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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Pleased to meet you .comrie, it's always good to see new faces. If you are worried about a back-up I'd just get a ego twist and charging cable from one of the local reccomended dealers. I know Vape King have very quick delivery times if you live in Sydney and Steam-e-Cigs sell them at Parklea Markets.
  2. Pupawait

    Pupawait New Member

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    Hey All,

    I have been lurking around here for a little while - was introduced to vaping a couple of months ago by a very heavy smoker at work who switched to vaping and gave up the smokes after 40 odd years. I have smoked for 10 years and getting a fair bit over it, tried a few other quit options and thought if vaping worked for him then maybe I should give it a shot! I bought his old Joye Ego stick and a new Pro Tank (he switched to a mod) and got started, have been pinching bits of his juice the last two weeks waiting for my order to arrive from the states which is here now so I am officially one day without cigarettes now!

    Totally addicted now, bought 5 different juices from Mt Baker but already ordered some nic juice to start mixing my own juice up buying local flavouring here (much cheaper, quicker and easier). I am also on the look out for a Mod device, the Ego is alright to get started but as an electronics engineer by trade I cant help myself from fiddling with things to hit the 'sweet' spot although I am a little deterred by some of the larger Mod devices, not really my thing so was thinking of going with the iTaste VV/VW Device, looks like a nice size and well designed unit - any thoughts??

    Anyway will make myself known from now, no more lurking!!

    Cheers guys and thanks everyone for all the information I have already gathered from my lurking, some fantastic info and very knowledgable vapers on this site :)

  3. Sperroria

    Sperroria New Member

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    Hi fellow vapers!
    Been on the vapes for almost a week now
    Tried everything over the years to get over the cigs but nothing ever worked
    Even got quite into the nicorette lozenges but they ended up giving me really bad gum problems and mouth ulcers, and I still ended up having 10 - 15 cigs a day (WD about a 20 a day smoker for 20 years)
    Patches made my arm sore
    But the vapes seem to be satisfying me extremely well
    Still had a couple of analogues here and there but over the last few days each time I do that I tastes like shite compared to the vapes so I just chuck it.
    Will I ever get of the nicotine?
    But I honestly think I am going to be of the 1000 other odd chemys within the next week as I m starting to hate the taste of analogues .
    The only thing that worries me is the battery charging
    Worried bout these things burning my house down
    Heard a few stories
  4. slexdaddeplay

    slexdaddeplay New Member

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    Hey Bob, well done mate.
    Definitely treat the batteries with that type of respect, especially when charging.
    I don't stand over them, but always recharge in the vicinity that in or working.
  5. extitle

    extitle New Member

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    Hi I'm Hank/Dave. I'm very new to vaping and as far as I've explored is a very basic starter kit which has completely stopped me wanting a cigarette after 23 years of smoking. I'm not interested in mods or cheap more so in the fact that I'm not paying Dunhill a cent.

    I've started with a Veppo starter kit be.comse I need convenience and the look of a cigarette. If anyone's got a better idea that meets those two criteria I'm all ears.
  6. BangkokBob

    BangkokBob New Member

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    Hey mate welcome to Vape.to.
    I too was a victim of the dunhills, though they seemed to lose quality with the plain packaging anyway.
    If I was going to use only cigalikes I'd go with Halo cigs and juice
  7. xadal

    xadal New Member

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    Thanks mate I'll have a squiz at them. They look like they might hit the spot. The really ordinary battery life is starting to annoy me after a short period of time but I really like just screwing it together and not smoking. That combined with the need for a cig alike is working for me.

    I stood with the smokers outside my building today and no one batted an eyelid and tonight I scored a "I'm loving you for not smoking" blow job from my wife.

