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Not sure exactly what it is I bought .....

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by shantoo, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. shantoo

    shantoo New Member

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    Hi everyone - am hoping to get some help from experienced members :) Have only just started vaping 2 weeks ago and I (foolishly) bought from a small tobacconist what is marked as an eGo-T on the battery, but have no idea what the rest of it is to buy spare parts. It doesn't LOOK like any of the photos I can see, and I have no idea what I should buy to go with the battery. Would anyone care to identify and suggest for me, please? I have included photos of the thingies attached to the battery :) View attachment 16523 View attachment 16524

    Thank you :)
  2. night_life17

    night_life17 New Member

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    I believe that is a EVOD replacement head.
  3. Phattmum

    Phattmum New Member

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    Looks like what I've got not 100% sure if it is.
    but if its a kanger evod or has a ego battery the charger you can use to go with it is this: Kanger USB eGo Charger | VapourEyes extra coils to go with it looking at the tank looks exactly like the tanks I got with my starter kit so I'd say it fits these Kanger Dual-Coil Atomiser Heads | VapourEyes & if it is 100% a ego threaded get one of these tanks they are made of glass and wont crack when trying menthol or cinnamon juices Kanger Mini Protank 3 | VapourEyes just double check with other people before making any purchases or looking at things to go with it be.comse im not 100% sure im just going of the fact that it looks 100% like my starter kit the evod 2. kinda more looks like the evod 1 though.
  4. lover4444

    lover4444 New Member

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    Thank you so much - that is a huge help :adoration: No wonder I couldn't find anything that looked the same re eGo - sigh ......
  5. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    what's in your pic should unscrew into 2 pieces. one piece will be the base of the clearo and the other bit will be the replaceable coil.
  6. dyefodoft

    dyefodoft New Member

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    Yep Def looks like an Evod to me as well ... good little set up actually ... lots of places to get coils locally and overseas ... robust little design and vapes well for what it is , you could have bought far worse :)
  7. brennanc

    brennanc New Member

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    Thanks kay67kay and Fatman :) Fatman, that is a huge relief - I have been reading, reading on this forum and realised that I don't have a clue - that horrible feeling when you KNOW you should have read more before buying :eek-new:
  8. Loakamp

    Loakamp New Member

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    Wheres the fun in that Rose LOL :)

    I think the biggest diff between vaping and smoking , is that vaping is a journey of discovery , there are no "wrong " choices , just ones that either work for you or dont .
    The journey in vaping is one of the most important things IMO ... it can be as complex or as easy as you choose to make it , but never lose sight of the fact that every smoke you dont have is a win :)
  9. njpxvooljf

    njpxvooljf New Member

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  10. maxni81

    maxni81 New Member

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    All advice gratefully received - thank you :listening_headphone Fatman - so true! Have smoked 30 - 40 daily for close on 50 years, and I am SO enjoying this. Has the added bonus of not contributing to greedy government tax grabs :congratulatory:

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