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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. mupro00779

    mupro00779 New Member

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    Thanks margyb - that makes sense. Ok will give it a go.

    Just a quick one - I am charging the battery - I assume it comes not charged. The light is green it is charging and when red it is charged fully ?

    How do I know when the battery is low in charge when toking on the e-cig ?

    I have manual e-cig - so do I push the button first and wait how long before I draw in ? How long do hold the button in before drawing ?

    Thanks again - newbie Bel.
  2. tostator

    tostator New Member

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    Hi Bel,
    Seems Margy gave you some good advice here, just be aware that it is better to under fill rather than over fill clearos.
    Filling it 3/4 full until you get in the swing of things may be helpful.

    If the light is green, it is fully charged, red means it is charging, at least this is how my eGo chargers work.
    When you plug the charger in, without the eGo in it, the colour of the light is the same as it will be when the batt is fully charged. After screwing in the eGo, if the light changes colour, then it is charging.

    EGo batts have under volt protection, meaning you can't drain them below the level of charge at which it is safe to recharge them.
    So when the batt is low in charge (you will feel it dropping off by the intensity of the vape BTW), it will stop working.

    When using my PV, I click the button just as my PV is about to reach my mouth & I start vaping right away. The button has a timer feature & will cut out if you hold it down continuously, I think it's around 5 seconds.
  3. Nutrarge

    Nutrarge New Member

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    Thanks Noe - yes screwed the battery in a bit more into the charger and now Red !

    Thanks again - Jon.
  4. hoinnaPab

    hoinnaPab New Member

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    Hey guys new member alert here!!! My names Daniel, and I'm currently in the process of setting up a website for consumer/wholesale concentrate flavorings for e-liquid. I thought I'd introduce myself and maybe get to know the community a little better. Just wanting a bit of feedback about whether or not people are actually interested in a new brisbane based supplier! E-mail or pm me with any thoughts or ideas please!
  5. ~~*Paradise Dreams*~~

    ~~*Paradise Dreams*~~ New Member

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    Welcome Dan, so what devices do you currently use and how long have you been vaping?
  6. lil_c200516101

    lil_c200516101 New Member

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    Hi Noe! My main anti-cig weapon is my 650 ego upgrade with a standard ce6 atty =) I've been vaping for 2 or 3 months now but havent kicked the real ones for good yet. I have however gone from a pack or more a day down to two or three every couple days which I think is a pretty good achievement regardless ^_^
  7. direrwolf

    direrwolf New Member

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    Hello vaperer's (if that's what you call yourself?) I'm Sean iv been smoking for the past 20 odd years trying to kick the durries. I'm on champix but its not working as well as i thought. So I thought I'll give electric cigarette's a go! but it just seems so confusing where do i start? i seen a guy at the local markets but i didn't have $90 to get a kit and i havnt seen him since. i hope someone can help me out.

  8. thunderator

    thunderator New Member

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    You don't say what nic strength you are vaping but i would hazard a guess that it is around 12mg/ml - 18mg/ml.
    In either case, I think if you jumped up 6mg/ml to either 18mg/ml or 24mg/ml in your juice & told yourself for the next week you won't have any cancer sticks, I think you will find that it'd be easy to give them up altogether.
    After that tell yourself 1 more week, then at the end of 2 weeks have a smoke, I bet you'll feel crook as a dog & won't ever go back to them after that ;)
  9. cxgjrga32m

    cxgjrga32m New Member

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  10. rolfFlare

    rolfFlare New Member

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    Thanks noe wow that's a lot cheaper then the guy at the markets! I can get a lot more for $90 on healthy cabin then him. its pretty cool you can get candy flavours as well!
  11. kermit403

    kermit403 New Member

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    Hello all. I've actually been a part of the forum for a few weeks now, just never formally introduced myself like I should have. I started vaping nearly 2 months ago now, quit analouges the day I got my first e cig and havn't looked back. E cigs is my new hobby :)

    I live in South canada, far north out in the country. Started my vape journey with ego-c upgrade 1000mah and vision stardust clearos. Upgraded to ego twist and protank within a week. I am currently waiting for my Vamo V3 to arrive. Wanted to go the Provari but couldnt justify the cost at this stage. I keep looking at liquinator tanks and other carts but am thinking Im going to stick with my protanks.

    Alegria on here has been a massive help with guiding me on premo juice vendors to try, a great bloke. The forum in general is a great source of knowledge and I hope I can actively take part and help those new vapers out there just as those senior members here did for me.

    I havnt seen any other vapers out in the wild yet, would like to meet some fellow digital users based in SA one day. I did see a fellow trying to organise an SA meet, might have to get in contact with him, think his name is Damo?
  12. JudyMerritt

    JudyMerritt New Member

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    Hi killmeimhere.. welcome to the forum! Well done for getting off the smokes... hope you get even a small percentage out of Vape.to that I get out of it. Good luck for the future and try not to get addicted to getting 'all the stuffs and things'. :)
  13. fenIntina

    fenIntina New Member

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    My name is rolli and I'm an alcoholic...

    Oh wait, wrong forum!

    About me, nothing too much to tell. I live in Perth, got introduced to vaping by my wife via a groupon offer and a few days later (prior to receiving the carppy fake smoke thing without nic) a mate who used to smoke heavily introduced me to really vaping with his backup Ego and his day to day provari.

    Since then I have bought myself a ego C, a stupendous amount of sample flavours, nic and today some kanger bcc clearos to try out.

    While I've spent a months worth of 'smoke money' doing it, I've already off the stinkies and have been so for a week now, which is about a week longer than I've ever managed to try in the last 15 to 20 years.

    I love the forum, is a great recourse for new vapourers like myself!!!
  14. megaultradebil

    megaultradebil New Member

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    That's the spirit ...

    Welcome all new people :)
  15. Sciency

    Sciency New Member

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    Howdy, I'm Adam. This is my first week of vaping coming from 28 years of analogs and I'm loving it :)

    Thanks to everyone for providing so much info... there's so much to learn starting out and having access to this forum has helped me heaps.
  16. theardy

    theardy New Member

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    Welcome new members :)
  17. mrPlotva

    mrPlotva New Member

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    Gday Guys and Girls a big thank you to this forum and all its great members
    for all the great info that has made my transition to vaping fuss free.
    Been 2 months of the cigs now and going well first time in 35years
    that i have lasted more than a few days at my attempts at giving up the stinkies.
    I am actually saving money.
    cheers guys keep up the good work
  18. mippedia

    mippedia New Member

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    Well done and welcome champ
  19. jaironb

    jaironb New Member

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    Hi newbie here. Presently have the cigalike and wanted to upgrade to a much better equipment.
  20. whtman

    whtman New Member

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