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So confused :?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Freakazzoid86, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Freakazzoid86

    Freakazzoid86 New Member

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    So I just started vaping, but I am really interested in mixing flavours.
    I'm staying away from tobacco flavours and I just want to try sweet flavours.
    Only problem is I'm very confused on what I need.
    I've looked through forums and I've seen many tutorials on youtube, but something about it is just confusing me.
    Basically from what I've learned ( pretty much nothing :D ), I need a Nicotine Base, Double Flavouring, and VG.
    Should I buy the nicotine base from healthcabin, and VG from a local chemist? Flavouring I'm planning to buy from VapeKing.
    If someone could explain to me how much %PG/VG Nicotine Base and mg I need for a 12mg 30/70 PG/VG mix, that would be greatly appreciated.

  2. captgaston

    captgaston New Member

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  3. mwregjawgcma

    mwregjawgcma New Member

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    Thanks a lot for the link, I've seen many calculators and they're all pretty straight forward.
    But how do I calculate how much VG/PG % is going to end up in the bottle in total.

    [Edit: Nevermind, I figured something out :)]
  4. Hedduerse

    Hedduerse New Member

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    You can buy your .comlding Remedies Vegetable Glycerin (VG) from any supermarket in the skincare section, next to the Calamine Lotion and Peroxide. It's about $6.50 for 200ml from memory.
  5. cifiaks

    cifiaks New Member

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    There are many different ways to mix.
    The Simpler methods often have less flexability with PG/VG ratios or nic levels.

    With Doublers I'd get double your desired nic streangth in 100% pg. So If you want to vape 12mg get 24mg nic in pg. You want to vape 18mg, Get 36mg nic.

    Then get your doubler with 40%vg 60%pg.

    Mixing 50/50 with those will give you a final mix with 20% vg.
  6. cheesecake

    cheesecake New Member

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    Just get 24mg nic with a 70/30 pg/vg ratio from health cabin. Then you wont need to buy extra vg. Dont forget to get empty bottles and syringes. When you order your doublers try to get them as close to 70/30 as you can. Then when you have it all you will just need to mix your nic liquid and your doublers 50/50.
  7. Harriet

    Harriet New Member

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    I prefer a 20/80 VG/PG ratio but since I switched to using DCT, I have found the carto works better with a 25%-30% VG ratio.
    I Don't use doublers, I use concentrated flavouring, you can get those from Health Cabin in a wide variety of flavours, lots of fruity ones too. You can also pick up pure PG from them & I would get the VG at your local coles or woolworths etc.
    It might take 1/2 hr of hunting to find it in the supermarket but they do have it, at both of those chains or you can order some from Healthcabin too. The HC VG is a bit more costly though, when you add the postage cost but may be more convenient.
    I also get my nic in 100% PG base, I find it easier to work out the amount of PG & VG to add that way.

    With concentrated flavourings, you will want to aim for about 5%-10% flavour , usually.
    When starting out doing it this way, mix small amounts of juice up, like 5 ml or 10ml, until you find the right amount of flavour to add & the right PG/VG ratio for your liking.
    When you have that dialed in, you can make larger batches & use the same ratios to save yourself time & the hassle of mixing up juice all the time.

    So for a 10 ml juice @ 12mg nic, you will want 0.5ml - 1ml flavour concentrate, 5ml nic in 100% PG, 2ml - 2.5ml VG, then top the bottle up with PG. That will make 10ml with a 20-25% VG mix @ 12mg nic. I would try o.5ml flavour concentrate first, if you find there isn't enough taste, then you can add a few drops more at a time until you find the amount that suits your taste.

    The advantage of using concentrated flavouring, is that you can control the amount of flavour & dial it in just right to your own taste, while keeping the nic & PG/VG ratio at your preference too. With doublers, if you use it at 50/50 & find it is too weak in flavour for you, then you can't simply add a few more drops of flavour to the bottle, like you can with concentrates.
  8. beindig

    beindig New Member

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    While you can get VG from Coles' or Woolies, if you are getting your flavours from VapeKing, why wouldn't you get your PG & VG from MD at the same time? I believe it's better quality and taste.
  9. Lausewaw

    Lausewaw New Member

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    .comlding VG or HealthCabin PG & VG are the same purity as VK's, any difference in taste will come from the impurities, which in all cases is very low. Different manufacturing companies may remove different types of impurities but all VG that is food grade is made to the same standard of purity, same with USP grade PG, it is all the same standard.
  10. goferit

    goferit New Member

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    So I see a lot of people prefer PG>VG?
    Yeah, I might as well just buy the VG & PG from VapeKing.
    But I like CCC's suggestion aswell, I like to keep things simple aha :) I think once I get at least 2 weeks into vaping I'll use Noe's method as I am a new vaper :)
    by the way, how long does HealthCabin take to ship to canada, Sydney? I'm going to visit Melbourne in 2 weeks and I'm going to order everything tomorrow or the day after.
    If i take nicotine into my carry bag will they take it :/? Also one worry
  11. clingo

    clingo New Member

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    HC shipping if by EMS will take around 1 week but at most 2 weeks.
    I recently went to the USA & took my Riva set up with me 3 bottles of 30ml juice spare Boges etc & it was all in my hand luggage, had no problems with domestic or International fights going through check points.
    I even vaped in every airport & on every plane LOL
    Although I wasn't blowing massive fog on the planes, unless I was in the toilet vaping, which I did quite a bit & other passengers must have thought I had diarrhea LMAO
    I was using spearmint juice on the planes & airports, so it would have just smelled like I was brushing my teeth in the toilets or was using a breath freshener. I did stealth vape while seated on the planes too but at the airports I vaped openly.
  12. altufaltu

    altufaltu New Member

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    Oh that's a relief :D
    I'm not planning to vape on the plane be.comse I know I'll get a lot of looks ahaha.
    I shall stock up for Melbourne tomorrow!

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