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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. deadmike

    deadmike New Member

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    Unfortunatly mate your not going to find ti easy to get a liquid that tastes like a cig. a few have come close but not real luck. What sort of liquids have u tried so far, how long have they steeped for?
  2. alexxx1

    alexxx1 New Member

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    Hi guys I've been here about a month and started vaping 2 months ago. My name is Damien but my friends call me Soul.
    I thought I should introduce myself seeing as I'm kinda liking this whole vaping experience so far so I will probably be around for a while.
    My brother bought me and ego VV, some juice and some Smok clearomizers for Christmas.

    Since then I have brought myself a whole bunch of stuff to try out.
    Nemesis and Kayfun/Russian 91% clones from FT which have become my out and about vape, really liking it and people spin out when they see me using it.
    Igo-L, batteries, charger and Kanthol from Vapeking. I love the Igo it tastes great but the center post spins when trying to tighten the wire on it.
    Trident clone and concentrates from Vaping Cobra. I got the trident to try out dual coils and I'm not sure it's worth it atm but have only had it about a week so I'll see how it goes with more builds etc.

    I really like the geek side of things and I will probably get into modding eventually.
    Well that's a brief run down of my limited vaping experience just thought I'd say G'day and will see you guys on the forums. /wave
  3. ilfeoquugt

    ilfeoquugt New Member

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  4. Mafia

    Mafia New Member

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    Hi everyone.

    Recently joined. Recently aquired my vape device, and love it. EGO V3 I think. Using ViVi a Nova canisters (well that's whats written on them anyway)

    I'll probably lurk for a while.

  5. lil_boy_as

    lil_boy_as New Member

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  6. reennale

    reennale New Member

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    Hi guys,

    I am new to vaping, 5 days to be exact, lol! Had my last cigarette on the 20th and didnt smoke any since, will try and continue to vape from now on!

    Am living in A country town in NSW.

    Went overseas and my cousin introduced me to vaping, and still find it a bit hard when starting to vape, i cough for the first few inhales then gets better. I started with the tobacco flavoured juice but was disapointed at first then started on fruit flavoured ones and really liked them. Also, in the Philippines I got juices with nicotine in them but i've searched and found out that it is illegal here in canada. Question is where do you get your nicotine from and how many ml do you put in say a 30ml bottle?

    I got a quasar atty and a clone mod, its brand is origin and i am getting sick of the lock and unlock feature of it at the bottom as the ring is quite narrow and hard to turn. Can anyone recommend a good mod that is not expensive like the provari? I am wanting something that has a button on the side to activate it easier rather than pressing the very bottom of the mod. I am looking at the zmax mod and wonder if that is any good or are there cheaper alternatives and where could i get them from?

    If anyone could help me out it would be greatly appreciated! :D
  7. Vergil

    Vergil New Member

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    Hi yeug
    There's quite a few mod options, the zmax is fine but the Vamo is probably the most popular. I have one and it's great. You've started with a mechanical mod as opposed to regulated one which is unusual! But so long as you are aware of battery safety, it's no probs :)

    Do a search on here for nicotine in the thread title and you'll find many OS suppliers that people recommend. As for how to mix, the New section has some reading you can go over that covers most of what a newbie need to know.

    Sent via Tapatalk from my brand spankin' iPad retina :)
  8. Emi

    Emi New Member

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    Just like to say a big hello and welcome to our latest members:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:.
  9. cifyinit

    cifyinit New Member

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    Thanks! By saying that the Vamo is most popular, does that mean that it is better than the zmax? I really want to get a new mod asap as I am getting tired of this narrow ring..
  10. Sanyok

    Sanyok New Member

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    just updated location on profile sorry about that

    lots of reading to catch up on lol, so much happening down here!
  11. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Hi all, been lurking on these forums for the past month and thought I would introduce myself.

    Was a smoker for 13 years and recently (approx 5 weeks ago) gave up the stinkies and moved onto ecig bliss and haven't looked back.

    Started on a couple eGo twists with CE4 clearomizers and then onto Vision Spinners with mini Protank's and EVOD BCC's.

    Have now moved onto igo drippers and a Kayfun lite plus clone (amazing flavour) and currently awaiting delivery of my first mechanical mod the 'Gus Lord'.

