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Do big clouds in public make us all look bad?

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by K and D, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I cringe every time I see someone blowing big clouds with a PV in public places (even outdoors). Not becomse I think they are doing anything wrong but becomse I think they are doing so much harm to our comse becomse of peoples fear of what they see.

    Trust me, I know my view is based on the conditioning I have received all my life. I guess I'm agreeing to some extent that becomse it looks like smoking it is something to fear for those that don't know that it won't harm them.

    Do you think that this type of visible behaviour is doing us damage or is blowing big clouds going to teach non smokers that there is nothing to be afraid of?
  2. derpadong

    derpadong New Member

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    That's a tough call to make. The problem is that each person seeing these clouds has their own thought process. Some may see it as okay. Others won't. The person vaping has obviously found the ideal set up for themselves so their feelings also have to be considered.
  3. Kyle L

    Kyle L New Member

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    I always try and be discrete even when i was a smoker I always tried not to blow smoke in peoples way and litter buts. blowing mad clouds out of a device always looks sketchy lol.
  4. kurto74

    kurto74 New Member

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    I'm gonna say yes.. big clouds in public do make us look bad. But there can be an acceptable place to blow big clouds in public aswell. I'm one who also like a nice dense cloud from my vape but I'll do it discreetly unless I'm in the smoking area amongst smokers. I want them to see it and ask me about it so I feel that in that way its acceptable. I agree that blowing big clouds to look cool is not right still.. especially with the bogus claims coming from WHO and our government.
  5. LeslieDdy

    LeslieDdy New Member

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    All I can say about large clouds in public is from the limited point of view of someone who has never blown large clouds in public..
    If I was to see them, i'd be intrigued, impressed and excited that the future was heading in that direction. However I can see how it would piss people off becomse of the damage that cigarettes has done to the visual image of people 'exhaling something white'

    It brings to mind words like toxic, cancerous, dirty and smelly.

    Bit of a weird one.. I don't imagine most ecig users would blow clouds that large anyway... just the cloud chasing ones which are far & few between right?
  6. mariasexi44

    mariasexi44 New Member

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    I suppose if people are doing it becomse they enjoy that style of vaping rather than they want attention. If people aren't blowing the clouds at others than it's fine. To the majority of people vaping is seen as either a way to quit smoking, or another type of smoking.

    Though it's interesting contrasting the morecomstralian perception that we shouldn't be attracting attention, what will the uneducated think, only vape where you can smoke; with the more American one of it's our right to vape anywhere we like as it isn't smoking, and it doesn't harm anyone.

    An American friend thinks vapers incoms should probably stand up for their right to vape anywhere they damn well please; within reason of course.
    Though many of us incoms are probably worried about attracting too much attention just in case it turns out to be negative, or is turned into something negative by those with an anti vaping political, social, or financial agenda.
  7. abnerchang

    abnerchang New Member

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    The her side of it is the number of people in smoking area`s who strike up a conversation about if it works and where can they get one
  8. bohogs

    bohogs New Member

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    Interesting discussion... Especially considering 2015 is all about subohm and high wattage, this is going to be an increasing point of discussion in public.

    More, more, MORE! We want more! More vapour, more flavour, more throat hit, MORE POWER! This is what we hear daily..

    Double edged sword this one is, it's going to give exposure to vaping by either convincing people to make the change or, increase the fire in the Naysayers who will increasingly cop clouds in their face.

    Vaping is already pushing into the grey area as far as the law goes:

    1. No smoking in the car with children - Doesn't cover Vaping but if enough Vapers chuck clouds on a subohm whilst driving with kids in the back (yes, ive seen this), that law I suspect may be amended.
    2. Vaping is running rampant at Casino's where they want you to stay inside and gamble more... I think a couple of government bodies would have a thing against that.
    3. It's going to highlight and fuel illegal sales of Nicotine within the country. A very frustrating thing for legit vaping businesses to deal with and not to mention, an increasing level of fines getting slammed on individual entities doing the wrong thing, will potentially lead to the State/National government speeding up a restrictive regulatory framework.

    My personal opinion is discretion is needed, so that we can become a silent minority that prospers into a silent majority. that way we can fight toe to toe with the big boys come crunch time, rather than being cut off at the knees too early.

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