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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. penny

    penny New Member

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    Sorry to read.
    I was one of the lucky ones that got something from HKP (took 3 weeks for a tracking number though), mine was sent from FT to HKP on the 23rd Oct, delivered here 19th Nov.
    Apparently HKP had some sort of issue with FT regarding non US orders, and it officially started on the 25th Oct. Everyone who had their orders sent to HKP on the 25th or later are getting refunded by FT right now. People that had them sent from 19th to 23rd like me, actually got delivery. Orders sent around the 24th are in no mans land, probably won't get them delivered, and FT is ignoring those people for refunds right now.
    I'd start a paypal refund procedure right now if I were you.

    As said by someone before, previous orders were SGP, subsequent orders were with SGP, and I got them all just fine in 3-4 weeks. FT dumped SGP for a few weeks be.comse they had some problems with them, and it ended up in a bigger mess be.comse HKP are just plain not interested in mailing any FT orders to anywhere except the USA.
  2. socceKitsT

    socceKitsT New Member

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    Think I just might do the paypal dispute, I'm sick of being told by FT support to "be patient", I'm well over being patient :( I am not going to order anything from them until I've got everything I have already ordered, have a small parcel that was apparently posted on the 4/10 via China post, and that still hasn't arrived. Not a happy camper. Anyhoo, I've got everything I need to get on with the RBA building, from Vape King, and will be doing a lot of messing around with this for a while. I'll be looking at ordering a couple of other RBAs from them very soon, the RSST and maybe the Aga-t. They aren't that much more expensive when you consider the irritation factor :), and their customer service is excellent.
  3. skily88

    skily88 New Member

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    Hey All,
    I'm new to this forum but not to vapeing I have been a long time lurker taking some good advice from when I was the new kid at work "Keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut" :)

    Just thought I'd say hi


  4. tfdzqzaca

    tfdzqzaca New Member

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    Hey guys,

    A quick intro from me, my name is Deane I live in Melbourne (SE) area, originally from the Gold Coast, Queensland.
    While I haven't begun my vaping journey I'm looking forward to receiving my setup real soon. I have to admit I was very skeptical about the effectiveness of using a PV as an alternative to cigarettes I'm encouraged by the amount of people on this forum who have successfully made that transition. When I had seen people using them in public in the past, I thought they were only used as a no nic quitting aid to try kick the habbit. So the whole concept has blown me away, I feel like I've been living in the stone age..

    Forums like these are great to share knowledge and experience with each other and makes for some interesting reading. Keep an eye out for my noobie questions and go easy on me haha.
  5. Boo Boo Kitty

    Boo Boo Kitty New Member

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    Hi folks, just saying hello! Only been vaping around 2 weeks, have very little idea what I'm doing and have been reading several internet forums in my sttempts to problem solve and learn. Figured I should join one, so here I am! Apologies for any future stupid questions...
  6. Missa

    Missa New Member

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    No such thing as a stupid question :D

    Oh, and welcome new vapers/members :) :) :) :)
  7. spareman

    spareman New Member

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    G'day Folks,
    My name is Zee and I've just joined your forum. I've been off the smokes now for a little over a week (21/11/13).
    A friend of mine sent me a link to an e-cig and before you know it I was all over the web and found this site among others.
    I looked for canuk vendors and found Ecigs-SA had a lot of good feedback from you guys and he's only a short drive away from me so I made an appointment and Peter was very helpful and sold me all the hardware to start Vaping :)

    I just wanted to say thank you to the canukVapers community for all the great info. I'll be sticking around for sure... I think I have a new hobby, and I'm feeling confident I've ditched a dirty habit!
  8. ChapinThug

    ChapinThug New Member

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    Hi my name is ben i have been vaping for 3yrs and have just joined this site. hi everyone
  9. walawala

    walawala New Member

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    Hi all, I'm Alex , based in Melbourne. been a smoker for 35 years , now been vaping for 7 months!!
  10. afaiatyvqhqvq

    afaiatyvqhqvq New Member

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    Welcome to all the new members!!!! :)
  11. verejenis

    verejenis New Member

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    Lots of new vapers this week, welcome!

    One of the storemen at work .comght me vaping in the warehouse yesterday. I didn't see him on the other side of some pallet racking. He's seen me vaping outside before, but this time he seemed very interested and asked lots of questions and I gave him a card from one of my canuk suppliers. It's only a matter of time...
  12. suhail_08

    suhail_08 New Member

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    Last night I got a refund to my credit card from Paypal for one of my packages. I didn't request it, so FT must have done it on getting one of my parcels returned. They haven't emailed me to say why, or updated the support ticket for it. I'm closing the support ticket myself now with a note that a refund was received.

