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what do you do when you change flavours in your RTA?

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by thunderator, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. thunderator

    thunderator New Member

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    I was just wondering what people do when they change flavours, do you re-wick? Just go right on and put the new flavor in? Do you re-wick and clean out your tank if so how thorough do you clean it?

    I've got quite a few tanks so I tend to setup most of them and go from tank to tank with different flavours, seem to end up with a brief clean, dry burn then re-wick. But I'm thinking there must be a more efficient/effective way as I very rarely vape the same flavor for more that one tank as I still haven't found a flavor or juice I would classify as a constant vape or all day vape whatever you want to call it. Also it's a real pain coz I'm lazy I end up using all the tanks I've setup then have to do the whole lot, can take quite a while to clean, burn and re-wick like 7 tanks bar the tedium of the task.

    Would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions and what you do yourself.

    Edit : I mostly use rayon or Japanese cotton
  2. Occavaisp

    Occavaisp New Member

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    depends on the flavor for me,
    if im switching from something like VapeKing cola to Flavor art cola i just rinse the tank and off i go
    if its like a custard to a Vapeking orange then i rewick and rinse.

    trialing flavors in the early days i used a butt load of carto's, easy, cheap and disposable
  3. t4mp4n

    t4mp4n New Member

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    I tend to change rather drastic flavours well kinda I like my fruits but still there can be a big difference in flavor, so ya I don't know can't seem to find a method that works well for me, I have a lot of wick so that's not an issue but I should probably be less lazy and do each tank when I finish it lol
  4. amusaetenue

    amusaetenue New Member

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    At the start of things it can be comnting and this is something not often covered

    No onediscuss when they come across juices they dont like and if you've contaminated a freshly wicked coil with the ghastly juice what to do!
    Empty juice out of tank, dryburn, rewick, fill tank ... and on and on and on

    Cumbersome at best, possibly invest in a cheap dripper to test flavours ... and you wont waste a full tank or whatever of juice

    HoV used to sell this which I used to test juices on (Been out of stock)

    SmokTech Dual Coil Dripping Atomizer | House of Vape

    Even though I mostly use my silo's for day to day, drippers rule at home and for testing

    As for flavour chasing, to this day I still vape unflavoured nic on a daily basis, its just clean and I dont stress trying to find a flavour or making myself like a flavour
  5. sharejav

    sharejav New Member

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    Often it's flavours I like but want a change, the dripper idea is a good one though have never used one or really know how also I'm pretty much always at home so maybe I should look into this a bit more, they seem kinda comnting. I have HEAPS of flavours and I like switching depending on my mood but yea there's where I run into my problem.

    Also I've seen and heard about silos but what exactly are they and how do they differ from tanks i.e RTA's

    Edit: yea not sure why but drippers seem to scare me a bit, kinda like Mech mods do but not as much.

    Edit 2 : never tried unflavored Nic always had a flavour, might have to try it. Does it require any steeping? I wouldn't think so coz no flavoring to bind with but hmmm yea idk interesting might dilute a batch now.
  6. Marahl

    Marahl New Member

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    I just clean my tank out dont rewick after a short time after vaping its OK
  7. Peargohag

    Peargohag New Member

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    Silo's are just cleros with pre built coils.
    They just work and dont require me to fuss around making a col and rewicking. These I use when Im out at work so Im not carrying anything else

    If you can coil and wick a tank, you can use a dripper. Exactly the same except you are dripping the juice and held in a small well. You add more in depending on how much you're vaping. A couple of drops can go a long mile ... or not depending on your build
    Trust me, its easy enough RTA and a RDA are pretty much exactly the same. Drippers I like comse there is less waste of juice as well when that dreaded burnt taste or need to rewick comes about

    No need to steep unflavoured, nothing to mix there really. I have unflavoured to cleanse the palate. For me there is only so much sweet juices or tart juices where it just becomes sickly sweet or dull.
    Thats where unflavoured will be just that just a vape .

    I used to be worried about mech mods as well but do some research and see if you can get your hands on some mods to see if its you
    Just always be on the ball ... I think if you speak to any of the long term vapers, the big word of advice is dont be complacent, dont be "that guy"
    Yeah its batteries and volts but need some common sense as well.

    AND ABOVE ALL ... always ask even if you are 99% certain. Dont be in that 1% :)

    Some people can vape through the ghost flavours.
    But sometimes there are just some juices that just wont leave like a bad smell.
    I remember I mixed up some Fruit punch concentrate that i bought when i first started DIY
    I forgot about it till a few months later, tried to vape it and it was just vile, I coouldnt describe it except like a a bad fart from a wet dog
    I removed wick, cleaned, dry burned, rewicked ... still there ... Tried again ... only way was ditching coil, rinsing in water, new coil, rewick and persisting ... and that was in one of my drippers!
  8. jorqcusyfs

    jorqcusyfs New Member

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    I normally don't clean between flavours unless it's a juice that has a lingering something I don't like that stays in the wick forever.
    Doing it this way I have stumbled on some nice flavour combinations when my new juice has mixed with what is left in the wick from the previous juice. One great find doing this was RY4 from my previous juice & grape juice, the first 4 or 5 vapes was really nice so I'm going to make a batch of RY4 & Grape.

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