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New Meber/Vaper

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by Krystal, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. Krystal

    Krystal New Member

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    Hi all,

    Looking forward to learning heaps and am already enjoying the forum. Been off the smokes a couple of weeks or so, new to all things vaping but have a little generic ego type battery and CE4 clero's. Looking to very soon upgrade and try other set-ups soon as budget allows, been a smoker all my life except for a 10 year break and thought I had them beat for good. But recent life stresses and I guess to be honest weakness saw me puffing again, well that is until last couple of weeks.

    I must say a big Thank you to all you members (and admin & moderators) for all the information you share as well as for this forum. It's a life saving resource, wish you all well and just wanted to say.

    Thank you.

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