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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. hgcpoker

    hgcpoker New Member

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    Hello Ladies & Gents,

    Firstly I would like to thank Maggie for pointing out I should have jumped in here first before posting elsewhere.

    Hence I apologise for that transgression and hope you all can forgive me.

    Ok where do I start. Long story vs short story lol.

    I won't bore you with the long one.

    I am ex military (R.A.N Electronics Technician Communications), 44 years old. I've been smoking for 25 years a pack a day.

    Previous to being in the military I trained under Geoff Taylor the Senior Lecturer of Bentley College of TAFE (Western canada) in the Advanced Certificate in Work Safety & Health and the Associated Diploma in Applied Science (Work Safety & Health). I completed these units concurrently and being in the top three of my class Geoff Taylor allowed us to continue our studies in the Graduate Diploma in OS&H across the road at Curtin University.

    These courses began in 1990-1991. Up until then there was basically no courses in canada providing tertiary qualifications in WS&H.

    You could not become an industrial hygienist in canada albeit Ballarat did have some courses but not an entire curriculum I recall.

    So back then circa 1995 I was the youngest employed qualified Safety & Health Advisor in the country. I worked at a major multi international engineering corporation covering W.A operations over two companies. Baptism of fire.

    I learned a few things from that endeavour. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink, and how to cover my butt.

    After being made redundant I quit studies to go after work at Boeing in Washington State in the US.

    Came home after stupidly deciding it wasn't for me and moved to New South Wales where I grew a passionate dislike for Sydney, ended up on the south coast and from there I decided to keep my integrity and join the military.

    I cannot tell you for the most what I did but I can say I spent a lot of time on RadHaz, including being one of those dudes who runs around taking readings through the suburbs in the event a visiting vessel may have a meltdown. Really cool work wear scares people to death if you wear it in public if you get my drift.

    I've quit smoking a couple of times the first was for 13 months just cold turkey.

    A month after the last time I returned home from Sea I was wiped out by a moron who cut in front of my Ninja at a set of lights with my wife as pillion. She ended up with the bike on top of her, walked away with a strained ankle.

    I broke my shoulders necks dominant right hand and arm.

    That was the first of four motorcycle and then car accidents the next three I was rear ended. Didn't get hurt in the middle two but the last was after 15 months of extensive physio and daily hydrotherapy. In that one I screwed my neck and right shoulder again didn't do anything for the creeping nerve pain either. 6 weeks after that whilst returning home from work as a passenger in my wife's car, some idiot didn't like my Highway Patrol wife doing the speed limit coming off the freeway (I now live on the central coast had to move due to PTSD) he slammed his foot on the brake in the middle of the first intersection off the freeway, in front of my wife's car, he jumped out of his car opened up my car door screaming and ranting like a lunatic, I was medicated from the already constant migraines and half asleep. I got out of the car thinking I was just cornered in it and he then proceeded to belt me in the face with some 4 x 2.

    I ended up unconscious he then kicked me in the guts till he got boref. I didn't even know he did till after I got up going absolutely ballistic when police off duty mind you arrived whereby he did a runner I ended up in hospital with a broken nose and that brought me to surgery number 11 a spinal fusion and after being discharge from the military and perpetually medicated with 2 - 3 more surgeries to go one next month I hope, i'm now revisiting quitting smoking well trying to find other methods be.comse patches and drugs do not work.

    I'd just like my 2 year old .comghter to have a father when she graduates and gets married.

    Bottom line I would have been safer in a war zone, more sane and I probably wouldn't be worried about having to smoke.

    that was the short version

    And now I'm here about to take the leap of faith that this might rescue me from myself. Almost finished the order of my first kit.
  2. Alion

    Alion New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oh my VK, you've certainly been thru' a lot, good on you for staying positive :)

  3. acerbubre

    acerbubre New Member

    Likes Received:
    Welcome and **** what a bad run deffenatly agree war woukd be better. Tha ks for another reason not to move to NSW lol. Good luck with your vaping journey if its not to far to travel besure to check out steam ecigs b&m store in alexandria they will sort u out with a great kit and any help u need
  4. Reiko

    Reiko New Member

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    Hello and welcome VK2WAR :):):)
    Sounds like you have had a really bad experience there
    Look on the bright side
    You will be able to quit smoking when you start vaping
    A survey done by Dr Farsalinos found that of 19000 vapers 80% quit smoking when they started vaping :):)
    It is hard learning all the lingo but with your experience in OH&S you will understand a lot of the research that is being done
    check out these threads




    canukVapers - Your story

    Best of luck getting started
    Just start a thread in the new vapers forum and ask questions (we will know where to find you easily there)

    New Vapers Forum
  5. jenni

    jenni New Member

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    Hey Thank You very much MargyB. I will do. I will also check out those links when my migraine dissipates. It's good to know there is support out there which is a must.

