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Been Using E Cigs.... Not Sure About Vaping

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by biffero, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. biffero

    biffero New Member

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    Ok so here goes.. I been smoking an e cigarette for the last few months and find it VERY satisfying.. I really enjoy it and feels as close to smoking a real cigarette and I have tried quite a few... The question is what is the best bridge product I can try to get into vaping?

    I know there is a way to uch but Im not really technical and I see a lot of these mods and stuff need some technical know how - I dont even own a pair of pliers so I would be really lost.. Im happy with the e cig and the smoke it makes but I do sometimes want something a bit stronger... or not stronger just more smokey!

    Any help would be soooooo appreciated thanks a billion all you vapers! :tan:
  2. kammy

    kammy New Member

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    OK to start off with mate ecig's generally are vaping. it's just a liquid being flash boiled to produce a vapor like steam which you inhale.

    best place to get started and to learn some of the stuff would be in This Thread. it has links to a few other threads including a shopping list for easy to use starter devices and some info about nicotene strength and the such
  3. Oscar911

    Oscar911 New Member

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    I have been putting one foot in front of the other and moving in a forwardly direction. But im not sure if I should start walking.
  4. tmmaurizio

    tmmaurizio New Member

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    There's a cool thread in the blue section in the new vaper section called so you want a starter kit. There's lots of gear there. A friend of mine has just come across from cigalikes to an evod kit. He's really happy with battery life and flavour. So if you've been happyish with cigalikes they're a good step up. The nice thing about them is that they're reliable, consistent cheap and easy to maintain. What strength nicotine are you using?
  5. w1ntermute

    w1ntermute New Member

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    Oh and welcome.

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