    Things have spiraled out of control with ordering sampler packs from different US vendors, think I have tried over 40 flavors with more coming in search of my ADV's.

    Looks like a real tight nit group on these forums and hoping to learn and contribute in any way I can.

    Thanks for having me, cheers. :encouragement:
  12. BAMM

    BAMM New Member

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    Hi Danny and aitchey welcome aboard:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:
  13. Lord_Darkclaw

    Lord_Darkclaw New Member

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    If you are finding things spiraling out of control (especially spending) try to limit this to half of what you'd normally spend on the ciggies. This way you still get to come out in front financially and at the same time fund your new healthy hobby :)

    I know that's it's easier said than done. Been where your at, mainly be.comse of an early "fear of running out of stuff" LOL.
    Btw, 7 months on for me and still looking for my ADV.
    Good on ya mate for making the change, your body won't regret it.
  14. ih82cr8

    ih82cr8 New Member

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    Welcome and good luck with it. Don't discount the uk Eliquid suppliers. Postage is very reasonable and I found the uk liquids suited my palette. Many of them sell the premixed concentrates of their blended liquids so if you like any you just buy the concentrates and mix your own.
  15. Aleris

    Aleris New Member

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    Thanks for the welcome Sodd & Crisscross. I used to smoke rollies before I quit so wasn't spending that much, however with vaping there is so much variety out there that I'm finding it hard to stick to one flavor and hardware and spend most of my time experimenting with both flavors and hardware to see what gives the best flavor & throat hit. Along with the health benefits I find the experimenting to be half the fun with vaping and it has become my new hobby.

    @Crisscross, I don't know of any reputable UK eliquid suppliers, so if you could steer me in the right direction that would be much appreciated (PM me if you like).

  16. Tooltime3572

    Tooltime3572 New Member

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    welcome heisenberg! firstly cool name.. secondly gimmie some blue stuff haha :)
  17. amatarasu

    amatarasu New Member

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    Hi all,
    Just to say hello and introduce my self i have been vaping for 2 months now and i love it.
    Have a fun all and keep on vaping.

  18. poriamp

    poriamp New Member

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    Hey all,
    I'm SidOsol, and I'm pretty new to vaping (2 weeks), started with the Vision Crystal mini kit that works great, however I was too drawn by the look and prospect of the Volcano Inferno (and sick of my girlfriend stealing my ecig!), So i've got one coming in the mail as I speak.

    Been looking into making my own flavour mixes, and maybe even selling some later on down the track (as a chef and having owned a business before, I can come up with some fantastical flavour combos that many might not have thought of). but, you gotta learn to walk before you run!

  19. deftoorymof

    deftoorymof New Member

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    Hi Rossco Can you tell me what these coils are called
  20. Starkissed

    Starkissed New Member

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    Good evening all,
    Two weeks into my vaping experience and 100% stinky free, can not believe it! I have also got my wife and .comghter on board at the same time and they also have done two weeks with me 100% stinky free. Freaking Awesome!

    I would like to say a big thanks to the community here and their passion for vaping, for without it I doubt I would have made the switch (obvious lurker and researcher).

    My journey started with two orders from overseas from two different vendors, my wife and .comghters package arrived first and mine seemed to be lost somewhere in transport. Not happy with that and having done more research in the waiting for said deliveries I made a hasty order from Vapebar here in canada and that order turned up the very next day. STOKED. Now we were all set for our journey into Vapour Flavour city. Oh, the other order that I thought had been sent to the moon did turn up another three days later.

    What we got:

    1st order for wife and .comghter consisted of, Ego style starter pack with two batteries, four plastic things with foam in them and rubber tips, usb charger and e-juice sampler pack.

    2nd order was meant to be for me and consisted of, Dial-A-Volt 1300 mah battery, two 6ml Smileomizers, one 6ml cartomizer, battery chargers, 510 Ego thread converter thingy and sampler pack.

    3rd and final order to date was my hasty one which consisted of, Itaste MVP 2, Iclear 30b, Kanger mini pro tank, spare heads for all and some drip tips.

    All equipment bought has worked very well, even the plastic things with foam and rubber. Wife has claimed the Dial-A-Volt and put the mini protank on her ego, .comghter still happy with ego and plastic thingy and I am very happy with the MVP and the three tanks I swap between.

    Cool, that about does it. Thanks for reading, look forward to engaging,


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