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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. beveasteaxd5462

    beveasteaxd5462 New Member

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    Ah Loxton... you would know the "Chief" then?

    Hi ya all, i'm a newbie. Just order a shit ton from HC and ebay. From hammers to .comtilus air flow and aSmoktech Mini Zmax ... concentrates VG, PG Nicotine the list goes on. Yeah it was a spending frenzy. But what i have tasted and experienced through friends it will be great. Big learning curve... but I can't wait till no more follies going out.

    Forum looks like a wealth of info - hence I am here.

    AAAHHHHH New Member

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    Hi everyone - my name is Hazel, I am a retired teacher and live in Germany.

    I've been vaping since fall 2010 and realized in the first days of the following New Year, that the "occasionally one" cigarette was able to destroy this whole feeling of well-being, breathing freely and that nice taste in my mouth for hours .... and most of all: I realized I didn't like it any more at all. Neither the taste, nor the effect.

    Having watched the smear campaign against vaping in the media in Germany (and all over Europe, basically) for well 1.5 years or even a bit longer, I first became a regular member of our German vaping consumers org (IG-ED) last May and later decided to try and get a pan-european "parent organisation" going where all active e-cig consumer orgs of Europe would have a platform to not only inform each other, but also exchange ideas and, eventually work together.

    So I founded the EVUN group on Facebook on November 5th, last year .... and as the trilogue went along, vapers flooded in from all over the place. Meanwhile EVUN has become a "workstation" for all the European org's where we put out JOINT statements, JOINT letters to MEPs etc.pp. That happened much faster than I would have imagined in my wildest dreams. Yesterday I found a ping-back comment on our blog and was quite astonished to see that what we do even is being watched down-under! (...and wow am I proud!) :eagerness:

    Btw - what I forgot to mention:

    On ECF my nick is "mamamia", and on Facebook you'll find me as "Ash T. Mamamia" ;) ... just in case....
  3. prokerbin

    prokerbin New Member

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    Hi Hazel and welcome to AVF. Some of us here are also members over at UK Vapers, so we've been following the fight. Basically I feel that whatever comes out of the EU or the FDA in the US could be what we're faced with. So speaking personally, if you need comments written somewhere or a signature on a petition, please feel free to PM me, although it would be great if you could start a thread in the Politics and whatever forum - let us get to know you and the issues, cheers Deb
  4. mccoyienni

    mccoyienni New Member

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    Thank you Deb -- as things stand, petition time is over for the time being. What started a few weeks ago is an EU-wide citizen's initiative (EFVI: the European Free Vaping Initiative) which gives us a chance to present our case in front of the European Parliament and be listened to at least by them ... without any guarantee that any positive consequences would follow. But we have to try this ... Please go and read about EFVI under the link I gave you .. it's too much and too complicated (as a procedure) to explain it in full detail here.

    Unfortunately, this EVFI thing is only open for EU citizens (no matter where they live, however, so if there were any EU citizens in canukland, it might be worthwhile to make them aware!) .... AND .... they NEED NOT NECESSARILY BE VAPERS -- they just must support our case with their (online) signature.
  5. HisaDarm

    HisaDarm New Member

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    Hey all,

    Just thought I'd introduce myself. Today is my 15th day of vaping and 10th day of being completely analogue free. I've got to say i thought the transition would be harder than it has been.

    My kit is pretty basic but gets the job done, it consists of 2 1300mah fat boy vision spinners and 5 aspire bdc glasso's with various MBV juices in them on a rotation. Second order of juices will be done in the next day or two.

    Anyways just wanted to say hi. Hope to be able to contribute more as my vaping journey goes on.
  6. pki76

    pki76 New Member

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    Raf, that's a great start. And the setup is a good way to get started.

    Oh, and welcome new members and new vapers :) :) :) :)
  7. fdog

    fdog New Member

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    Welcome, Welcome, and Willkommen!
  8. HectorDewi

    HectorDewi New Member

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    hi guys, just new to vaping but loving it I have 3 EVOD systems and a Cigatron one as well.

    VapeKing has great products and so does hc, excellent service all round
  9. prielty

    prielty New Member

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  10. Gerry R

    Gerry R New Member

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  11. swimnfcp

    swimnfcp New Member

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    Welcome new members.. Enjoy the forum and read lots.. Heaps of good info in threads

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. neundnuck

    neundnuck New Member

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    Hello, another new member here. Was introduced to vaping by a friend about 6 weeks ago and was hooked straight away. Found a lot of useful information on AV, so I decided I should sign up!

