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Any vapors in Wollongong?

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by Vennice D, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Vennice D

    Vennice D New Member

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    Hey, new to vaping but loving it. I am the only person I know who vales but I don't want to become one of those irritating ex smokers who preach to everyone one about vaping all the time I think it will just put people off. I'm hoping the results will speak for themselves and if people want to ask I'll help them as much as I can. But I would love to meet up with any vapers in the Gong area for a vape and .comgh.
  2. klaamper

    klaamper New Member

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    Yeah man the best thing to do with stuff like that is to just do what you think is best and let other people inquire if they like, but be prepared to block out ignorant comments! It's all about what you want anyway, unless you have someones best interests at heart in which case it's okay to try and inform them at a pace that isn't too confronting or overwhelming to them. That helps me survive as a vegan in this world, and the same attitude will come in handy for when I get my vape in action :)

    also it reminds me a lot of when I vaped my 'other' herb and bong smokers would say that it's better to just combust their product instead.. Foolish mortals.. Vape is the future.

    not from woolongong tho, sorry mate. HOWEVER, here is the facebook group for Woolongong Vapers

  3. rgustovich

    rgustovich New Member

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    I'm from Wollongong area.
    I'm also in the wollongong vapers group on FB. You should join. Local vape meet would be great
  4. jet00vfr

    jet00vfr New Member

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    Be prepared for comments like 'but i've heard its worse than smoking' you can thank the recent BS study for that.
  5. Nancy L

    Nancy L New Member

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    Yeah I've already been told but checked it out for myself and I feel comfortable with my decision.
  6. Camellia A

    Camellia A New Member

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    That sounds awesome. I'll check out Wollongong capers. Thanks ☺

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