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Hi guys few quick questions about purchase

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by hoenhit, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. hoenhit

    hoenhit New Member

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    hey everyone on canuk vapers
    i picked up vaping for the first time sept last year but have only quit the cigarettes for just over a month now with vaping...
    And im looking for something new instead of this kanger evod 2, even though its been a great device i would like a bit more of a kick.

    I don't know much about mods or anything like that but i would like to step into getting one of them.

    The one im looking at is this: Innokin MVP v2.0 VV/VW Box Mod | VapeKing
    It seems like a beast for its price point and a simple device for a new vaper

    im also looking at adding this to it: Genuine Aspire .comtilus Adjustable Airflow Tank
    Ive done the research and it looks like the dimensions work so it will work well together
    for a reasonable price point

    now a few questions

    What coils do I use with this device?
    Do these ones work?: Aspire .comtilus/Mini BVC ( Bottom Vertical Coil) | VapeKing
    And how long will they last on average?

    Is it correct that I don't need a battery for this box mod it comes with one standard in the package so I don't need to go buy a 18600 or whatever they are called? I can just plug it into my laptop upon delivery and start vaping?

    Last but not least is this a decent set up for someone taking the next step into vaping? Will I also get decent draw from the box mod (meaning more vapor and hopefully more flavor?) compared to this evod?

    Thanks all!

    EDIT*: one last question does anyone know where else I can get one of these they seem to be out of stock :(
  2. Fredericatsb

    Fredericatsb New Member

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  3. nyte

    nyte New Member

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    I have heard stories on the 20W version of stripping threads easy.
    Go for the 30W if others recommend this device for you
    I have the MVP 2 very good device
  4. w4st3d

    w4st3d New Member

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    I've seen the 20 watt and had the 30 watt. Exactly like you said, threads strip in the 20 watt, no spring loaded 510 pin and 22mm atties overhang.
    30 watt has better threads, spring loaded 510 and 22mm sit nicely now. Go the 30 watt can't go wrong. Never missed a beat and at 12-15 watts I was getting two days before needing a charge.

    Edit: I've also had the mvp and even though it is a good device, it is old tech compared to what you can get now and bigger in size compared to the istick 30 watt. Only bonus is it can charge your phone.

    Now as for atomiser the .comtilus is decent with their new bvc coils. Having said that the new kanger subtank mini would be a good choice. Why? 1.2 ohm coils for a nice smooth vape. .5ohm coils if you decide you wanna create some clouds or want a warmer Vape (1.2 ohm still put out some decent clouds too if you need). Rba head for when you progress to building your own coils.

    So to sum it up an istick 30 watt and a kanger subtank mini and you'll be sorted for quite sometime as you have multiple options with the one setup. And all for under $100.

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