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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Cracker Jack

    Cracker Jack New Member

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    Hi, Im Keith
    New to vaping, just researching to see which is best suited to myself
  2. Fredericatsb

    Fredericatsb New Member

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    IS there anyone here in WA that is fairly experienced in vaping that wouldnt mind a phone call (or 3) to get some further intel???
  3. jvwv0iuzm

    jvwv0iuzm New Member

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    Hey Supd - I got some tabak flvr juice with the kit but that's 0 nic. I might have been a bit impulsive and ordered some Drum (my go-to analog weed) and cigar at 18mg from Niceliquid. Minimum order was 5 each - translates to $$$. I'm still trying to get my head around all the suppliers. I'm a bit concerned about quality control esp with regard to China suppliers. No offence but all you have to do is remember "baby formula" from the news a while ago and you know what I mean. Yeah, saw the pipes on line but for the moment I want to get the tech down and then I'll branch out. I almost went the Volcano but thought that would just be OTT ;-)
  4. Zitlemia

    Zitlemia New Member

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    Thanks for the tip, I'll look up Mt Baker. I really love my pipes ( I've got 12 or so and at least as many different tobacco blends) but I just get paranoid and know that I really should stop. Cheers!
  5. lalolanda

    lalolanda New Member

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    Hey Pipesub, I get my nic juice, (unflavoured 36mg) from Health Cabin, they have a good rep for quality, and the nic juice I have from them is just fine. I mix this with flavour doublers, (which you mix 50/50 with the unflavoured nic juice), its really easy to start mixing in this way, mixing unflavoured 36mg with a doubler, gives you a vapable juice of 18mg strength. There are lots of reviews of the various vendors on this forum, so its worth while having a look at a few. I like the flavour doublers from Vapebar, VapeKing, and Vaping Cobra, all good canuk vendors. Fasttech and Health Cabin are two of the Chinese vendors I have bought from, and both have been good, but postage can be a little slow.

    You can also buy unflavoured nic juice from NZ vendors, as well as pre-mixed juice that is ready to vape. Its a good idea just to buy small amounts of pre-mixed or flavour doublers, and a range of flavours to try, be.comse you don't want to order a lot of one flavour that you may end up hating. Try a few of the non-tobacco flavours as well, its surprising the flavours you end up loving, which you may not think you would at the start.

    Its a learning curve for sure, but you seem like a pretty switched on guy, so I'm sure you pick it up no problem : )
  6. bevasusasda4370

    bevasusasda4370 New Member

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    The majority of nicotine sold in juice originates from China, whether it is made in the US, China, UK, or anywhere else. Yes there are some bad juices but not all of them come from China.
  7. A Wolf at the Door.

    A Wolf at the Door. New Member

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    Welcome new members.

    Yes it's that time of the thread again, for "Noe's List".

    The below is a re-post but I like to keep it easy to find for new vapers or potential new vapers, be.comse it helps if you know what you need to get started:

    IMO what you want for your initial order is a 1-stop-shop, where you can get everything you need in 1 order.
    Regardless of what you decide to order, this makes things very simple & means everything arrives at the same time, so you can get into it immediately you open it(well almost, make sure the batts are charged first).

    For the same reason I recommend Health Cabin for first orders, they have a large range of products, they ship reliably(choose EMS shipping & you will usually have you goods in a week, 2 at most), their customer service is very good & their prices are good too. Plus they have everything you need, including nic juice to get you started.

    I think the best solution for a new vaper is an entry level device, which will serve as a back up should you have problems with your mod later on, like these kits:
    eGo K Vision Compact Kit V2 in 30 styles [02-F] - $18.99 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail two of these kits will have, 2 chargers( a spare in case one fails) 2 clearomisers & 2 batteries, all you really need to start vaping minus the juice.

