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How did you come across ecigs for the first time

Discussion in 'New Vapers Forum' started by Wing, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. cruickure

    cruickure New Member

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    Art_d got me addicted by sectretly mixing ejuice in with the crack i was smoking. Now im hooked and saving alot of money. I thought ecigs were a stupid idea at first, but you notice the extra hundred a week in your wallet, and smoking inside again rules.
  2. tookie

    tookie New Member

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    Now you have an extra Hundred dollars to spend on Strippers, Milkshakes and Crack of the different variety each week.
  3. darkavenger1

    darkavenger1 New Member

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    the extra lapdances come in handy, I was sick of selling my crack for smokes anyway :)
  4. kiassan

    kiassan New Member

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    A bit of everything for me. I did see the WP thread years ago, but never gave it any attention. I didn't believe ecigs could be something I'd like in place of a real smoke.

    Then a mate bought a crappy ecig from some scamming subscription company and I tried that. Even though it was a crap device, it was a lot better than I expected. So I started looking into vaping. Becomse I am internet savvy I ended up in the right plce (here) and the members pointed me towards an Ego-t starter kit.

    That was over 4 months ago, and I haven't smoked since the day I received the Ego-t from HC.

    I soon followed up with a 510-t kit for backup, and a few attys for dripping.

    Last week I order a black Provari and liquinator tank to reward myself for staying off the smokes :)
  5. darkforcer

    darkforcer New Member

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    A friend started with the look-alike eCigs (not sure what they were). He went back to smoking and I asked if I could borrow his left overs - had a huge stash of the trashy tobacco flavoured stuff at different strengths.

    Made myself pretty sick the first night, toking the high strength. Started research and, like many of us, the rest is history.

    Current setup is a USB pass-through eGo batt (650mah) with 510 dual coil, dressed up with a cone and drip-tip. Reo Grand on the weekends. Current flavour is Del's absolutely wonderful Lemon Merangue Pie on the dual coil and Peanut Brittle in the Reo.

  6. nicodi

    nicodi New Member

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    I had heard of them, then I was at a party and a girl just back from London had a cigarette looking ecig and let me try it. I thought great I think I could quit cigarettes using one of these. Then I saw a guy furtively remove from his combat trouser pocket what looked like a rocket comncher, I thought at first it was some sort of illegal drug taking paraphernalia, he took a drag and blew out a huge cloud of vapour before slipping it back out of sight.

    Now in my sixth month of vaping I have left the cigarette looking device behind but I have not yet graduated to the rocket comncher stage.
  7. kristin149

    kristin149 New Member

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    Hey any chance you could put "other" or "word of mouth" in your poll selection?
  8. zinquer

    zinquer New Member

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    Friends bought some last year on an overseas holiday apparently it was the find of the century lol
    I instantly jumped on Google and started researching while they were still on the phone telling me how amazing e-cigs are, and my friends could hear the promo for Smoke 51 on my net book and got all excited and started yelling "That's them, that's them!!!" turns out they actually bought the Health E cigarette brand but if it was working for 3 die-hard chain smokers it had to be good and so my research began....
  9. Raspe

    Raspe New Member

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    i see a few above could have used it.
  10. I was first told about them by a non smoker about 18 months ago. researched and got an ego.
  11. Rika

    Rika New Member

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    First saw it on whirlpool wuite some time ago, and basically ignored it. Saw it again some months ago, just prior to another trip to the Philippines. Took Tracy over with me and had dome some Googling in regards to where they were available over there.

    Went and had a look, tried it out and bought an eGo-T kit, along with juice etc etc. Quite a bit more expensive than what they are here, but I was determined to try it. Well 6 months or so later, Tracy is still on the original eGo kit, as well as some extra batteries, but has graduated to dual coils as the tanks gave her a reaction. I went onto battery mods, and here we are today, non smokers finally, and with no plans to return to it either.
  12. qjzwfsi29s

    qjzwfsi29s New Member

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    I first discovered them in "08" I paid $160 for a rn4081 and about 50 cartridges. I lost interest after the government band them until I heard you could import nic eliquid for personal use. So about march this year
  13. anon90

    anon90 New Member

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    First tried one in London 6 years ago and didn't think much of it. Saw the WP thrread at the end of 2009, made some enquiries and ordered a 510 starter from HG and that was it a 40+ a day addiction gone just about overnight.

