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How did you come across ecigs for the first time

本帖由 Wing2015-09-19 发布。版面名称:New Vapers Forum

  1. ImammaRat

    ImammaRat New Member

    Now that i think about it, someone on a forum mentioned them a couple of times. I thought he was pulling my leg. When the packet changes came in, the smoke shop near work shut down...to be replaced by an ecig shop. It was only after I saw a few people walking aroiund with them (and sick of the price creep) that I gave them a go. Ego and T3 (which leaked all over the place lol)
  2. qhrkwgeieuse

    qhrkwgeieuse New Member

    My first exposure/sighting was random and a half!

    I saw a photo of a weird looking thing (pale pink ego t2), looked rude frankly, on a friend of a friends facebook wall, came through to my feed through a comment. Had a squiz, did some googling, got back up on my chair and have never been the same since!

    It is a totally comnting gigantic vaping world out there. I described it to friends as a giant secret cottage industry. Huge yet under the mainstream view.
    This forum has been super helpful.
    Started out with a whizz bang kit from V2, moved on to dripping it, now on the ego and waiting on bcc clearos to arrive next week.

    Loving vaping now :D
  3. Haayls

    Haayls New Member

    a mate got one off a daily deals site and let me have a try
    thta is how i came to see the light!! :)
  4. babiilove<3

    babiilove<3 New Member

    My missus bought one and left it laying around the house. After failing on patches, champix and all the rest I kinda viewed it as the next trick of the month useless waste of money. Eventually I picked it up and gave it a run which led to my first cigarette free day in decades after having done the first day I knew that if I had a smoke Id have to go back and have another first day. Im now nicotine free as well as tobacco free and the stop smoking thing has turned into a hobby.
  5. jewwvzacfm

    jewwvzacfm New Member

    I vaguely remember seeing an add a couple of years ago, probably online. It was however the newspaper story on the Age website a couple of months ago that comght my interest. They mentioned this forum, which I checked out, and thanks to all the great information available and helpful members, here I am today.
  6. aleza

    aleza New Member

    When my boss called me into his office to have a look at something I was a little hesitant. I was after a promotion so I went ahead.
    After he pulled it out I was a little shocked. I asked what it was, he told me and motioned for me to give it a try. I stuck it in my mouth I found out I really liked it. Sure the taste was a little strange at first but now I love it and can't get enough.
    Not a day goes by without a good Vape....... What did you think I meant
    Still didn't get the promotion though.
  7. vhwxrcbvkc

    vhwxrcbvkc New Member

    lol vreidisgod :) I tried a couple of years ago with an elusion cigelike piece of crap, it didnt really work well for me at the time. This time around I started doing my research and came across AVF - you guys have saved my life (well potentially anyway) The advice etc was brilliant and now like everyone else I am hooked. lol only been doing this for a few weeks and am already looking at tanks and cartos etc and the next greatest thing!
  8. lydayabrani

    lydayabrani New Member

    My brother told me about one he seen on YouTube so I went to every tobacanist here and bought a peace of poo Ecig but I noticed I did cut back on the cigs that day so spent the next week doing some research on vaping and eventually landing on this site,the next day went to one of the vendors listed here and comght a kit and haven't touched a smoke since,have converted 5 other people onto them also in the last week,may not be nic free and may never be but am loven vapen and allready starting to feel better beeping off the cancer sticks,so I think this may very well of saved my life and many more.cheers
  9. Payobia

    Payobia New Member

    I went to the UK for Christmas and comght up with some old friends. One of them vaped. Initially skeptical the seed was planted. After several failed quit attempts back at home I caved and got an ecigarette. Not looked back since.
  10. Evan A

    Evan A New Member

    First heard of them many years ago when about the only thing available was a cigalike.

    Years later a friend had a hooka with some nice tobaccos and I really enjoyed it. I recently decided that I need to ditch the analogues but I still like the nicotine and the act so I decided to investigate via reddit and here I am.
  11. Amy R

    Amy R New Member

    i saw a guy with some weird smoke looking things at the shopping centre, told hubby about them and he got interested spent a bit of time googling and looking on you tube, then he went off to work and a package turned up from NZ he'd bought some green smoke kits i was completely Not interested in giving up my alpine fine's thank you very much. but i'd run out..coincidence i think not! so i tried one (got a head spin from puffing on it for too long) but nearly 2 months later i've only had 3 normal smokes, all of which made me really sick so now here i am all curious about the other types of esmokes :)
  12. Kalamata66

    Kalamata66 New Member

    My first exposure was a stall in a mall in the US. I was sufficiently skeptical that I made no attempt to actually check it out, until a while later when I thought, "What the hell." Unfortunately, they were closed up before I got back. The idea kind of sat in the back of my mind for a while, until 18 months later I saw an off-topic conversation about juices on another forum. I did some googling shortly thereafter and impulse bought an expensive and fairly mediocre elusion start-kit. I don't regret the decision though, becomse it was good enough that it inspired me to better things.
  13. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

    I think I first saw them on one of those local deal sites and thought I'd try them, I went through a couple brands though before I found one I liked, there definitely is a difference between each brand and the cheaper/dearer ones
  14. gabrady79

    gabrady79 New Member

    I had been thining of giving up smokes for a while but was scared coz id failed so many times, then i saw a friend with one, asked a few questions and ordered a starter kit :)
  15. OntarioGreys

    OntarioGreys New Member

    yeah i heard from a family member that they were trying to quit, and were using a new approach. it didn't work for them but it got me thinking...this year has been a year of rejuvenation and quitting vices and it was time to think bout quitting the stinkies. i asked how they went with their approach and they had failed. i asked to try it and was given an ego t and ce2/3 clearo. i know there are issues with it but i used it for two weeks and was hooked. gave up smokes for those two weeks. moved on to my twists and now using a kanger t3.

    i dun think i've ever researched anything as extensively as this. and i still dun feel overly informed. this forum and others have been a boon. you guys rock.
  16. Mealonelawn

    Mealonelawn New Member

    LOL... Anyone see the film The Tourist with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie? Early scene on a train... He asks her if he can smoke an e-cig... a few months later I was wanting to quit cigarettes (again) and hit the web to see what he was talking about. Several orders from a US website and about $100 p&h later and I'm a happy chap.
  17. #yosiber1962

    #yosiber1962 New Member

    Through one of my online friend..
  18. ------ -

    ------ - New Member

    Always noticed them on dx.com and whingepool forum.
  19. BionicPorn

    BionicPorn New Member

    I saw them on an online shopping website, thought they looked interesting so I started a bit of research
  20. miranda

    miranda New Member

    My son tried to get me to try them over a year ago someone he knew was using them, then about 6 months ago i got a random email that was selling them so i decided to research them a bit and came across a site and bought a set then bought some juice and nicotine and well i haven't looked back. I started vaping every second ciggy until my pack ran out and for about 2 days i felt a bit wierd then i was fine then about 2 weeks ago the eliquid i bought the person forgot to put nicotine in it and i didn't realise until a week later as i felt a bit wierd for a day so now i don't need the nicotine anymore so that's even better.
