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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. anitaoh11

    anitaoh11 New Member

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    Thanks for the welcomes. :welcoming:

    I am so glad I went down the vaping path to quit smoking as this has been the by far the best I have ever felt after 2 weeks of not smoking and my wife is saying the same. We had a big test last week and over the weekend with plenty of stress at the end of the week and a party on the weekend but I cant believe how easy it was. We could happily drink and stand around with smokers without even wanting a cigarette and I can only see it getting better as we haven't even started trying the different flavours that are available.

  2. Joh

    Joh New Member

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    Geez a bloke tries to have a little light hearted joke & a bit of fun on here & FM goes all cyber bully over it, sheesh !
  3. Affissap

    Affissap New Member

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    Nah bullies threaten ... I deliver lol :D :devilish:

    Oh and Hi Newbies one and all , welcome to AVF and do not take too much notice of the banter ... its just stirring :)

    ( 'cept for the Noe bits )
  4. AimundAid

    AimundAid New Member

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    He's been toiling in the heat as a pastoral plumber, and is a little flustered I think. ;)
  5. jrkldfx6e

    jrkldfx6e New Member

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    Shouldn't be taking it out on me or the rest of the membership of the forum, if he can't control his temper, maybe he needs a little rest from AVF? :p

    PS FM we love you but you need to go rip up some water pipes & hit them with a sledge hammer, rather than coming onto AVF & using a ban hammer to quell your anger. ;)
  6. Gutyos

    Gutyos New Member

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    As much as this conversation enthralls me Noe , it doesn't need to be clogging up a newbies thread ;)
    Rest assured my ban hammer is only reserved for rule breakers ;)

    Oh and stop playing victim ya whiney post tart
  7. Quessunda

    Quessunda New Member

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    Hammer? Thats very civilized.

    On my other forum (lasers) we use a clue by four!
  8. withoutmercy

    withoutmercy New Member

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    I think you're crossing a line, Noe. It is unacceptable to be so rude to a moderator, especially in the newbie forum, where new people to this forum might mistakenly think it's okay to be rude and backchat the mods who give up their own time to keep the wheels on as best they can. As a senior member, someone who prides themselves on giving good advice to newbies, and a vendor, you should know better. I'm pretty disgusted. Have a bit of respect. Nobody thinks you're funny.
  9. czmvdqf7a

    czmvdqf7a New Member

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    Hi all, figured I'd join, some friends from the US and SA on some social sites have been mentioning vaping for ages, recent events leads me to look into it seriously.

    2013 was my third yeah in a row I got chronic bronchitis, the latest one I have been stuck with for something absurd like 3-4+ months after I got very ill late in 2013, was a stressful year where I near doubled the amount I smoked (Drum classic roll my own), but the cost alone on smokes now is crazy, and my Dr tells me if I don't cut right back or quit, I'm not going to shake this current bout of chest infections.

    I found it interesting, that when I mentioned vaping, my Dr actually thought it was a good idea, mainly be.comse I do stress smoke, I find the action as de-stressing as the nicotine, meaning I don't know that a patch will do it for me, and I'm not big on gum chewing (plus that shit is expensive).

    My biggest issue is locating the right gear for me, I have to admit the prices don't phase me at all so far, I mean for what we pay on cigs now here, this equipment looks cheap to me, I pay $45 a week on a 50gram pack of Drum.

    Also I was a little oddly shocked to find you can't buy the nicotine here, so many nicotine products you can buy, and we can't buy the liquid nicotine mixes locally that can get you off something so much more toxic to your health?, that makes no sense to me at all, so I'm looking at a NZ based site today, and some.com sites for gear, still struggling with what to buy.

