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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. K M

    K M New Member

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    Thanks Margy, I'm absolutely thrilled, Big thanks to you for your advice.
  2. <3 grace <3

    <3 grace <3 New Member

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    Good to know, it should be here by the end of the week!
    No worries mate, will point him to this forum as well.
    Might be able to work out some discounts for forum members or something.
  3. Lyanna

    Lyanna New Member

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    Hi my name is Ross or Rossco whichever you prefer. I used to be a pack a day smoker until a fellow worker introduced me to the ecigarette. After trying everything known to mankind this little gadget is the only thing that I've had success with. I started off on the ego starter kit, but now have moved up on battery size to the X6 as they last longer:encouragement:. Hopefully people on here can be helpful in giving advice as I've only been on the ecig for a month.
  4. Followups

    Followups New Member

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    Welcome Rossco . There is a wealth of info on here ( and opinions lol ) Search is your friend up in the top right corner of the page :)
    No question is silly , only some of the answers you might get ;) Feel free to ask the members anything , they are a helpful bunch !
    Goodluck on your vaping journey !!!
  5. rlacjcy3h

    rlacjcy3h New Member

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    welcome aboard rossco - i really enjoyed using the x6 - its a good size battery and lasts a long time - i dont know why they arent more popular - you'll find a lot of interesting reading on this forum and plenty of good folk ready to advise....
  6. bmrrsts97a

    bmrrsts97a New Member

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    Welcome to the errrrr.....steamy side of life Rossco.....pretty much a noob to vaping myself but loving it (and not smoking) I started with an eGo starter kit as well but a mate pointed me here and also to an EVOD and eGo Twist......got 4 of them now....lol.
  7. hoanghonht

    hoanghonht New Member

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    Thanks avtek, I love the three different voltage settings, and it beats the crap out of carrying a USB charger everywhere:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:
  8. maxikki

    maxikki New Member

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    Thanks blacktop, I'll have to do a search on them:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:
  9. ajafypoustptu

    ajafypoustptu New Member

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    Don't worry Fatman I will be asking a few questions due to being new and naive to the world of the ecig.
  10. kristinevp4

    kristinevp4 New Member

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    Hello OZ,

    Name is Joe, I've been off the stinkies for couple of months now which I never thought I would be able to. I started with few egos and now i'm digging my way through the RBAs and mods (what a nice headache :).

    I was introduced to this community during the last Sydney Vape Meet in Alexandria. What a great meet. It was pleasure to meet everyone.

  11. sane77

    sane77 New Member

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    Hi All :emmersed:

    I'm a newbie to the vapouring world, 4 wks this Sat since swapping the stix for the juice. YAY

    Slowing trying to learn & work my way through the terminology & re-familiarise myself with the forum world, it's been a long time (damn social media).

    I think I've done pretty well already got myself .comght up in the whole FT HKP drama first hardware order :app.comse: *thank you* & must be feeling Lady Luck as I'm going gamble again with HC.

    Now just need to learn that there is a lot more to it then the charge, juice & puff I first originally thought.
  12. daiww

    daiww New Member

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    G'day canukvapers,
    I've been lurking for a wee bit and having a read, so I thought I'd join up. I've done quite a bit of forum reading and you seem like a very lively, humorous and smart group of individuals :peaceful:

    I'm a long term smoker, and I like smoking, however, I've smoked too much for too long. I was introduced to a V2 by a friend and now have my own V2 and an assortment of V2 cartridges. Now, I've read enough to understand that the V2 is not de riguer, however, it works for me, and I need something I can use on a golf course!

    I'm currently using the V2 and smokes, but I feel that once I get a handle on the amount of nic I need and something that doesn't .comse my throat to explode, I'll be able to further reduce the smokes. Subtext, more research required.

    Thanks for your great site, I look forward to reading more and getting to know members, cheers Deb
  13. devilmc

    devilmc New Member

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    Nice to see more girls on here :):):)

  14. bazza

    bazza New Member

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    Its ok Deb , as you experience us more and more you will know how wrong first impressions can be :D

    WELCOME !!!!! :)
  15. nubpoent

    nubpoent New Member

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    Thanks, although I chose to lean towards the Dalai Llama on the issue of being positive, if things turn feral I can cope, although I'm positive that will never happen :peaceful:

    I've read enough to know that I need to be wise about choosing to poke sleeping bears :rolleyes:
  16. luluxbeach

    luluxbeach New Member

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    LOL .... WHY is everyone saying that lately ;)

    I just choose to be the calming influence when the villagers start grabbing pitchforks and pouring tallow on cloth wrapped sticks and milling around the castle :D

    Healthy debate is always a good thing :)

    But yes Dont poke sleepy bears unless you really really have to LMAO * :p

    * this is just my opinion , we all have them
  17. ddos

    ddos New Member

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    It's easy, any time the urge to poke bears becomes overwhelming, poke a Fatman instead. :
  18. baboli

    baboli New Member

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    I use my little ego/evod setup on the golf course, as do the other golfers that vape, (we are growing in numbers daily at my local golf club :) )
    If I'm playing 18 holes, I take a spare full evod, and that gets me through the presentations as well :) I even match my ego/evod setup to my outfit, lol, and got fined for it, (considered a bit OTT by the boys).

    Welcome to the forum, great to see a few more girls, and ones with very cute dogs :)
  19. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    OMG! That's a bit serious, where do you play? I'm a member at The Grange GC in SA. I also play pennant and Golf.coms dropped a non-smoking rule on Pennant players about 4 weeks before the season began *frown* - that was not nice, next year, I'm going to be using my 'replacement' and boo hiss to them!
  20. lovemsmall

    lovemsmall New Member

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    I play at Pink Lake Country Club in Esperance WA, I'm just a beginner really, (4 years of playing is still a beginner in golf), but haven't played nearly as much as I would like to lately, knee injury, and work commitments don't leave me much spare time.

    Smoking isn't allowed in the club house, but no one is bothered on the course. We had another golfer just today decide he was making the switch, the numbers are growing rapidly. Nearly everyone starts out with the ego/evod setup, they are easy to pop in a pocket, or in your golf bag, thats why most of the golfing vapers use them on the course. They are even happy for people to vape in the club house, and as the numbers of vapers grow I can't see them banning vaping inside, they'd have a fight on their hands.

    The boys all like their black and silver gear, but there is some really pretty vape gear for those who like pretty things, I like the colourful stuff.

    Good to see so many newbies on the forum :)

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