    It's a shame the WP thread has gone as it reached a hell of a lot of people and made converts out of them, the writing has been on the wall for some time though . Hopefully (ouch) a couple of posters will be banned and the thread resurrected.
  14. White House Watching

    White House Watching New Member

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    I wad introduced to them by sik on the initiative forums
  15. Soorlen

    Soorlen New Member

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    Shame about the Whirlpool thread becomse that's where I discovered e-cigs. It probably saved a lot of people from overpriced incompatible cigarette looking models.

    It's happened in the past and the thread came back again. It was the same deal then. Vendors and their associates should have been banned from that forum already. This forum is a great place to learn about new equipment and where to get it. I for one appreciate the info here from the vendors promoting their products and they (and others) are great at taking the time to tediously answer the same questions over and over...

    But Whirlpool I think is more for the users to discuss their experiences without having to worry about hurting the feelings of vendors and being attacked for voicing an opinion. Whirlpool has always been a great place to find honest opinions about PC parts, laptops, ISPs, online shops, etc. And the gadgets section is no different so why should e-cigs be any different? We just want to be informed so that we can make our own decisions. And sometimes that's a bit easier when not influenced by opinions from those with vested interests - that's where Whirlpool is special, and on a much broader scale than a specific product forum.

    I'm an obsessive reader when it comes to something I'm interested in, so I don't find myself needing to ask many questions or needing help, but I do feel tempted to voice an opinion when I'm disappointed with something, same as others - Whingepool, lol! My daily ritual now when I turn my PC on is Whirlpool,comssievapors, then on to ECF.

    And I should point out that I appreciate the contribution that everyone makes to this site becomse I have learned heaps from you all. Thanks.
  16. mzacherymosesb

    mzacherymosesb New Member

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    This is so spot on its not even nearly funny and its pretty much the one thing a lot of vendors could not get through their head. Whirlpool is not for the vendors to hawk there wares, its for the users to discuss whatever they liked without being attacked or private messaged about why they should not continue on their currnet line of conversation.

    To be honest its the reason the thread has so very little chance this time, even if they do resurrect and ban the first time someone comes along and says "I think vendor A's wares are not that great, what does anyone else think?" up come the ghost accounts, the lawsuit threats and everything else will pop again becomse there are quite a few behind the scenes that just want to make a dollar and dont want anything threatening their ability to do so. Even if you manage to remove the ghost accounts and vendors there are quite a few fanboys behind them that will happily fight their war and then we are back to square one again.

    Quite a few vendors in that thread joined only to sell and promote their wares and were not ever able to get over the fact that WP does not exist for them to do so and then got all butthurt whenever they were pulled up on it. Or were pulled up for attacking a user having an opinion.
  17. Blignee

    Blignee New Member

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    last year a friend of mine who works as a lighting technician for overseas acts that come tocomstralia told me how he had seen this device an American roadie had sitting on a amp, when asked he told him all about it.
    He then told me, so i promptly ordered one after lurking on a couple of forums including wp, ecf and vf. I had been smoking tobacco for about 30 years and this is the first time i have actually been able to give it up, 9 months and no going back.
  18. IGwmTPQqyr

    IGwmTPQqyr New Member

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    Hey Jato, do you know something we don't or is that just your opinion.
  19. vivechna

    vivechna New Member

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    Like you Stoney I stumbled on the WP forum whilst looking for SRTs on the net-a pity to loose any forum on this topic as I believe the more forums the more chance for dissemination
  20. Jesse

    Jesse New Member

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    Its all within the seven Whirlpool threads and numerous IRC conversations. Feel free to go back through and read them. Add that to the fact that the thread was shut down multiple times even from the early threads due to vendor nonsense and it paints a very clear picture.

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