils down to personal choice. In my case I love both.
  5. Haruka

    Haruka New Member

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    I prefer the vape i get out of a regulated mod, for sure.

    However, my GP Paps & Kayfun is what i leave the house with.

    1. Form factor, small enough to fit in my pocket. Paired with a kayfun, its streamlined.
    2. Very little can go wrong with it, no circuit board, no worries. If something does go wrong, i can fix it on the spot.
    3. They're Tough. It can cop a beating, or a drop on concrete and it will be fine.
    4. Longevity. I'm happy to pay $150 for a good quality mech that's going to last me years, possibly decades.
  6. Cjac

    Cjac New Member

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    Generally yes, but even that protection can go wrong though. Usually safety with mech mods comes down to user error. It took me a while, but now i feel safer using a mech that i know inside out compared to a regulated mod that was made in china.
  7. unsoppy

    unsoppy New Member

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    Thanks for the input guys. I guess it's like I thought. A mech is all about the low-tech reliability and form rather than the dial-in controlled vape of a regulated mod. I still like the Kato mods. I might still get one if I can pick one up cheap. It'd be interesting to at least learn about the mech side of vaping.
  8. egocska

    egocska New Member

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