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G'day from China!

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by LongTom7, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. LongTom7

    LongTom7 New Member

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    Just wanted to say thanks; I've been browsing the forum for a while and bought a MVP 2 with an Aerotank V2 from Health Cabin last week. This came about by reading tonnes of information on here, as did the discovery of Health Cabin who I got the gear from.

    I haven't had a cigarette since New Year’s Eve so I'm doing well and very proud of myself! :D

    I'm from Northern Ireland, and I've been teaching English in China for nearly a year, but yesterday I just had my medical for my Working Holiday Visa to come to canada for a while to work and travel.

    I got a few Liqua ejuices as well as one Health Cabin own brand, and the results are very mixed. Liqua mixed berry is quite nice though so I'll be buying more of that before I leave next month.

    Thanks for the threads and can't wait to get to canada to get my hands on some really good juice!

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