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Dual use past and present

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by Anonymous, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous New Member

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    There seems to be a lot of discussion amongst various anti-vaping groups about dual use. They're saying that dual use of ecigs are enabling people to continue to smoking becomse they can vape when they can't smoke. They've made no attempt to a prove this or recognise that there maybe dual use for other reasons.
    Add to this the bcomtiful stories of people who have had just one vape and never had another cigarette again. I wish that was me but for lots of reasons it hasn't.
    I am hoping that past and present dual users will share their tips and stories to help myself and other dual users kick those last few ciggies.
  2. Billieann

    Billieann New Member

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    I think you will find alot of us were dual users when we 1st started vaping, i was at least.

    Some know my story but i fell for one Vaping scam artists last year $80 for a ciga-like that broke a month after i got it.
    The thing had shitty charge, crap vapor and i looked for help but the vendor was a member here on AVF so i didn't think i could come here.
    So i started smoking again, occasionally having a disposable ecig.

    Few months later i sent a message to Grimm Green begging for help.
    I couldnt afford to smoke any more it was Vape or illegal chop chop
    He replied hours later with advice on how to make that final step and told me to get a vamo and a comt tank.
    Vape King (Much love Brian) hooked me up and that was it.

    One day I realized i hadn't had a smoke in 24hrs, i turned it into a game how long could i go without a ciggy
    1, 10, 5, 24, 32, ect. There were slips and falls, good days and bad so yes i was dual user.

    I got out of bed one morning it just didn't matter, haven't had a smoke since.
    Infact i still have my old 1/2 used packet of Winny reds sitting over my fire place as a reminder of my victory :D
  3. steve99

    steve99 New Member

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    Nice one Hoofprint, I hadn't read your story before. That's quite an achievement :)
  4. link404

    link404 New Member

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    Glad you started this thread nico. In my case dual use is a personal choice and I feel quite offended to be judged a failure, or even just a negative statistic becomse of it.

    I didn't start vaping to quit smoking, I started it out of curiosity and found I liked it better than smoking in most situations. That was two years ago, pretty much to the day actually. In the beginning I still smoked the morning cigarette with my coffee, and one or two with a drink in the evening. But after a few weeks I figured it would be easy not to smoke those and moved completely to vaping except in certain situations. I've since stopped bothering with having a glass of wine or a beer in the evenings without even thinking much about it. In retrospect I realise I used to need a drink becomse I wanted to enjoy my cigarettes by that time of the day. Without the cigarettes I don't particularly need the drink.

    The only situation I ever have a smoke these days is when I go away for the odd weekend with my two best friends, who both smoke socially. We go away basically to drink, smoke, be merry and escape the grind about four times a year. I can't stomach a smoke in the mornings with them in (so I vape), only when I've had a few drinks. Alcohol masks the nasty taste of the fags but I still love the combination and the action of rolling and smoking a durrie. I associate it with years of happy and free times and I enjoy it for what it is.

    I'm really happy with this and feel like I get to have my cake and eat it too! I don't worry in the slightest about smoking anymore and feel completely free of the downward spiral of full time addiction to them. I don't think a few cigarettes a few times a year is going to kill me or impact on my health in any noticeable way. If it does then it would have been worth it becomse I get so much happiness from it.

    The black and white view that everyone must completely quit, and that one cigarette or even a few every now and then, is a complete disaster and comse for self flagellation and pity from others is total bollocks!

    On the subject of dual use in general, I don't think it's an issue to be particularly concerned about. It seems like even the people who start out vaping in order to 'smoke' in places where it's not allowed eventually get the stage where they are able, with a bit of will, to switch over to full time vaping. The prices of smokes is certainly a good motivation to that, as well as the nasty taste of smoking after you've been vaping for a while.

    So my view is, let people walk their own path on the issue of dual use. It's not anyone else's business, and any reduction of the amount of cigarettes smoked can only be a good thing...if there's no reduction and some people just add vaping on top of what they already smoke...then so what?
  5. Queen of America

    Queen of America New Member

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    Hey hoofprint thank you for your story I too started with a shitty expensive cigalike kit. And didn't work very well so being a bit thick I bought a different brand! That of course was equally crappy so I googled ecig stuff and landed here.

    Thank god.I'm now gathering a collection of shinies and sparklies whilst trying to work out my vaping groove. Currently vaping a silo lite tank and eleaf 30w, perfect for my little hands.

    I vape 6 days a week without a bother but on payday buy myself a packet of 20 cigarettes. Then for some weird reason I smoke them all?? I then go back to vaping for the rest of the week. Go figure.
    I'm pretty sure its psychological as I have depression and anxiety. And am the sole parent of a 22 yr old and a 17 yr old who both have bipolar mood disorder. I used to smoke a packet of 40s and two 50 gram pouches so I'm well ahead.

    One day I'll ditch the twenties but for now I'm a vaper first and a dual user second. And proud of my acheivment.
  6. AlishaSca

    AlishaSca New Member

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    I totally agree.I never liked black and white anyway. Thanks for your story. Vape long and prosper girl.
  7. Master

    Master New Member

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    I was able to make the switch from e-cigs to PVs easily. The reason I thought to make a post was to point out that I am more pro-smoking and smokers rights now than I ever was as a smoker.

    It basically boiled down to finding out:

    1. Smokers now pay their own medical costs - 37 times over.
    2. The case against side-stream smoke is not nearly as clear cut as I had previously believed.

    So in my opinion, all power to the smokers and the dual users. Smoke 'em if you got 'em (and want 'em). Vape 'em when you want 'em.
  8. hidk10

    hidk10 New Member

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    Thanks for the support. ☺

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