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Advice Please - Which HC Concentrated Flavours?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by mrkia, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. Exoxiavop

    Exoxiavop New Member

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    Thanks for all the suggestions. I went a little crazy last night and ordered almost all of them including the carrot but .comlked at the sweetcorn and tomato. I'm interested to see if there is any way to sweeten a bitter carrot! Any suggestions?
  2. Lover of Life

    Lover of Life New Member

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    Maybe try to make a carrot cake, or lemonade carrot, or carrot cotton candy.
  3. baleeymaarleyy3079

    baleeymaarleyy3079 New Member

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    Hmmm. Thanks CCC. A carrot cake may be rather nice
  4. I've enjoyed their Grape, Apple and Milk Chocolate. There was something terribly wrong with the Caramel Butter, its difficult to describe what it tasted like. Plus I've since heard about the whole diacetyl thing.

    I've still got Caramel machiatto that I'm yet to try.

    I don't know what a drop is worth out of the HC flavour bottles, but I've found myself using the ones I've tried at 4-6 drops/mL
  5. marybeth!

    marybeth! New Member

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    the trick with HC flavours is stick with the berries, mints & tobaccos
    my faves are blackcurrant, strawberry, cranberry, dunhill
    do not use their millk/choc/coffee/buttery flavours. even their cola is abit dodgy
  6. sc5

    sc5 New Member

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    Hi Joe2tc. Thank you. You've given me a starting point and sent me on a search to find out whether Health Cabin's flavours contain diacetyl or anything else nasty. I found Question about HC flavours and Diacetyl or Substitutes on ECF so it sounds as though the HC cream/butter/milk flavours are safe. I'm interested to hear what you think of the Caramel Machiatto
  7. jackhole

    jackhole New Member

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    Hi supervaper. Thanks for your reply. I found this really interesting link Compare USA / European e-Liquid Manufacturers and Suppliers that makes me think that a lot of juice suppliers actually use the Chinese concentrated flavours and thought it would be interesting to compare them. I've got some PA Cola that I really like so I'll post back after the taste test
  8. lurkerxxx

    lurkerxxx New Member

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    I have some liquid stevia I was going to try sweetening with but just haven't gotten around to it yet. Going slowly with my 2nd attempt and only using a very light hand. Almost have the right amount of orange flavour in so we'll see... :)
  9. makkie88

    makkie88 New Member

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    Hi Zainwolf. I went looking for sucralose yesterday but couldn't find any in my local shops. I'll order some crystals from PA and try it out. I was thinking about using Splenda but after reading up a bit, it seems it may not be a good idea

    This may be what you are looking for. I found it on ECF:

    The industry uses Ethyl Maltol as a sweetener or to be more precise an anti bittering agent. And is what Cream Brulee and cotton candy is flavored with too.
    Use the E.M. to take the astringency from Ester Alc. based flavorings and sweeten Tobacco Absolute and othe Tobacco flavorings

    I read somewhere that the EM should be available locally from a compounding pharmacy
  10. pman1971

    pman1971 New Member

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    going slow with my latest batch, mixed up some 50/50 base liquid @ 12mg and adding flavourings from there, definitely taking my time and using a light hand unlike my first attempt haha

    Orange concentrate from HC is quite nice, and with a very small amount of liquid stevia it's got a slight sweetness to it as I'd hoped... forgot to write down just how much flavour I've added over the past few days haha but it's still on the light side so I'll add some more and worry about recipes later

    The Orange isn't overly strong and is definitely a lolly type flavour but I like that
  11. midnyghtcloud

    midnyghtcloud New Member

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    I've heard that stevia is very, very sweet. Did you dilute it a bit before you used it?

    I'm still waiting for my order from HC to arrive and looking forward to trying out some recipes. We've got a compounding chemist fairly close by so I'll see if I can get some ME from him.

    Have you tried the stevia with the carrot yet?
  12. Gymnpiop

    Gymnpiop New Member

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    what percentage do you add to your juice? i have never found a good proportion for this one yet. Thanks for the help =)
  13. Jushkie

    Jushkie New Member

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    Hey Zainwolf. Have you tried the stevia yet?

    Lucked out on EM from the local compounding pharmacy so will order some as well as sucralose crystals from OS. How's the carrot juice going?

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