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legalizing vaping!

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by lgdztufmdf, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. lgdztufmdf

    lgdztufmdf New Member

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    Ok, time for a little controversy, god knows we don't argue enough on avf ha ha. But if you were a politician and you were faced with public ignorance and voter backlash on the topic, how would you make it legal for people to vape.
    Thread rules I know this is gonna be a bun fight but try to play nice. No-one is always right except for me of course.
    I'm gonna kick this off with the idea that I would allow chemists to sell nicotine in solution from 6mg/ml up to 48mg/ml and hardware could only be sold at specialist vape shops along with doublers.
  2. lynneZ

    lynneZ New Member

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    It is legal for people to vape...
  3. sizOdogs

    sizOdogs New Member

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    That would work and only sold to those over 18 . as long as there is only standard Gst involved
  4. Do nothing until more evidence is available to make an informed decision. In the mean time, sweep it under a rug...
  5. MikeL

    MikeL New Member

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    Yeah don't think Victoria is doing that, glad I live in NSW.
  6. MoonChild

    MoonChild New Member

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    While I must admit I tend to agree about the age limit, if we truly care about the damage smoking does to people what about all the people under the age of 18 that smoke? How do we help them, and also what about those that choose to vape zero nicotine? Do we still keep that limited to 18 and over or do we see that as a different thing?

    I know a lot of people don't agree with zero nic vaping or rather don't see the point. But there is a lot of people whom do enjoy vaping zero nic (some ex-smokers, some never smoked etc) and for mixed reasons. I was talking with someone whom has diabetes and doesn't smoke but likes to vape sweet flavours and finds it a way of enjoying sweet tastes without resorting to eating sugar lollies.

    It's a real hard thing to cover all the possible bases and not offending someone/group, even more so with all the mis-information thrown about about vaping and how it may, or may not effect human health.
  7. gongorac

    gongorac New Member

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    Definitely this.
    It isn't the evil killer cigarettes are so doesn't need the constant tax increases to supposedly help the medical systems.
    Kids always have and always will get into stuff they shouldn't but keeping 18+ like everything else is pretty much a given.

    #keep the flavour options that ADULTS love to have, it's not aimed at children, it's adults wanting flavour options.
  8. amoubmack

    amoubmack New Member

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    I think the 1st step is to find funds a team of credible, researchers to fully research and produce peer reviewed research papers on the dangers of vaping. Anybody got a few million to spend?

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