    If I didn't already know what was going on I would have been so confused by this be.comse there was no reason given for the refund. I think they are in meltdown mode just doing a ton of refunds.
  13. amoubmack

    amoubmack New Member

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    Yep same here, full refund. I'm just glad that the parcel that went awol was nothing I really needed, just a bunch of vape fluff. Glad you also got a refund. I can't be too angry at FT, its not really their .comlt the postal service, went postal :) I'll put in another order in the new year. I'm mostly set up now, so don't need a lot of gear, so I'm just going to give myself a treat of a few RBAs and maybe another mech mod or two :)
  14. Jumppersss

    Jumppersss New Member

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    G'day all. I am looking to give up smoking tobacco and I bought some gear from Veppo during the black Friday sales before I found this forum. It hasn't arrived yet, but I ordered an E cig starter kit with 9 packs of of 16mg tobacco flavoured cartomisers and 2 packs of flavoured at 11mg each.

    Hope I ordered the right stuff to get me going. I've only had one drag from a vaping device before and I have no idea what to expect with my order. Reading through this forum has confused me a bit, but there is a wealth of info here. Hope to be up to speed with it all soon.
  15. mist3yqeh

    mist3yqeh New Member

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    G'day Mr Dan,
    Welcome to the forum. I'm a fresh noob from adelaide too. Just hit day 12 of nonsmoking.

    You've got the mg about right at 16mg (depending on how much you smoke of course, I was a pack a day and I'm on 18mg juice).
    Flavour is very subjective but I have found the tobacco flavour that I bought tastes more like I'm eating tobacco rather than smoking it lol. So your mileage may vary.
    I found mixing it with cherry is much nicer than straight.

    Depending on what carts you bought you may or may not be satisfied with them....
    But never fear there's loads of stuff out there to choose from and this forum is really great and full of good people that have been through it all before :)
    It's been great for me to see other peoples success and it's inspiring.

    I'm using a "Clearomiser" setup which basically just holds more juice and vapes more juice than a "ciga-like"... It's working really well for me.
    Watch some vids on Youtube too that'll help explain the Vaping lingo and stuff will make more sense :)
  16. justmeh1987

    justmeh1987 New Member

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    Hi Mr Dan and Welcome to the madhouse! I think with our first order noone really knows what to expect, and the confusion at first.. well thats pretty normal :) Strongly suggest that if you have the time that you have a wander through the new vapors stickies at the top of this page New Vapers Forum it will in some ways probably confuse you more but thats ok .. ask a questiona and most are happy to answer, no matterhow silly it might feel. :)

    I am guessing that for your first orderyou bought the ones that look like real cigarettes (also known as cigalikes). I think you will find that you will either love or hate them or the more you know that will want to graduate to a battery that is stronger, more flexible and cheaper with more options for flavour and strenght. here is a good guide for the next level if you choose to go that way http://forums.canukvapers.com/new-vapers-forum/17044-noes-list.html Except if you are a heavier smoker consider a vamo or innokin VTR instead of an ego k.

    Please if you have any questions.. just drop in and ask.. we have alot of knowledgable and willing to help people here, who were all new once too :)
  17. infergo

    infergo New Member

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    Thanks Zee for the input and Hello.
  18. audide

    audide New Member

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    Hi Mr Dan most of us took baby steps when starting, So don't worry much about it,
    If you want to move up in small steps, a 2x spinner batteries, 2x protank 2's, two packs of 1.5ohm coils, 1 ego usb charger and some sort of ejuice , would make a great second step. I usually drill two airholes to 1.5mm on the ego's, they work 10x better.
    then the next step maybe a VTR, 2x 18650 batteries, a nitecore charger and reuse the protanks and coils, and 2x swivel 510 drip tips.
  19. ASTRo

    ASTRo New Member

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    Hi All,
    I've been a casual smoker for >10years.
    Always have been interested in gadgets and modding stuff- flashlights, sharps, etc.
    Vaping community seems to be a friendly and supportive environment for everyone to share experience and support one another.
    Well, I look forward to learn more from you guys and perhaps come up with my custom mod one day! =>
  20. Fandrey

    Fandrey New Member

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    Hi Everyone, brand new vaper here. It started 1 month ago. Since then I now have 3 egos and 1 ego passthru, a bunch of cartos and tanks, a innokin itaste svd on the way with a bunch of iclear 30s's and 16's.

    This stuff is great fun and I hope to learn heaps and hopefully contribute as best I can.

    I almost forgot, I also have 2 mechanical mods on the way, the kamry kts and a private v2.

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