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How did you come across ecigs for the first time

Discussion in 'New Vapers Forum' started by Wing, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. arrivedat

    arrivedat New Member

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    Hello & welcome Panthers Wolf.
    Any extra questions, don't hesitate to ask in here.

    Hmmmmm, Location = Mascot airport, we may have questions for you? :)
  2. arturpierre

    arturpierre New Member

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    I tried Elusion, it worked enough for me to start researching better options. I found ECF and then some freindlycomssies directed me here.
  3. Mogewhog

    Mogewhog New Member

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    I started with a dodgy chinese street market version, it was bad, very bad, but then when i got back started with elusions too, still use them, although I refill them now, and find them most convenient when I'm out and about.
    A little googling, and I found HC, then started buying some other kit, worked out how to refill them, then noticed thecomstralian forum link on HC, and I keep expanding my 510 and other bits collection thanks to all the knowledge here !

    I still get most people who are interested to start with elusion, but give them one of my carts that I've filled to try as well .. they have all moved onwards and upwards with their vaping gear, but keep the lil white elusions for the pub :)

  4. ajehnmaarley5518

    ajehnmaarley5518 New Member

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    Whirlpool for me, was just surfin WP and saw it a few times but ignored it until curiousity finally got the better of me and here I am 12 months later still vaping :D
  5. kgtrrrujue

    kgtrrrujue New Member

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    My partner and i initial observed one thing around the media next for some reason i ran across the particular Katherine Leigh about Jesse Letterman video clip about Facebook. Right after a lot of exploring I ran across this web site and also has been greater than satisfied with the particular assistance I obtained the following. My partner and i don't work with any Ecig community forums today.
  6. darkangel_zheinah

    darkangel_zheinah New Member

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    Saw a friend using one..got so curious about it..and so I made a quick researched and now addicted to it!! vaping rocks!
  7. Green Man

    Green Man New Member

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    sorry mistake
  8. Jaybetime

    Jaybetime New Member

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    A local chinese shop in June, it was $14 with a packet of pre filled disposable carts. O.0 would last 200 small tokes and then it would need a charge. I researched for an alternative, found this forum which introduced me to such a wide range of options. I ended up buying an Ego-T starter kit 1000maH and some ejuice and have simply been experimenting with different mods/ejuices eversince
  9. ptvyoru5z

    ptvyoru5z New Member

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    Hi.I became aware of electronic cigs a while back but never investigated further until I saw an ecig user vaping at a poker game 3 weeks ago. He was kind enough to offer me a try, and answer my questions. I think it was an 18mg nic mix with some kind of Redbull flavour. It tasted great and gave me a similar enough feeling in my throat to what I expect from a drag on one of the cigarettes I am so familiar with after smoking for more than half of my life.
    I stumbled upon "Health E-cig" at a mall a few days after and bought it with usb charger and 10 refills for $25. Tastes pretty bad and obviously has no nic content so was pretty much a novelty that wore off very quickly indeed while I was still emptying ashtrays etc.
    I soon found this and another forum during my online quest for vaping information. During the next fortnight I bookmarked 27 pages in total on 25 sites. I had charts relating to batteries carts and juice mix ratios and heaps of things new and alien to me. I set myself a budget and decided on a few items to to get the ball rolling. Chatted with a few of the irc chatcomssievapers folks. Nice folks, not judgemental when you stagger in drunk as hell asking questions they must hear all the time...I digress. Tonight is 3 weeks since my first "e-toke" and the day of my first online order.
    I will be turning 40 just before the end of this month and hopefully my present to myself will be a way I can manage to kick the habit in it's current form and say goodbye to the $100+ weekly costs , stink, and health impact of these cigarettes I have both loved and hated for so long. The aim is to never purchase tobacco or cigarettes from Feb 01, and hopefully vaping by Jan 27.
    I ordered the AlpcomltraMax. Planning on getting a Provari order underway in a few days. Ego-T or maybe C starter kit probably too. One of Johnny's boxmods is practically inevitable. Currently researching best nic ejuice options and I am really looking foward to experimentation with juices and flavours and voltages (to distract me long enough to realise I no longer smoke , hopefully).
    Good, informative forum you have here.
  10. Jasclas

    Jasclas New Member

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    Welcome Toecutter, grab your self some cartomizers too, to make your eGo-t or -c more versatile :)
  11. krilindabulah

    krilindabulah New Member

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    Welcome Toecutter and good luck finding your favourite vape!
  12. asker111

    asker111 New Member

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    I like how the poll results strongly suggest what we all already know, word of mouth or seeing someone with one far surpasses other ways of finding out about e-cigarettes. That means its up to all of us to tell the truth about vaping since the media fails at that.
  13. mrupload2458

    mrupload2458 New Member

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    well a friend of mine was telling me about e-cigs one day i thought what a lot of crap it cant work .... but meh i'll give it a try anyway anything was worth a try at that stage so hubby and i got between us a 510 kit just to see if we could stick with it .... almost 5 months down the track now i dont think it was alot of crap anymore lol ...
    have since got my 70 year old mum on e-cigs as well as hubby and brother ,,,, :)
  14. aroutty

    aroutty New Member

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    My brother had a shifty-lookin' DSE901 kit that he gave to me becomse it wasn't doing anything for him. Didn't work for me either but I dug a little deeper and now I'm trying to re-introduce him to better stuff after being put off.
  15. kikeelaby

    kikeelaby New Member

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    I first bumped into vaping a few years ago, by accident as I was looking to quit the cigarettes.

    glad I found an alternative
  16. akwygkjoxdahq

    akwygkjoxdahq New Member

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    I tried a disposable from a friend and loved it..ordered a 510 and havent looked back...it is well over a month now and I havent looked back....I still kind of find it unbeleivable...all i am doing now is sitting home designing mods and talking to anyone who will listen...hahah (i am trying not to be an annoying "convert" though!
  17. Amanda

    Amanda New Member

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    Hi and welcome tocomssieVapers LazyDog..
    Best of luck with designing mods, look forward to seeing some
  18. Neketos

    Neketos New Member

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    Same here, have ordered some gear and am waiting patiently to give it a go.
  19. Leslie

    Leslie New Member

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    Hi and welcome motiv8dan,
    you will be surprised at how easy it is to start vaping and give the cigarettes up
  20. creature666

    creature666 New Member

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    Thanks for the Welcome margyb, and i hope so.... i have finally had enough of the ciggies.

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