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Liquids question

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by shell_vac, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. shell_vac

    shell_vac New Member

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    I've been vaping Yaeliq's Acai berry liquid for a few days now and I've refilled the tank once or twice when it's gotten low. I've noticed that the liquid in the tank seems to have changed as I've vaped it. The colour has gone from a very light peach tint to a quite dark amber colour and the wick has stained. The taste has also gotten much much sweeter, to the point where it's quite sickly to vape it.

    Is this normal? My second tank is filled with a Yaeliq tobacco-flavoured liquid which hasn't concentrated in the same way as I've vaped it. I'm think that there might be an ingredient in the liquid that's not vaping as efficiently as the PG/VG mix. Should I just empty the dregs in tank when I refill if I want to continue vaping this liquid?

    Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. Amir H.

    Amir H. New Member

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    Could this be a case of just steeping in the tank? Like from heat or something?
    Or maybe oxidisation?
    Just guessing
  3. hageltokarkarol

    hageltokarkarol New Member

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    Sounds about right to me, sometimes the heat will change the colour and it will depend on the PG/VG mix as well. Just as long as it doesn't taste off
  4. sandy sue

    sandy sue New Member

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    I've had this happen with a few liquids too, from memory all in the little ego threaded tanks that heat up a lot quicker than pt2 or larger. Perhaps the heat idea is spot on and I run how adam suggests....as long as it doesn't taste off I keep going.
    I rinse every tank after I empty it then let it dry though.
  5. chacycle

    chacycle New Member

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    Could also be gunk from the coil staining the liquid. My liquids do change colour in the tank sometimes. Not a problem for me
  6. Sam Y

    Sam Y New Member

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    Yeah, the heat issue sounds about right as itis a small tank and I've noticed it getting warm to the touch after a vape. I don't think it's coil gunk as both the coil and tank were brand new a week ago.

    As for the flavour problem I've also noticed a fair few spots of liquid shooting up into the mouthpiece. I just did an experiment and vaped through a straw stuck in the top and the flavour was much better. This makes me believe that the sickly sweetness is from the liquid shooting into my mouth (and thus probably giving me far too much nic).

    I'll might try diluting the liquid to see if I can get a better vape from it. Thanks for the input guys.
  7. AlisonVazquez

    AlisonVazquez New Member

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    look at your juice in the sense of reducing juices to a .comce in a frying pan
    as you reduce the liquid it thickens and becomes more concentrated in flavour, hence the resulting .comce
    Same thing pretty much happening with your juice
    Try topping up your juice a bit more often and don't let it get so low
    will make your coils last much longer.
  8. buxi

    buxi New Member

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    Light does it too, particularly direct sun.
  9. apoksRow

    apoksRow New Member

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    Sounds like a few things may be happening here mainly spoken about in the above replies,

    However, I suspect that you may possibly have the settings too high for the resistance of the coil in conjunction with the coil slightly flooding, hence the spitting up the tube. If the settings are too high for the resistance this can gunk up the coil whilst at the same time the heat actually draws more liquid onto the coil .comsing slight flooding. The flooding and spitting can also be .comsed be.comse (presuming you are using something like an Evod head) either there is no silica sitting on top of the coil, the silica has been damaged or the manufacturer didn't put on enough silica, sometimes that happens. Quick fix is to clean the coil yourself with a dry burn and put fresh silica on top of the coil or simply put in a new coil paying attention to the resistance and correct settings for said resistance.
  10. abobbyyandexta7047

    abobbyyandexta7047 New Member

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    Hmm...well as far as I know I can't adjust the setting (the manual for the evod was rubbish). But I'll have a look around to see if it can be done.

    I guess I'll also have to add silica to my shopping list, along with new flavourings, VG, mixing bottles and a bigger tank. I can see how this can get out of control.

    Thanks Sodd.

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