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Sub-Ohm Sunday!?!? No thanks.

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by realiznmd, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. realiznmd

    realiznmd New Member

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    So I was meant to be hitting the books and putting together an assignment but honestly who really wants to do that on a rainy Sunday. I decided to finally see what sub-ohming is really all about (yeah i know... I'm behind with the times). Now i have dipped my toes in subbing before, but when i say dipped my toes i mean 0. - 0.9 single coils. But this time i wanted to go a bit lower so i could say been there done that kinda thing, I was also hoping i would enjoy it since its all most seem to talk about these days.

    Below is my build a derringer - Dual coil 7-8 wraps, 28g - came to about 0.6 ohms (yeah i know... not that low compared to some).




    I really wanted to give subohming a go as I really want to hit the drippers and move away from tanks for a while, but honestly this is just a crazy way of vaping in my opinion. Vaping to me is about bringing on a relaxing and enjoyable experience. I did not have this at all, and this was barely subohming it. I was just hit in the mouth with an over the top amount of vapor and could only manage 1 tops 2 second draws (measured on the Istick, thanks again Ssstahly and HOV). I guess my nic was too high for me to subohm as well as i just got a nic rush right away (Juice is 60vg 12mg). As I type this i am still hitting up 1 sec draws... bloody noisy draws as well. I am also having to drip constantly to keep up the vapor and avoid dry hits, so its chewing up the premium juice as well.

    Who else has tried sub-ohming and completely found it was not for them? I could not imagine vaping this way 24/7, its just too bloody intense!... perhaps if i were having a few beers the occasional sub-ohm toke would be alright but overall this is not for me, and honestly i struggle to understand how people could choose it over a nice well built 1ohm single coil. Each to their own and all, and this is just one mans opinions.

    I have a couple of questions though for those that do choose sub dual coils:
    1. Did i do something wrong (possibly with the build)...
    2. Do i need to go lower to appreciate it?
    3. Is it something that i have to keep on trying to appreciate it?
    4. Do you sprinkle crack on your wheatbix?
  2. Question Man

    Question Man New Member

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    Tried it many times, like you, going down to about 0.6 ohms. I do have one dual parallel build that sits at 0.35 ohms.

    Overall, a bit of fun for shits and giggles, but if I'm going to make a spectacle out of myself in public I can just blow bubbles with my comghter.

    I'd rather keep my nic up at 18mg and have a more satisfying vape from more reasonable levels and air flow.

    Each to their own though.
  3. Laptop Jesus 2.0

    Laptop Jesus 2.0 New Member

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    Tried it, with tanks and drippers

    prefer a build slightly over an ohm 1.2 to 1.6 about 4.5v

    gotta knock that nic down if you go dripping like that
  4. Randy F

    Randy F New Member

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    I too am a bit like you guys , vaping for me is to relax enjoy and get my little nic hit ... Currently I have also got a Joyetech Delta II set-up on my iStick 50 with the 0.6 coil running about 30 odd watts .. and while it gives a huge whack of vapour ( I wont comment on taste for obvious reasons ) I would have to drop my nic from my usual 12 mg or so as its too much ... I think Sub-ohm is just taking a 7-8 second draw on a normal set up , and trying to cram it all into a 1-2 second puff ... ok it does the job , bit its not the relaxing "kick back" experience I like ... its ok for a bit of variety , but I will admit my mind often drifts to the "What does whacking all that power into my e-liquid actually do to it " scenario ... even more when you consider adding impurities such as flavourings etc ... more energy , more heat , more possible degeneration ?
    That said if I need a quick nic hit , I know where to go ...
    Now I consider that a mild form of sub-ohm compared to a lot of what I see around here ... for me its a bit like doing shots , instead of relaxing in the yard with a few beers ?
  5. JustJules

    JustJules New Member

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    I think its the dual coil issue for me as well... it just chews through the juice so quick. I have been on the lookout for 'good' drippers lately, and the majority of them nowadays are designed for multiple coils. Yes there are some drippers solely dedicated to single coils but they are far and few, and for some reason are often double or triple the price of multiple coil drippers. I have been trying to cut back on the vaping a bit as Lizzy gives me grief about it now and again, so i thought if i just walk around with a smaller 18350 dripper mod and take the occasional puff it would not bother her as taking out a big box with a cannon on top. I love the variety of gear out there but it seems to be heading majorly in a different direction than that which i want to take. I think i am just going to have to fork out the money for some Hellfire gear and just watch the 'cool' vapers do their thing.
  6. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I vape at 27ohms on my Delta II, that's as high as I've taken any mod I can regulate.
    Except the Atlantis which was probably higher ohms, I used the sub ohm battery built for it.
    I don't like warm vape.
  7. KALA