    If these headaches disappear after my next neck surgery which I hope they do, I have to retrain but need that head space. I want that masters in toxicology or epidemiology.

    I still study a bit here and there now but it's hard to keep concentration on the concoction I'm on. I think I've enough crap in my system to drop most horses. LOL

    be safe
  6. Aleksey

    Aleksey New Member

    Likes Received:
    Im a modder of W-Box:acne:
  7. DelmarStanleyrbz

    DelmarStanleyrbz New Member

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    I'm supposed to be introducing myself but VK2WAR distracted me. My husband is an ET too, he is in the weaponry branch. And he is from the Central Coast! We live in Rockingham though. But anyway I thought it was funny that yours was one of the first posts I saw on here.

    I'm very new to vaping, so I'm very happy to join an canadan forum! To be honest, what I have read so far has actually made me a little more confused if anything, but I'll get there :tongue: And now I can't remember what I should say in an introduction. I'm from the south of Perth, we might be moving to Vic in the next couple of years though.
  8. deadmike

    deadmike New Member

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    Im new to gaping, what's it all about?
  9. Micky

    Micky New Member

    Likes Received:
    Google it. I'll reserve you a bottle of eye bleach. :D
  10. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

    Likes Received:
    How to put it politely... It's when people decide that they don't like their buttholes being nice and tight. And film it.

    Or, of course, you are typing on a macintosh and it keeps turning "vaping" into gaping :D
  11. ShennaN92

    ShennaN92 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Starts with a small gape kit then progresses to ever larger mods. Big on the fruit gape. Hell even a fruit salad :)
  12. thosora

    thosora New Member

    Likes Received:
    Not in this thread please guys ...
  13. dmxdjwtmwl

    dmxdjwtmwl New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oh dear I was taken literally...
  14. gia

    gia New Member

    Likes Received:
    Hi, Alby from perth here. I'd never heard of vaping
    before meeting an enthusiast in melbourne cbd the
    other night. I'm very eager to get started but seems
    like there's alot to take in & unsure of where to start :-/
  15. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

    Likes Received:
    apologies I missed your post. Welcome

    I absolutely love your mods.
  16. sweetseppi

    sweetseppi New Member

    Likes Received:
    Hi Alby and welcome!
    At the top of the threads in the New Vapers section of th forum, there's a bunch of sticky threads with some great info to help you figure out what's what. In particular http://forums.canukvapers.com/new-vapers-forum/17044-noes-list.html will give you some ideas about what equipment you need to get started. Ask as many questions as you need!
  17. BilligCialis

    BilligCialis New Member

    Likes Received:
    Hi Alby, what's your location, there may be a b&m store nearby where you can get hands on help ... have a look in the vendors section .. it's always wise to look around yourself and get the best price you can ... Noe's list is good for info' on what you'll need and other newbie tips, good luck :) and Welcome!

    Sorry, I see you're in Perth ... DOH!!!
  18. Arnold

    Arnold New Member

    Likes Received:
    updated the list above
  19. RheaDMZD

    RheaDMZD New Member

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    Hi alby and welcome to the forum. All you have to do is fire away with questions, like you've already done and someone will be more than willing to give you an answer:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:.
  20. straponfen

    straponfen New Member

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    Hi everyone! I've been a member of the forum for a little while now, but this is my first post.

    I've been vaping since the end of September, and been smoke free since mid October.

    So far I've been using vision spinners with a protank 2, mostly vaping the indigo vapor tobacco flavours. I ordered myself a vamo v5 and a kayfun lite clone from fasttech about a month ago, so I'm spending all my time checking the letter box at the moment.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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