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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. skpyqha3f

    skpyqha3f New Member

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    Hey guys,Just started vaping 2weeks ago and havent had an analog since,and never want to have another again(as long as i have plenty of nic juice to vape) Fact is i loved smoking and was never serious about giving it up until i tried vaping,Now i love vaping and never want to give it up and will be learning all i can from this great resource to ensure i can stockpile a healthy DIY supply just in case the powers that be realise they dont have the tax dollars coming in anymore be.comse everyone will be vaping.

    Anyway just thought i would say G'day to you all.

    BTW Not sure if anyone has seen this article as it hasnt been out long but it looks as though they are half way to proving vaping is harmless.

    New study finds no health concerns in e-cig vapor | American Council on Science and Health (ACSH)
  2. AimundAid

    AimundAid New Member

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    Hi Necro, welcome. We hope you have fun aboard the insane vape train here at Vape.to...
    View attachment 11555
  3. FannieBor

    FannieBor New Member

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    Hiya, am in Melbourne and wanting to learn more about vaping. Hoping for guidance, and recommendations - particularly for UK based suppliers. Cheers!
  4. caaribou

    caaribou New Member

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    Welcome felony
  5. Greeng0

    Greeng0 New Member

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    why uk suppliers though?
  6. Shady sam

    Shady sam New Member

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    UK shipping is so much more reasonable!
  7. SugerCherry

    SugerCherry New Member

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    Also....have a couple of friends in the UK who have made the switch to vaping, with great success re. quitting the evil cigs, and just wanted some more info on making the changeover myself. Am a bit bewildered by some of the info I have seen, and would really appreciate some simple guidance on start up kits, and beginner tips :)
  8. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Welcome to the madhouse Strezz and Bdog :p.
  9. asdkfasdkf

    asdkfasdkf New Member

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    yay finally, welcome mate. this is a great forum and hope u enjoy it here.

    To all the new members, welcome to Vape.to ;)
  10. malvaacutam

    malvaacutam New Member

    Likes Received:
    I am Japanese Vaping User.
    Rei Asaka of Facebook.
    HandMaid Engraved Mod was started recently.
    The photograph of Custom Mod is released by my Facebook.
    Work is a photographer.
    Although there is a Vepors forum also in Japan, it is more nearly small-scale than other countries.
    Since first MOD and Ramble were put on the market at last even in Japan, it is spreading little by little.
    View attachment 11907
  11. qskuznl6w

    qskuznl6w New Member

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    hey nice to meet you REI did you do that engraving work
  12. artan

    artan New Member

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    Hi All,

    Fett, 35 M, Melbourne.

    Been vaping now 1.2 days, only 6 analogue smokes within this time (down from 1 per hour). Trying to read up on everything atm after having jumped right into the deep end of the pool without floaties so to speak.

    I'm sure to make many a post asking "how this, why that?" Just my noob needing guidance thread.
  13. goozer

    goozer New Member

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    mate we all had a first day once and Im sure no one here forgets that so jump in and if you have any questions just fire away there are plenty here who will do their best to help. Welcome to Vape.to
  14. Katie

    Katie New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thanks So Much Tally-Ho... I do feel welcome & it is nice to chat to people about this that understand it...most of my friends just don't have a clue.
    Looking forward to making many Vape Friends :)
  15. thiery

    thiery New Member

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    Hey Thorin, never thought i'd see you on here (I'm a mate of Searles).
  16. ymzpictmqs

    ymzpictmqs New Member

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    Welcome new members.

    The below is a re-post but I like to keep it easy to find for new vapers or potential new vapers, be.comse it helps if you know what you need to get started:

    IMO what you want for your initial order is a 1-stop-shop, where you can get everything you need in 1 order.
    Regardless of what you decide to order, this makes things very simple & means everything arrives at the same time, so you can get into it immediately you open it(well almost, make sure the batts are charged first).

    For the same reason I recommend Health Cabin for first orders, they have a large range of products, they ship reliably(choose EMS shipping & you will usually have you goods in a week, 2 at most), their customer service is very good & their prices are good too. Plus they have everything you need, including nic juice to get you started.

    I think the best solution for a new vaper is an entry level device, which will serve as a back up should you have problems with your mod later on, like these kits:
    eGo K Vision Compact Kit V2 in 30 styles [02-F] - $18.99 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail two of these kits will have, 2 chargers( a spare in case one fails) 2 clearomisers & 2 batteries, all you really need to start vaping minus the juice.