    KALA New Member

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    i vape sub ohm on my orchid tank 0.6/0.7 its a good vape not to hot.
    tried 0.5 and lower on my subtank mini but the spitback is painful
    tried doge at 0.2 (lowest my mod will fire) thought id burnt my throat.

    all up RBA on the subtank mini is single coil great around the 0.8 + range, anything lower i go dual coil with my orchid clone (v6 had AFC)
  8. ArTeMiSs

    ArTeMiSs New Member

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    I personally just kept wanting more throat hit more density more satisfaction and kept going lower and lower as well as dropping my nic content. Finally reached a point. I don't do monstrous 5 second pulls. I like my short 1s pulls and the and the amount of vapor delivered. I find that satisfying. The clouds are fun but it's just the overall experience I enjoy.
  9. thedude

    thedude New Member

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    I can.............I grew up with this doctor

  10. cmbfreak

    cmbfreak New Member

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    For me, a big vaping quest was about replicating the throat hit and nicotine satisfaction that analogues gave

    Sub-ohming does that better than not, so I sub
  11. mzqwwpx9r

    mzqwwpx9r New Member

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    wow - to me it was the complete opposite - e.g. i had to increase airflow to the point it was nothing like drawing from a filter or even without. Nic satisfaction can certainly be brought on without subohm as well (just increase nic) same with the throat hit. I was thinking as i was subbing today how far from an actual ciggy this is.
  12. Bemapolop

    Bemapolop New Member

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    Looks like i have to get into Dr Who. Now how many episodes would i need to catch up on... I remember the curly haired guy from when i was a kid (not that long ago lol). Is it worth starting from last season??
  13. acatelf

    acatelf New Member

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    Can you imagine if ciggies gave the same amount of smoke as the vapour from sub ohming?

    No smoking anywhere apart from inside your own home would soon be a reality lol

    back to vaping - the highest I've ever tried is about 20 watts and that damn near killed me lol
  14. Marissalynn

    Marissalynn New Member

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    i dont know if its just me but using small air holes gave me instant hiccups. it wasnt comfortable. the ease of a large airhole was just alot better on my throat. now when i try anything with a small airhole my throat gets fucked up.
  15. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I have 2 drippers that have 0.8 ohm builds in them which I built back in July last year and the coils still look as they did back then. I only ever re wick them to have a play with new juices or if I am bored. Drippers are just too much mucking around for me. These days I am just about having a reliable constant vape with the least amount of fuss and input from me.

    This is my opinion on how I want to vape but each to there own. If it makes you happy and its not hurting anyone...........................have fun :)

  16. Slim

    Slim New Member

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    That's been my (very limited) experience too ... the closest I have got to a ciggy is my dripper with it's tiny atomising chamber and 1.8Ω coil on silica @ ~ 6W :rolleyes:
  17. brainwashed20

    brainwashed20 New Member

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    It's correct. A saturated coil won't exceed the boiling point of the liquid saturating it. It just evaporates more liquid when more power is applied. Obviously, that places more demand on the wicking ability of your setup.
  18. wwonka

    wwonka New Member

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    Ha ha, you remind me of a character (Ron Swanson) from the tv show 'Parks and Recreation'... its a compliment in my opinion. You are right, theory was wrong word to use, however if you are basing your idea from the Jap study and the formaldehyde issues, wasn't the truly detrimental part of the study produced using 'unrealistic' methods of vaping e.g. high watts on a product that was not made to handle it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZQQZDavmyw - As stated earlier i still consider myself a 1ohm wander and I feel after everything i have read and just from my own experience of vaping it is just better to be safe than sorry - use quality materials and dont push things to the limit in terms of watts and ohms.
  19. Standyourground

    Standyourground New Member

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    I love Sub-Ohm vaping, currently on a 26g twisted dual coil @ .25ohm, the wetness, heat, flavor and thickness of the vapor is how i prefer it. It is the only way to get the vape I like.
  20. othette

    othette New Member

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    Just interested. How many sub ohmer's are ex-smokers??

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