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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by Themiatet, Oct 24, 2015.

  1. Themiatet

    Themiatet New Member

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    Good to find a ecig forum closer to home ,im in NZ.I was a 40 year smoker tried everything to quit including cigalikes off and on but it wasn't till I got to sick(again) over 6 months go that I decided enough and quit using an ego-t type vapouriser and havnt had one puff on a fag since.I started on a knockoff ecig and some crappy ejuice I bought at a local dairy. I have since upgraded to an Innokin ego-type clearomiser and much better ejuice I buy direct from Mount Baker in the US and its way cheaper than buying local too.Ive settled on .comi sunrise for my regular vape and I like to alternate occasionally with green apple. I keep away from tobacco flavors havnt yet found a nice one and I don't want to be reminded about cigarettes anyway. I started on 50/50 PG,VG but found too much PG didn't agree with me .Now im on 20% PG 80% VG that seems to suit me better. I am hoping to get off vaporisers eventually ,but not in a hurry at this stage.
  2. isaacby3

    isaacby3 New Member

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    nice goin mate if you smoked for 40 yrs dont be in a hurry to give up the vape and stick with it.
    Welcome to AVF
  3. voyeurboy

    voyeurboy New Member

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    Good for you mate, breaking the habit of a lifetime is a nightmare. Funny you say about wanting to move off vaping in the future too, I had the same intention when I started out: me and the missus made the switch at the same time and now she has almost dropped vaping too whereas I find my mod glued to my hand!
    Much the samd for me with the gear too, started with the cigalikes but they didn't last, next was the cheapy ego and still didn't manage to cut the deathsticks but with some decent hardware and juice its been plain sailing as well as a new hobby (rebuilding) to satisfy the engineer in me and keep me busy while the missus spends 3 hours doing her nails!
  4. demerzello

    demerzello New Member

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    Lol Coal Miner, just read your sig and about wet myself! I've stopped buying things on ebay and from the joint account so she can't see what i spend!
  5. IcoffCew

    IcoffCew New Member

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    go to the post office and get a load and go pre paid visa card and she will never know what you spend on vape gear.

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