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Hello, my name is Gremlin and i am a vapeholic

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ineedhtmls, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. ineedhtmls

    ineedhtmls New Member

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    i realised i have been ghosting on here for months and interacting but forgot to introduce myself :peaceful:

    Born and living in Perth since the 60's, my first memory of my father is of him and his rollies. the scent of tobacco always reminds me of him, and its actually a pretty good memory. I started smoking for the worst reason, peer pressure to fit in with the "cool" girls when i was 14, stupid huh?

    Early in 2014 I finally had enough, i have tried many times to quit, tried nicorette, cold turkey, tablets and nothing stuck as i didn't want it enough, i 'needed' and enjoyed smoking too much, got too stressed without them. then i heard about electric cigarettes, well hallelujah!!!!!! i did some research, and frankly didn't understand all the terminology being used, i am still learning and i still cant figure out sub ohms, the difference between RDA and RBA, eh I'll get there i am sure.

    i didn't want to spend too much at first, cos hey, i was broke from smoking a carton of ciggies a week! so i went and ordered the Bullsmoke special and their little cigalikes, figuring that would be easiest and cheapest if it didnt work at first. so 24th April i got the first delivery and i haven't had a ciggie since :cheerful:

    My Dr loves ecigs and he recently told me his receptionists have ordered some ecigs! I bought a bunch of cartos and kr808 bats and hand them around to friends and people at work, I am one of those annoying converts who wants to spread the word, hehehe. My godsons think i am cool, they love the vaping gear and all the gadgets and that I am 'different and not afraid of trying something new', but they know if they every pick up a cigarette or start vaping without a bloody good reason, they will find out why i am NOT the fairy god mother.

    i have a question for everyone else, is shopping for ecig gear a addiction with everyone as well???? its ridiculous, i cant use my fridges vegetable crisper anymore as its full of juice, and i now have a full to bursting 3 drawer unit next to my desk to hold the clearos and coils, and a big bloody box of odds and ends like empty bottles, syringes etc sitting in the TV cabinet. today i was shopping for a bar fridge just for the ejuice, wtf rofl.

    so yeah, i talk too much, a lot lol . everyone on here has been wonderful, and my hat goes out to the moderators and everyone that helps us all out. its nice to meet you all, and if anyone is in Perth, drop me a line :star:

  2. Yeah

    Yeah New Member

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    Good stuff Gremlin, great story...buying vape gear most definitely is an addiction, earlier this week I ordered a hand crafted walnut mechanical pipe and am hoping to be able to buy a box mod in the coming weeks too, I'm pretty sure everyone on here is addicted to buying new gear...
    And if you've got that much stuff already lying around the house maybe have a look at some of these stands http://forums.canukvapers.com/modding-technical/27681-akef38s-unique-kustom-vape-stands.html all the best and vape on...
  3. amilsqmaarley2572

    amilsqmaarley2572 New Member

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    Hi Gremlin :)

    I was just looking online for a bigger esky .comse mine is getting full.....and we both know what time it is here :tongue-new: Is that crazy? Oh well, the way I look at it is its less harmful to me than if I was out and about. Trouble seems to follow me wherever I go. If I'm at home on the computer I am reasonably likely to stay out of trouble.

    So far for me its quite addictive. At the moment, I'm buying more juice than hardware though. Still trying to find juice that I really like. For years I have been told I am fussy when it comes to food. I don't like salt, I don't like spices or chilli etc etc etc. I thought I had simple taste and that I was easy to please :D Now I'm starting to realise maybe they were right :D
  4. cookingkay1955

    cookingkay1955 New Member

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    Welcome Gremlin.
  5. GeeCee

    GeeCee New Member

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    Hiya Tara,

    i am doing the same thing right now, trying different juices :) and yeah late night shopping is dangerous!!! :highly_amused:


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