    Next you will want some juice my recommendation is 10x 10ml, 18mg/ml, pre-mixed juices in various flavors:
    Dekang E-juice/E-liquid for Ecigarette
    HC E-Juice/E-Liquid : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Then also get some unflavored nic in 36mg/ml, 75/25 PG/VG, which you can mix later with canuk made doublers, so 1 or 2 x 115ml bottles:
    115ml HC Unflavored E-liquid [Z8 HC Unflavored 115ml] - $11.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    Optional devices:
    If you want to stop there, you can & will be able to start vaping with just what is above or if you want to try different clearomisers/tanks etc then these are some good ones to try:
    3.5ml Ismoka BCC(Bottom Coil Changeable) Mega Clear Cartomizer [03-3A-4321] - $11.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    5pc New CE3 Bottom Coil 510 Clearomizers [05-C-12] - $10.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Innokin iClear 30 Dual Coil Clearomizer with replaceable coil (Crystal Gift Box) [05-H-3-2] - $10.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Vision eGo Clearomizer V3 (Exchangeable & Detachable)

    While not an absolute "must have" these come in handy sometimes for your eGo type batteries:
    500mA USB Power Adapter/Charger (US/EU/UK.com plug) [05-A-2-2] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    Items for mixing
    A bottle of PG & a bottle of VG will come in handy if you need to dilute your juice later on & it is cheap to grab a bottle of each at the same time:
    115ml PROPYLENE GLYCOL USP(PG) [Z4 115ml PG] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    115ml Vegetable Glycerin USP (VG) [Z4 115ml VG] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Some empty mixing bottles will also come in handy, perhaps 4x 30ml & 4x 10ml to start with:
    Empty Ejuice Bottle(childproof) [06-D-23] - $0.25 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    A syringe is also a good idea to grab for measuring liquids & refilling some kinds of clearos etc, I would grab one of each size:
    E-juice Injector(1ml 2.5ml 5ml 10ml) Ejuice Injector /syringe [06-D-1-1] - $0.25 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    You will also want blunt tipped needles for your syringes, 4 of these, Long(XL) type:
    Blunt needle for syringe [05-D-2-1] - $0.15 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    Devices not recommended
    I DO NOT recommend v2cigs, overpriced, cigalikes for anyone!
    If you want a cigalike, HealthCabin also stock them, look for a 510 manual starter kit. It will be much cheaper & perform the same as the more expensive V2cig kit but these will not work anywhere near as well as the gear I listed above.
    If you decide you still want a cigalike & get the 510 kit, I recommend using these to put your juice in for vaping:
    5pc New CE3 Bottom Coil 510 Clearomizers [05-C-12] - $10.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
  17. CyrrilSnier

    CyrrilSnier New Member

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    Oh Really... How is Pedro.. lol
    Yeah I quit smoking for Vaping 83 days ago... I have got right into my new hobby. Beats Smoking them horrid cigs.
    A friend in the music industry put me onto this tech. Very happy they did!
  18. CribLise

    CribLise New Member

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    Hi There

    Another newbie. I was introduced to this wonderful hobby from a really good mate (thanks Sodd). I've been smoking since I was around 12 and been a smoker for 55 years. Tried the usual you b.comt quitting potions etc and nothing worked for me.
    However Vaping seems to be my calling. Had my last ciggie on Thursday 22.comgust and can't believe how great I feel.
    It's gonna take me a while to get through so much info on this forum and I just look at a lot of the terms and think this is way too hard for me!
    Just so long as somebody mixes me the juice and I have the right gear to vape it I am really happy!
    Keep up the good work all you dedicated folks and many thanks for all the time and effort spent on such great information for newbies.
  19. Angry Grandma 2.0

    Angry Grandma 2.0 New Member

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    Welcome Lyn,
    Was wondering when you were going to show ha ha.

    You'll find heaps of good info on this forum and lots of wonderful people who are only too willing to help you on the way and beat the ciggies. Now there will be two us out bush around the campfire acting like yuppies and getting strange looks ha ha. If only they knew what they are missing out on and how much easier it is !
    Sodd (still a sodd)
  20. casey

    casey New Member

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    Hi all........& Thank You

    I have been smoking for over 30 years & have tried to give up many times, cold turkey, patches, gum, Champix & have never been successful. I tried a "cig-a-like" a couple of years ago (from Parklea Markets) but it was a real PITA, refilling the cartridges & 30 mins battery life.

    After a recent holiday to Hawai'i I was introduced to the latest Mods etc. & was determined to give it a go. After returning to canada I started researching & found Vape.to. I have been lurking here for a couple of months now & can't thank all you guys & gals enough for the help you have given me (without even knowing it). Here I found all the info I needed & I started purchasing. I am now the proud owner of an iTaste VV/VW V3, and an assortment of clearos. I got quick nic from NZ & backed that up with a big bottle of 100 from the US. Some PG, VG, Doublers & DIY supplies from some local suppliers & now I a set.

    I have been off cigarettes since 10/8.........16 days & counting, & all without really trying. I have had no cravings as I am getting enough nic, I get the "hand to mouth" action my body seems to crave, & I get to keep all my friends (smokers) as I can still go out the back & socialize......WIN!!!

    Now my only fear is not having a backup MOD if something should happen to this one so I will be on the lookout & researching which way to go. I am undecided whether to just get another VV/VW V3, an SVD or MPV, or something else entirely..........I hate decisions!

    Apologies for the long post but I just had to Thank everyone for making this a friendly & informative community

    .comrie (P.S. I am male, my name has confused some members on other forums lol)

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