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Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by AFOLara, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. AFOLara

    AFOLara New Member

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    Currently my 'all-day vape' is Black Licorice. And it's good.

    But I am sure that, down the track, I'll get sick of it and need to take a break. I'm thinking that it would be wise to have gotten my act together BEFORE that happens so I'm ready with a new all day vape.

    Now in that I'm extremely partial to vanilla I figured it would be a good candidate. But I'm having trouble getting a decent vanilla together.

    I started with the Ultimate Vanilla from tastyvapor (where I got the licorice from) but it's not getting through my, admittedly, trashed tastebuds. I've already added 25 drops of PA French Vanilla to approximately 25 ml of the original and I still find it weak as.

    So the question ... should I keep adding the PA French Vanilla until it works for me. Or is 25 drops and no-go an indication that I'm just not gonna be able to tast vanilla until my smoking ravaged tastebuds start to recover?

    BTW - if anyone has a good recipe for Black Licorice I'd love to hear it ... I've got nic on the way and would prefer to be rolling my own liquids completely.

    Vape on!
  2. ironeeree

    ironeeree New Member

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    Im not into DIY but from what i have read anywhere from 5% to 25% flavouring is needed, and they are all different, also are you letting it steep?
  3. drdroopy15

    drdroopy15 New Member

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    Hi Scotty,

    CCC is right. Having said that, I have on occasion put heaps of flavour in my mixes. It's a matter of taste really.

    I know it's not easy, but are you able to describe the kind of vanilla you are seeking? I found Tasty Vapor's Ultimate Vanilla to be rather dull.
  4. Javier Garcia Perez

    Javier Garcia Perez New Member

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    The original liquid was 'born' (lol ... I love that) on the 10th of Feb, and has been suitably stored since arrival. Once I decided it wasn't up to snuff, I hit it with 15 drops and let it sit for 5 days (not so much be.comse I was letting it steep, but be.comse the provari arrived and I had a different focus for a while :D) I tried that and decided it needed more ... so I added another 10 drops and gave it 48 hours.

    I'm not sure how much time it would need to steep when adding a concentrate - I'll leave it for a few more days and see what difference I can detect.
  5. Defttrark

    Defttrark New Member

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    Juice whore citrus vanilla tart. The number one, best flavour out there by far. Or you can try dels ultimate pipe for a caramel edge.
    If you inclined to do DIY. Grab two 6ml PA vanilla custard
    And one peach or another complimentary flavour and mix it all
    Together into a 30ml
    Bottle and you'll have a double to blend 50-50 with your nicotine
    It's cheap and effective
  6. Aditya

    Aditya New Member

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    That sounds yum!
  7. toothmehanik

    toothmehanik New Member

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    I doubt the flavour will change much now. My TV Vanilla is moths old and I use it to mix in with other stuff, rather than waste it.
    I was about to recommend PA Vanilla Custard too. It's a very sweet concentrate, so go easy if you use it.
    My all time favourite vanilla is Vanilla Custard from Ms T. I am yet to find anything as nice. I've been on a mission for a long time now to replicate it, but no luck so far. Her site is currently closed as she's been sick. She's a tad more expensive, but well worth it in my opinion.
  8. karyssa shea

    karyssa shea New Member

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    I guess the best way I can describe what I'm after is "double shot vanilla milkshake" if that makes any sense.

    I've only purchased vanilla from Tasty Vapor ... not tried any of the others. Are there any you recommend?

    I actually went off the Atomic Cinnacide two weeks ago (mind you ... after Stoney's warning I've been cutting it pretty heavily so the impact is much lessened anyway) so that I could start experimenting with other flavors - so I'm glad you found it to be dull, as I was wondering if my tastebuds were completely cactus!
  9. 24fourinaday

    24fourinaday New Member

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    lol, just out of interest, did you find tastebuds dulled by the AC?
  10. Indiztaylor

    Indiztaylor New Member

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    You were probably typing as I was. read my post just above yours where I recommend a nice vanilla. My favourite anyway.
    No, not the AC! I was addicted to that stuff about 18 months ago. It killed my taste buds so bad, that it was all I could taste for ages, so I stayed on it and it was a vicious circle. Horrid, horrid stuff and I agree with Stoney re it should be banned. LOL. Geoff's Blend is no better.
  11. besocb

    besocb New Member

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    Thanks for the Input Besure and.comtumn

    I'm sensing that most of the vanilla recipes that have a strong flavor are ... vanilla + something else? ie citrus vanilla tart, vanilla custard ... etc.

    Do you think that Vanilla doesn't really work on it's own?
  12. BilligCialis

    BilligCialis New Member

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    I don't think so Stoney - but then again, after your post I've cut the AC very heavily. My current mix is about 1/4 to 1/5 as strong as the uncut stuff. I'm actually thinking I might up it a little ... to about 1/3. Luckily I've got 2 bottles of 48 MG and 4 of doubler so I can experiment to my hearts content.

    The current formula is (if memory doesn't fail me, but it probably does as I'm getting weary) 1 part 48 mg, 6 parts 50/50 PG/VG and 1 part doubler. But I'd have to dig out my notes to see if the pg/vg is 4 or 6 parts and I CBF'ed :D
  13. I found the Citrus Tart too citrusy, with only lite undertones of vanilla. It is a very popular juice though.
    Yes, I do believe vanilla on it's own isn't going to give you the oomph I know you're seeking. It hasn't for me, anyway. Having said that, you may well stumble upon one that does it for you. We all taste things differently.
    I keep going back to recommending Ms T's VC. It just has the perfect (to me) balance. It's smooth, yet has lots of body. I can taste the vanilla very distinctly, and the custard is wonderful on the exhale. It's not a sickly type of custard either. Custard in general is a vanilla flavour, and this combination is my perfect vape. It's the type of flavour that when I've had a few toots, I feel completely satisfied. Like when we finished a smoke. Same thing, only better.
    Am I making any sense? I'm half asleep. LOL
  14. Lane

    Lane New Member

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    Try VK Softserve Vanilla Icecream

    Sent from my personal mind control implant.
  15. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I fell in love with PA Vanilla Custard mixed at 10%. Then I went off it and still haven't been able to get the love back. I think it really needs something to go with it, but haven't quite found it so meanwhile have been on the VK4 and VK5 as well as the lime that I quite like. I had gone off VK4 quite awhile ago and now it's what I'm vaping most of the time so I think what works for me at any specific time changes... waxes, wanes and then returns. So another thing you can do is let it sit for awhile and come back to it every once in awhile and give it a try.
  16. LeeMan

    LeeMan New Member

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    +1 for the Vanilla Softserve

    As for the Black Licorice, it's just like a Choo Choo Bar in a vape. Mmmmm Mmmmm.
  17. untoletrula

    untoletrula New Member

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    Thanks for the input eveyone. I'll definately give them all a try!
  18. ryanve69

    ryanve69 New Member

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    Hello guys,..
    Vanilla is the best flavor in all the flavors.Mostly people like vanilla flavor ice cream.Vanilla flavor giving us good
    energy and fitness.I am like the vanilla with chocolate flavor.It is the best source of the nutrition.We should be eating
    vanilla ice cream for stomach.

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