    It may not be perfect but find me the best cigalike and I'm golden.
  8. skpyqha3f

    skpyqha3f New Member

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    Yeah none of the cigalikes have incredible battery life unfortunately, some more than others the halo are rated to have some of the best tobacco flavourings on the market though and they look just like an upper class cig (Black cartomizer though)
    Sounds like vaping is really having it's benefits for you haha.
    For the battery life I just used to have 2 spare cigalike batteries and a few filled cartomizers.
  9. LordKun

    LordKun New Member

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    Just so you're aware, mouth ulcers are a common occurrence and are the result of smoking cessation, not what you are using to replace the nicotine with. You should google for symptoms as there's plenty of info here and elsewhere. This does not mean vaping is a bad thing, it means the body's immune system has to adjust to your new healthier lifestyle. Similarly, bleeding gums can happen with increased capillary blood flow. The damage has already been done by smoking (receding gums and gum disease), and when the blood flow comes back we find out all about it. Then there's hacking up black stuff in the morning as the lungs clear themselves and start to heal.

    Whatever you've gone through before with smoking cessation, chances are you are going to go through it again. People tend to blame the vaping, when it's actually the removal of the 4000 nasty chemicals that you were inhaling every hour of your waking life. I get really upset when people tell me I have not given up smoking be.comse vaping looks like smoking. Clueless bastards.

    The good new is that things will get back to normal, it just takes a little time.

    When we have a safer alternative to smoking that is as good as vaping, more of us tend to make the mental switch to finding that smoking is a repulsive and smelly habit. It seems to be one of the key indicators to becoming a non-smoker in fact rather than just someone who chooses not to smoke today. This didn't happen for me with tradition NRT and even though I didn't smoke for quite some time, I always found the smell of a smoke attractive. It was inevitable that I would start again. Now, I would rather eat razor blades. (nothing worst than a reformed smoker, remember? Now you are one :)

    It's also a fact that nicotine on its own is not as addictive as tobacco smoke. There are other alkaloids in the tobacco smoke that increase and accentuate the affects of nicotine. In fact, we tend to find it's a vicious circle - the more we smoke, the more we want to smoke.

    I went from smoking rollies to vaping 24mg/ml with no problems, but gradually I started to notice that the nicotine was .comsing me problems and I had to reduce it. I seem to be getting more sensitive to nicotine and needing less of it. After several drops in nicotine levels I am now vaping 10mg/ml and using the vaporisor less. I can now put it down for a few hours and not bother too much about - essentially I forget to vape. I'm not putting any pressure on myself to cut out nicotine altogether, however that appears to be the way it's going.

    To give you an idea - after I had been vaping for a short time, I was using close to 10ml of 18 mg/ml per day. That's 180mg of nicotine (enough to kill a horse in one dose). Yesterday I vaped 3ml of 10 mg/ml - 30 mg total of nicotine. That probably not a fatal dose for a 60kg adult human if taken in one go. The strange but good thing is I feel like I am getting as much as I need, and have no wish to vape more or use stronger liquids.

    Most of the problems can be traced back to operator error. Usually, the wrong charger was used, the charger was .comlty, or the battery was damaged. None of the batteries we use get more than lukewarm when in very heavy use, and they should not get more than a few degrees warmer than the ambient temperature when charging. Don't charge the batteries if they are close to freezing point, or in a really hot place like the car. Also don't leave the batteries unattended while charging, and certainly don't charge them while you are asleep.

    The car is a bad place to be charging batteries - a confined space where you can't get away so personal injury is more likely - your attention needs to be elsewhere for safety reasons, so there's more chance of something going wrong without you realising, the ambient temperatures can be very high, and if something did go wrong you might find yourself doing 100 on the highway with a lithium fire on the seat you are sitting on.

    If the batteries still bother you, get one of those LiPo charging bags the RC car people use to charge their batteries. They are designed to contain fire and explosion should the worst happen and they are not too expensive. Our best defense though, is common sense, if a battery is hot or not working right, take it out of service immediately.

    Actual battery fires and explosions are very rare.
  10. jjesixqdan

    jjesixqdan New Member

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    Thanks for the welcome tally, and to the rest of you for all the likes:cool: I look forward to learning more from you all................
  11. GopeDedo

    GopeDedo New Member

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    Hi guys, great forum ya have here. Anyways I just completed my 7th day of no analogs thanks to vaping and this awesome site. Started on the little 510's, two days later and I was on to the ego-t. Just got a protank 2 and my first mod (I think thats what its called) is in the mail.....Pretty safe to say I'm hooked! :)
  12. Matt R

    Matt R New Member

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    Good for you Hellfish, feels great doesn't it? You'll be amazed how quickly you start ticking off the anniversaries, soon it will be two weeks, then a month, three months could fly by while you're waiting on that next order etc.
  13. Rick J

    Rick J New Member

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    Hi.coms Vapers,

    Been vaping for a couple of weeks and doing well. Am using the Bull Smoke system but should see the arrival of my new stuff off Juice Whore in the next few days. Interested in mixing my own juice.