    Next you will want some juice my recommendation is 10x 10ml, 18mg/ml, pre-mixed juices in various flavors:
    Dekang E-juice/E-liquid for Ecigarette
    HC E-Juice/E-Liquid : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Then also get some unflavored nic in 36mg/ml, 75/25 PG/VG, which you can mix later with canuk made doublers, so 1 or 2 x 115ml bottles:
    115ml HC Unflavored E-liquid [Z8 HC Unflavored 115ml] - $11.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    Optional devices:
    If you want to stop there, you can & will be able to start vaping with just what is above or if you want to try different clearomisers/tanks etc then these are some good ones to try:
    3.5ml Ismoka BCC(Bottom Coil Changeable) Mega Clear Cartomizer [03-3A-4321] - $11.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    5pc New CE3 Bottom Coil 510 Clearomizers [05-C-12] - $10.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Innokin iClear 30 Dual Coil Clearomizer with replaceable coil (Crystal Gift Box) [05-H-3-2] - $10.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Vision eGo Clearomizer V3 (Exchangeable & Detachable)

    While not an absolute "must have" these come in handy sometimes for your eGo type batteries:
    500mA USB Power Adapter/Charger (US/EU/UK.com plug) [05-A-2-2] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    Items for mixing
    A bottle of PG & a bottle of VG will come in handy if you need to dilute your juice later on & it is cheap to grab a bottle of each at the same time:
    115ml PROPYLENE GLYCOL USP(PG) [Z4 115ml PG] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    115ml Vegetable Glycerin USP (VG) [Z4 115ml VG] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Some empty mixing bottles will also come in handy, perhaps 4x 30ml & 4x 10ml to start with:
    Empty Ejuice Bottle(childproof) [06-D-23] - $0.25 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    A syringe is also a good idea to grab for measuring liquids & refilling some kinds of clearos etc, I would grab one of each size:
    E-juice Injector(1ml 2.5ml 5ml 10ml) Ejuice Injector /syringe [06-D-1-1] - $0.25 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    You will also want blunt tipped needles for your syringes, 4 of these, Long(XL) type:
    Blunt needle for syringe [05-D-2-1] - $0.15 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    Devices not recommended
    I DO NOT recommend v2cigs, overpriced, cigalikes for anyone!
    If you want a cigalike, HealthCabin also stock them, look for a 510 manual starter kit. It will be much cheaper & perform the same as the more expensive V2cig kit but these will not work anywhere near as well as the gear I listed above.
    If you decide you still want a cigalike & get the 510 kit, I recommend using these to put your juice in for vaping:
    5pc New CE3 Bottom Coil 510 Clearomizers [05-C-12] - $10.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
  8. jsteele

    jsteele New Member

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    Thanks Noe - I'll just pay close attention to the relevant threads here to keep myself informed.
  9. Bluelay

    Bluelay New Member

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    New member from Canberra here, been vaping on and off for a couple of years, but finally off the analogues and vaping only now.
  10. nami183x

    nami183x New Member

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    new on the forum been vaping for about a year still haven't kicked analogues completely yet. Just thought I'd say hello! My current set up is a Joyetech eVic with either a protank v1, AGA-T, iGO-L or a vision eternity in dripping mode. Nic-wise Im sitting somewhere between 10-20mg depending on my mood. Hopefully some of your screen names will become more familiar over the next few weeks! :)
  11. amilesqtexaxda5694

    amilesqtexaxda5694 New Member

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    G'day, welcome.
    Hope you kick the analogues one day (like a boss...).
  12. carina44

    carina44 New Member

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    Hey all my names Chris, I'm new to the whole Vape thing and can't wait to get started. I have a 510 due in the mail today and can't wait to get home and try it out. I'm already looking at a upgrade. Hopefully this will be the end of analogues for me. I'm in Melbourne and keen to learn and help out where I can.

    Tap'n Like A Boss
  13. samAnThA

    samAnThA New Member

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    And you just walk in (like a boss) : )
  14. LomoSnop

    LomoSnop New Member

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    Seriously, a 510 cigalike is probably not going to be satisfying, get an eGo type battery or two.
  15. AmandaKane

    AmandaKane New Member

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    I fully understand that now, I have another thread started on the kit I was looking at putting together. eGo, protank ect ect.

    Tap'n Like A Boss
  16. ImogenCDC

    ImogenCDC New Member

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    Hi I am a new member and a new vaper, started vaping 10 days ago, no more smoking.

