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First mix not off the shelf. Wow.

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Helen, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. Helen

    Helen New Member

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    I've been using HealthCabin premixed (the dearer ones mostly - the Vanilla tobacco being my fave so far of several tried). I had some JuiceWhore flavours but only 6mg PG (and I want about 12mg final) so I was mixing the JW flavours into various HC tobacco flavours. Anyway, today, I got some 36mg PG from HC (along with a heap more JW flavours - but want to let them steep for a few days), and mixed my first real mix:

    36% JW Sour Strawberry doubler
    36% 100% PG 36mg
    27% VG

    After mixing I realized I was light on the flavour (and it's a tank and I hear sometimes people use more flavour for tanks). But I just gave it a burl anyway and O M G it's delicious!! The first mix I've made with decent nicotine content, no tobacco, and a premium flavour.

    Wow :D

    The best bit is I've got like a dozen other JW flavours (bought two of the sample packs - lollies and tobacco) to toy with!

    Just wanted to share. Anyone wondering if it's worth mixing, my advice would be definitely go for it. This is my first attempt, and my percentages were off, and it's still the best juice I've tried yet.
  2. nicodi

    nicodi New Member

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    Hi Sync, Good to see your already getting into mixing your own juices. A doubler should be 50% of your mix. Not sure if your using an ejuice calculator but it makes it much simpler to get the calculations right I use this one eJuice Recipe Calculator

    Have fun mixing! :)
  3. My Oh My

    My Oh My New Member

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    I agree. I got a couple of pre-mixed juices and realised that all I really wanted was to mix my own. I've been using the 510-t to try new things, which isn't too bad it changes flavours fairly quick and is easy to jump around with. I only wished I'd been dripping on a bridgeless so I could have perfected my mixes quicker and easier.

    I've got weak lungs and the nic irritates me alot, just as various NRT's did. While VG blocks this, it also .comses a degree of bloating and discomfort in my intestines etc. If it hadn't been for DIY I don't think I'd have been able to get a juice that worked for me.

    Right now I'm on a 15%PG 10%VG 75%PEG400 blend @ 10mg/mL it works great for me, but I doubt it'd be easy to get that in a pre-mix.

  4. Green Man

    Green Man New Member

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    Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself and it continues to work for you.
  5. reloaxode

    reloaxode New Member

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    Like ethOx said - Doublers are supposed to be 50% of the final mix. Next time try 33% Nic base + 17%pg/vg + 50% doubler.

    I use the same calculator ethOx linked, save it in your bookmarks. Have fun mixing !
  6. georgiagirl

    georgiagirl New Member

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    Aha yeah that's the same ratio my calculations last night came up with! And was confirmed by a calculator after I did the manual calcs. I did know how I was meant to use doublers but wasn't thinking too hard when I mixed ;) I'll re-mix this batch (only did 5.5ml) to the correct proportions later today.
  7. X me Out

    X me Out New Member

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    you can use doublers at whatever damn well strength you please, its personal preference not bloody carved in stone like the 10 bollocks commandments.
    I have even found some seem to have stronger flavours or more subtle tastes at lower strengths.
  8. GopeDedo

    GopeDedo New Member

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    I agree with stoney on this one, I mix JW Ultimate pipe triplers like they are doublers as I like the stronger flavour. Fruity type flavours I mix doublers like they are triplers as I don't like strong fruit flavours. Comes down to personal preferences.
  9. aninijed

    aninijed New Member

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    Agreed. Some flavours work better as a lower concentration than others and purely a personal preference.
  10. Kelly Kelly

    Kelly Kelly New Member

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    Congrats on ya first mix its a bit cheaper then premixes mostly.

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