  14. drinjectie

    drinjectie New Member

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    Welcome, new vapers :) :) :) :)
  15. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Hi, been sick with flu and decided that's it will give vaping a go. Just rec'd ego t with ce4. It's on charge now so can't wait to try. This forum has helped heaps. I'm going to give it a go in conjunction with patches but if that doesn't work will look at nicotine suppliers. Like the idea of the glass clearmizers and thought would try out bottom coils as well. So many variations. Does get very confusing. Might just purchase a variety and see what I like. Anyway hello!
  16. ekcohumabhst

    ekcohumabhst New Member

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    Hi all, have been doing so much reading on this forum that I haven't found the time to write a post. So much useful info to be found from helpful, friendly people.
    Bought an ego-c starter kit about 4 weeks ago and have added a few bits and pieces since. I can see this being far more addictive to me than smoking!
    What I'm really looking forward to is mixing up some of my own juices, using concentrates from Oz suppliers. Being a home brewer, I guess it comes with the territory.
    Any suggestions for a good source of flavour concentrates would be most welcome. Juice Whore seem to get a good rating???
    I placed my first order with Fasttech the other day - some EVOD BCC's, spare coils, spare ego charger & a couple of other things. I was very surprised and a little bemused to see a photo of my actual parcel, ready for shipping, on their website.
    I've never seen that done before with anything I've bought online. It's a bit of a tease really - "Here it is. You can look at it, but you can't get your hands on it for a few weeks yet."
  17. 90210

    90210 New Member

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  18. mariasexi44

    mariasexi44 New Member

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    Hi folks - just introducing my self...

    I'm making the transition from smoking a couple of pouches of American Spirit organic tobacco a week to vaping.

    I recieved my 48mg nic yesterday from the US - from Vip Vapor Cigs which arrived in 8 days - well packaged and cheap postage.

    Previously the only nic juice i had was a bottle of 555 from Smokeless Image - which I generally found a bit too nutty and sweet for me - but it was an ok start.

    Today I received a bottle of Guevara from El Toro - and a couple of 10mm samples from them too - Puros and Cigarillos - also today I received a batch of Hangsen essences from Juice Factory in WA - I got RY1, Cigar, Tobacco and some 0mg Ry6 premix to try & they threw in 5mm of Turkish Tobacco essence too.

    I have a bunch of Flavourart and TPA concentrates that i bought from Vaping Cobra and eCigsSA - some of which are steeping in PG at the moment and soon I hope to receive a bottle of Legend and Huntsman from Heather's Heavenly Vapes and a whole big bunch of 5ml Dekang samplers from Healthcabin which sell for $1.10 a pop so I thought why not give em a go.

    Gear wise I've started out with a couple of Volt 808 batteries and their sample pack cartomizers with their PCC which works well for when I'm out an about - also the volt passthrough which i find works great when plugged into the mains. For home I've got a variable voltage X6 battery with a couple a vivi novas and finally a 650 ego battry with some C4 clearomizers and one evod.

    Anyway thats where I'm at - googling at the moment trying to figure out whether the El Toro juices will be ok to use in the vivi novas - or whether they will crack the plastic tanks????.....
  19. JWR

    JWR New Member

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    Wow! You certainly jumped straight in there avtek, skipping the first baby steps unlike me!. I haven't heard anything bad about el toro with clearos yet after searching myself.
  20. watcher112

    watcher112 New Member

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    Hi coopz - i held off for ages thinking about it all then jumped in - i felt like i needed different gear for home and work and that it wasn't going to work for me unless i could cover all bases - otherwise i would just keep going back to the rollies - then i had some bad juice experiences at the start which really put me off - so i panicked and bought more juices and flavours in the hope that something will work ---- i just researched a bit on the el toro as well and all i could find is that they will go through coils faster than some other juices.

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