    I used to smoke Vogue Menthol Cigarettes, does anyone know where I can purchase juice that is not too big a hit of menthol but also quite good on nicotine?
  17. alexja1118

    alexja1118 New Member

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    Hi Nina.. Welcome to Vape.to!

    Congrats and here's to kicking the stinkies for good! I'm only new here myself but I've learnt a alot from here as I'm sure you will too.

    I wasn't a menthol smoker myself, but if you are looking for e-juice cheaply with nic, HealthCabin.net has alot to choose from. I'd suggest doing a quick google search for some reviews to get an idea on the taste your after.
    Otherwise, you can find some good mixes with alot of international vendors, some of which are found in the International Vendors List on the home page.
    The next step is to make your own.. mixing all the elements yourself to create the taste you like. I'm yet to get that far myself.. soon enough no doubt lol

    Hope that helps a bit!
  18. kamelot

    kamelot New Member

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    Thought I'd tell my story aswell while I'm here..

    Name is Dan..
    I started smoking from the age of 15 and just recently at 31, decided to quit as I was really worried about my health. I had only a few days off here and there during this time and smoked around 5-10 a day. I was going to try nicotine gum until I met a guy who had stopped smoking using electronic cigarettes. He had bought a starter kit of cig-a-likes and continued to have a monthly order of nicotine vapor cartridges sent from the US. This got me thinking so I did some research and went ahead with my purchase almost immediately. The amount of positive reports/reviews and communities dedicated to supporting it was astonishing. Since starting the ecigs or vapor as it's called, I havn't looked back.

    I think the reports of being around 100-1000 times more healthier than smoking is correct. I have found I think clearer, I eat more, I can smell better and I don't crave as often. I actually had an immediate response to cigarette smoke as being dirty and horrible within my first week of quitting and using the ecigs. I now plan on being an advocate for most of my smoking friends to help them quit aswell.

  19. Owen

    Owen New Member

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    My name is Anthony. I am in my early thirties, live on the south side of Brisbane and have been smoking since I was 13. I have tried to quit smoking numerous times but have ultimately been unsuccessful. I feel that Vaping may be my solution to my problem. I plan to start vaping whilst still smoking and adopt a cut down method. I plan to tell myself, at least initially that I haven't quit smoking and can have an analog whenever I like. I am hoping that I prefer to vape and therefore will drastically cut down or completely discontinue my use of analogs.

    So far I have purchased the following:

    1 x Joyetech eGo-C 1000mAh Starter Kit
    5 x SmokTech eGo Mega Dual Coil Cartomizer (LR - 1.5Ω)
    1 x canuk Blue® BH Tobacco Nicotine E-liquid 30ml (80PG/20VG) (18mg Nicotine)
    1 x canuk Blue® Alpine Ice Strong Menthol / Medium Tobacco Nicotine E-liquid 30ml (80PG/20VG) (18mg Nicotine)
    1 x canuk Blue® Caramel Mocha E-liquid 30ml (80PG/20VG) (18mg Nicotine)

    So far the starter kit has arrived. I am still waiting on everything else arriving. If I find vaping is for me I will most likely look into mixing my own juices. I will probably buy my unflavoured nicotine juice, PG and VG from Mt Baker Vapor. As far as flavours go I plan to sample flavours from a range of vendors. I also plan to purchase a Boge F16 Carto Tank.

    I have been doing a great deal of research, a lot of it on on this website. I thought it would be a good idea to register here and introduce myself.

    I look forward to chatting with many of you.
  20. JeeJAWS

    JeeJAWS New Member

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    Welcome Pavlov, I also started vaping with some canuk Blue nic juices, they were pretty good, I love their caramel cappacino, and the mint slice is also pretty good. I stayed away from tobacco flavours be.comse I didn't need any extra triggers to go back to smoking the rollies, so stuck to flavours that would not taste anything like tobacco. Its definitely better mixing your own juices, although I'm sticking to simple doublers at the moment.

    Your starter kit sound good, best of luck, and don't be surprised if when you start vaping, you see the rollies in a whole new light. My first puff on a rollie after starting vaping, tasted like shite, and one puff was all I could stand.

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