    Want to get something before end of week, or next week, don't know for sure, I want something that will relate to my Drum smokes, I don't think I need high nicotine, as a stress smoker it's the action more than the drug, I don't wake up and light one, can easily go hours without, just want enough to stop longer term craving, and a little buzz I guess, portable also for when I'm out and about, please drown me with advice, I like any and all feedback. :)
  10. sapya

    sapya New Member

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    Hi all. I have been vaping for two weeks now only had a couple of smokes in that time, was a pack a day smoker. Just wanted to say thanks to AVF for the info on this site .I got the vast majority of the info i needed to get started form the AVF, again thanks to all who contribute.
  11. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Hello all, just started this on Monday, so 2 days in. Got myself a set up consisting of 2 x Evod VV batteries and 3 x carts from Ecig-SA. Thanks to Peter there, good advice for a noob like myself.

    Finding it all pretty good so far, just now need to experiment with juices. After smoking for 30+ years my brain is finding it hard to process the concept of non-tobacco flavours. I really can't imagine what to try as they all sound so alien.

    Any ideas on what to try first?


  12. fdsa321

    fdsa321 New Member

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    Taste is subjective. I like tobacco flavours myself, occasionally I'll mix it with chocolate, banana or apple to give it a hint of something else.

    I'd suggest shopping around and buying a few types. That's probably the best way to find out.
  13. ioannis2001

    ioannis2001 New Member

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    What are the juices you are vaping at the moment troppo? Do they have nicotine in them?

    If you are vaping doublers I'd try a few of VapeKing's tobacco range, I loved Royal Blend. Order one fruit, a menthol, and a dessert -any that vaguely appeal to you. After you've tried one of each you'll have a better idea what types of flavours you will go for.

    Most people want to find a tobacco taste as close to cigarettes as possible, but vaping can never really taste like a smoke. After a while you'll be glad it cant. :)

    Good luck!
  14. LeslieDdy

    LeslieDdy New Member

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    Welcome Mick, once you start getting your nic intake again the stinkies will be a distant memory:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:. You'd probably be best looking at some of the overseas vendors for some juices containing nic, or another option would be to order some nic from OS and get a few doublers from our local vendors:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:
  15. mairtinphaddy

    mairtinphaddy New Member

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    Got some 555 with nicotine from a guy at work, and some menthol flavour from ecig-sa, have been playing with mixing the 2 and varying voltages to see how the flavour changes.

    So I like the idea of starting with a tobacco base and adding in a hint of something else.

    Flavour is very subjective, so was looking for advice on what some of the subtler flavours may be, how close in taste are the advertised flavours to the real thing? Have tasted many food flavourings over the years that taste nothing like the label on the bottle. Even the variation between different brands of vanilla is amazing. So I imagine juice won't be too different, some flavours will be hard to replicate.

    Am thinking Vanilla, Butterscotch and maybe Apple may be "safe" starters.
  16. rocknrolltrekkie

    rocknrolltrekkie New Member

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    Flue cured and French pipe are pretty good vapes.
  17. brucew

    brucew New Member

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    RY4's are my go to bacco flavors.
  18. MrjohsonVN

    MrjohsonVN New Member

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    Not even close, like chalk and cheese. It's probably a good idea to forget about trying to replicate smoking with vaping. They are two entirely different things.

    A man (or woman) after my own heart! Food flavourings are not food, e-liquids are not food, and they are not smokes. You will get a feel for what you like and what tastes satisfy as you go along.

    Enjoy the ride. :)
  19. Steve the Fob

    Steve the Fob New Member

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    Hi, I'm Josh. It sucks that canada is so behind in vaping gear, and the sale of nicotine ejuice being illegal is bullshit. I hate this country so much. I'm very whiney.
  20. gurgeptart

    gurgeptart New Member

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    Really? Have you ever lived or worked overseas? It gives you an appreciation for canada... In the past 4 years I have lived and worked in Germany, Mumbai, Kolkata, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Ningbo, Shanghai and Hong Kong. I still love canada and its always nice to come home.

    Although I could easily move permanently to Germany or Hong Kong...

    Welcome Josh. :)

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