    At the moment I'm vaping a lot more often than I used to smoke, but I think that's down to 'new toy syndrome' =)

    I started smoking about 15 years ago, and cut down to only smoke when drinking around 5 years ago. So not what you would call a heavy smoker, but after having a baby 14 months back, I realised that every smoke was another risk that I may not be around to see my kid grow up to be independent. While I could easily go a whole week, and sometimes months, without craving a smoke, as soon as I had a beer, all I could think about was having a smoke. After 3 or 4 beers I'd always give in, and would be chain smoking for the rest of the night. I was real stressed about it, and, with much despair, had resigned to the fact that no matter how hard I tried to not give in, I was always going to be a smoker. Then, during a bbq last month a old and dear friend of mine starts puffing on what looked to me like the hilt of a lightsaber. I asked him what he was smoking and he says, 'Not smoking, cuz. Vaping'.

    Then, about 3 weeks ago I got my first e cigs. Ordered some Bull Smoke cigalikes which I really enjoy, but quickly decided that I wanted to try a mechanical mod. Grabbed a Kamry K1000 cos I loved the look of it, even though some think it a bit girly *puffs chest* and the stock clearo is subpar. I had a night out on the piss last weekend, took along my e cigs, and had no problem staying away from the durries the whole night =D The pokies were a different story...
  13. mymail4test50

    mymail4test50 New Member

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    Big welcome to all the new vapers :D

    I have been neglecting my Miss Helena duties ( for those old enough to remember lol )

    OK thru the magic mirror I can see Bazuden...Dare...Littleraf....Evun...Deebee...Pack o...Tidosol...Tamjana...Tome ... and Heisenberg .... Wow what a fine little bunch of Doobees you all are :D

    Now lets all Bend and Stretch and reach for the Provaris :D

  14. SherrillO

    SherrillO New Member

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    Hey there!

    I started vaping when a good friend of mine gave me an Ego and a CE5 rebuildable clearomizer for my birthday with two flavours. I started vaping like crazy be.comse I guess I enjoyed smoke coming out of my mouth; there is something surreal and appealing about smoke coming out of ones mouth plus keeps me busy when I'm standing waiting for the bus without looking at a screen.

    I am also a photographer, an artist, a powerlifter (hoping to compete in the IPF canada soon) and love music festivals.
  15. bap 1963

    bap 1963 New Member

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    Welcome folks
    Hit that search function and consume all that is AVF.
  16. gasica77

    gasica77 New Member

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    Hi...just got my first e-cig today (ego-t, ce4) I don't have the nicotine from the states yet, its coming, but I filled the e-cig up and gave it a test. It's good I like it....much lighter than cig smoke...easy on the lungs...I quit smoking and am on the stupid gum can't wait for the nicotine to arrive!!! I'm dying!!!! lol
  17. pootloui

    pootloui New Member

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    Welcome to all the new members, its wonderful to see so many people making the switch to vaping, the snowball is finally starting to roll in canada :)
    You'll find that AVF is full of fantastic information and very helpful members, to help you get started or continue your vaping journey :)

  18. Carlzaza

    Carlzaza New Member

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    Hi, I am mushymush (asked my Mrs to pick a nick for me, lol). I live in WA and have been vaping for almost 5 months.

    My first experience with e-cigs was to try it just for fun and see what it is all about – I was walking down the street and bought a cigalike from a street vendor. Not sure how they manage to sell those with nic on the street, but they did. It agreed with me from the start but I soon realised that it was not a very efficient and expensive way of going about it and started reading up on it. My first few orders were from HC and I am still very impressed with their service and delivery speed. Like many others initially I focused on tobacco flavours only but more recently have been progressing and experimenting with other flavours. I still have many hardware options to try out but if I were to start over right now (and save on some costly mistakes) I would get a starter kit consisting of a T3S and Aspire BDC ET-S clearos and a couple of vv/vw 1300mAh batteries. I have a fish tackle box full of hardware, some of which is sub-standard clearos (and batteries) that, due to leaking, resulted in me having tissues everywhere – in my pockets, in my bag, in my drawer, tissues, tissues everywhere, lol. Well, I am still to experience a leak with a T3S or Aspire ET-S, so no more tissues at this stage, well maybe just one for an occasional gurgle, which is a part of vaping in any case.

    Anyway, I look forward to learning from more experienced vapers and getting ideas on hardware and juice options.

    Happy vaping!
  19. jasneskis

    jasneskis New Member

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    Welcome......there can be only one Mushy!

    Insert Highlander pic ;)

  20. Aries1969

    Aries1969 New Member

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    The choice was purely a coincidence. I am not a nick snatcher, lol.

    Sent using Tapatalk

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