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Flavor question

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by thikbelami, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. thikbelami

    thikbelami New Member

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    How can anything other than the coil setup, wattage, and flavor of the the juice effect flavor? For example if I have say a berry juice in RBA/tank A @ 20 watts with .5 ohm coil how can it taste different in RBA/tank B with the same setup?

    I see reviews etc saying the flavor in X RBA/tank is amazing....what can effect the flaour that much if it's still using the same coils and power etc as many other RBAs?

    I hope I'm articulating my question correctly. I can notice the difference in flavor between my various RBAs etc (With the same coil & vaping @ the same wattage) but I don't really understand why.

    How can different variations of metal effect the flavor?
  2. BoypebeS

    BoypebeS New Member

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    All depends what sort of metal it is made of and what agents they have used to polish or cut with and how it reacts to heat.. I have a couple tanks where for some reason I get a real chamical taste out of any juice i Vape... So those tanks have been put to the back of the line as reserves
  3. prielty

    prielty New Member

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    size of the tank makes a difference. Smaller tanks the juice stored in the tank heats up quicker changing the flavor profile compared to a 10ml tank. same with the tank type glass vs SS or PMMA
    Juice flow makes a difference 2, more juice flowing to the chamber and coils
  4. ljhonatan

    ljhonatan New Member

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    i think the type of wicking material has a huge role to play in terms of flavour - so far i like using japanese organic cotton the best

    also the size of the chamber (not the tank) affects the flavour - ie you can have a big tank which holds the juice with a small chamber which houses the coil - a smaller chamber increases the temperature of the juice being vapourised which affects the flavour - also the material used to make the coil with can have an effect ..... so there are many variables

    lastly bignormz - it sounds like your tanks that have a bad chemical taste still have machining oil on them - they need a clean in an ultrasonic cleaner - or if yu havent got one of those soak them in vodka for a couple of days and then clean them
  5. peach3435

    peach3435 New Member

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    An important factor not mentioned yet is airflow, not only the quantity (air inlet size) but how it's delivered (top, side or bottom inlet).
  6. Wilma F

    Wilma F New Member

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    Yep its a lot to do with chamber shape and size and air flow also the type of coil can have a big say in flavour. A good example would be the cltv3 with normal kanthal coils it throws great plumes and not a lot of flavour add a coil of twisted 28g or 26g wrapped clapton style and it has good flavour and plumes then if you take the same twisted coil but wrapped in 1x.5 ribbon with a nice fruit flavour it will feel like your drinking the juice There are lots of different things that will influence flavour even the amount of PG in your mix. In the end you just have to dive in and have a play, thats what makes vaping more of a hobby than tobacco ever could be.
  7. Alledejef

    Alledejef New Member

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    Thanks for the replies guys!

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