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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. William Hom

    William Hom New Member

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    Hello everyone,
    just found this forum so I joined hoping to get some good info on e-cigs or as you guys call it vaping.
    looking to get a start in vaping, so can someone point me in the right direction so I get the right gear first up
  2. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Welcome flatty! I know you probably had every intention to be called flathead on this forum, but you're name's gonna be flatty from now on.

    The best way to conduct some basic research is to read the stickies, and TRILLA's guide here: http://forums.canukvapers.com/new-vapers-forum/13188-getting-started-big-guide.html

    Also, just ask questions, even the stupid ones. There are plenty of members here who are able to help you through the process.

    Good luck!
  3. ajehnzswifay7019

    ajehnzswifay7019 New Member

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    Welcome flathead were about in this fine country of ours do you hail from?
  4. unioplene

    unioplene New Member

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    Hi now :D
    I have been lurking in the background for about 6 or so months on and off... Gathering rather helpful info and knowledge, and figured its about time I signed up and said thanks! THANK YOU Vape.to!

    I must give a special thanks to lozza82 for her endless support on starting my vaping journey, and also her man for hooking a sista up! I would be buggered with out yas! LOL

    Vaping cobra... Cheers for the ego. Id say more about it but my man stole it! Not that I am complaining... :D
    Vape king also gets a special thanks for ego twists, all the other stuff, super fast delivery, as well as your awesome special you had recently on the anyvape, which has taken me to the land of mods! As well as the pink pyrex smok tank... Havent used it yet but its spunky as hell!

    After a couple of temper tanties I have chucked! All my gear has been thrown in a box and chucked in the cupboard...a couple of times... BUT with the ever alluring aroma of juices, combined with the appeal of less lung butter! I am back and looking forward to the Melbourne Vape Meet next weekend!

    So thats me, happily in my nut shell :D
    Cheers again
  5. lapps

    lapps New Member

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    Welcome all latest members and new and not-so-new vapers :D :) :D :)
  6. moo

    moo New Member

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    so glad u have officially joined, there is a wealth of knowledge here and a great, friendly community too. warning this forum can lead to addiction of buying lots of new toys and juices ;)
  7. cahScoofe

    cahScoofe New Member

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    I dont think its hard to tell im already addicted, but shh dont tell any one :p One addicton going out the door to be replaced by another...
    I know which Id prefer to stick. Struggling with restraint :rolleyes:
  8. David V

    David V New Member

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    hi all, new to vaping(2 weeks) with ego and stardust.actally trying to quit smoking, still smoking 1mg windfield white though.
    hoping to just vape with minimal mg of nicotine or even 0mg nicotine.
    currently looking at importing some nico juice. any suggestion?
  9. Iris

    Iris New Member

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    Hello all,
    Brand new to vaping, try'n to give up the smokes, after much web surfing thought that vaping would be the best way to go. Since i got my 510t starter pack and some Nic juice, I have not touched a ciggy :) Mind you this whole vape thing could turn out be an awesome new "habit", as I am already looking at getting a Ego Twist and either AGR tanks or F17's!! Found this forum while searching info, (lurked around and read alot of great stuff) for some reason Chrome would not let me join...Then worked out that the answer for one of the anti-bot questions had to be written as 'Six' rather than "6" (D'oh!).
    Anyway great to meet you all and i think my bank accout is going to hate this site :)
    Cheers and best wishes
  10. Big Head 22

    Big Head 22 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Hello all

    New to vaping, been reading this forum for a week or more. Have now purchased the ego-t ce4 just waiting fo my nic juice to turn up

  11. pittie4fun

    pittie4fun New Member

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    Hey guys,
    I'm Pakros :) been vaping for 6 months now, have been smoking since around 14 and it got really bad when i was in the military. The notion that you could only get breaks on the job only if you smoke was crazy to me, literally
    "may i go rest my legs?"
    "no get back to work"
    "can i have a smoke break?"
    "sure be back in 10".

    Not to mention how winded i was getting during PT. Now that i'm off smokes it has been great health/energy wise. I've been selling, "free lance", kits to friends and families that i know and have started working on a website to sell small time (not interested in competing against the big guys :p ). Really cool to see such a strong canuk community. I'm originally from the US but have lived in.coms for about 13 years and now reside in Melbourne. Really wanted to make this Saturday's vape meet at the bowling club but lack my own transport so i may wait for it to get a bit closer to the CBD :) Talk to you all soon!
  12. xptgllekft

    xptgllekft New Member

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    hello and a huge welcome to all the new people. whether you're new to vaping or just to this site, i'm sure you'll find all the help and support you need here to start and/or grow your vaping experience :D
  13. dingding

    dingding New Member

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    Welcome Flathead & other new vapers.

    IMO what you want for your initial order is a 1-stop-shop, where you can get everything you need in 1 order.
    Regardless of what you decide to order, this makes things very simple & means everything arrives at the same time, so you can get into it immediately you open it(well almost, make sure the batts are charged first).

    For the same reason I recommend Health Cabin for first orders, they have a large range of products, they ship reliably(choose EMS shipping & you will usually have you goods in a week, 2 at most), their customer service is very good & their prices are good too. Plus they have everything you need, including nic juice to get you started.

    I think the best solution for a new vaper is an entry level device, which will serve as a back up should you have problems with your mod later on, like these kits:
    eGo K Vision Compact Kit V2 in 30 styles [02-F] - $18.99 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail two of these kits will have, 2 chargers( a spare in case one fails) 2 clearomisers & 2 batteries, all you really need to start vaping minus the juice.
    Next you will want some juice my recommendation is 10x 10ml, 18mg/ml, pre-mixed juices in various flavors:
    Dekang E-juice/E-liquid for Ecigarette
    HC E-Juice/E-Liquid : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Then also get some unflavored nic in 36mg/ml, 75/25 PG/VG, which you can mix later with canuk made doublers, so 1 or 2 x 115ml bottles:
    115ml HC Unflavored E-liquid [Z8 HC Unflavored 115ml] - $11.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail

    If you want to stop there, you can & will be able to start vaping with just what is above or if you want to try different clearomisers/tanks etc then these are some good ones to try:
    3.5ml Ismoka BCC(Bottom Coil Changeable) Mega Clear Cartomizer [03-3A-4321] - $11.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    5pc New CE3 Bottom Coil 510 Clearomizers [05-C-12] - $10.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Innokin iClear 30 Dual Coil Clearomizer with replaceable coil (Crystal Gift Box) [05-H-3-2] - $10.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Vision eGo Clearomizer V3 (Exchangeable & Detachable)

    While not an absolute "must have" these come in handy sometimes for your eGo type batteries:
    500mA USB Power Adapter/Charger (US/EU/UK.com plug) [05-A-2-2] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    A bottle of PG & a bottle of VG will come in handy if you need to dilute your juice later on & it is cheap to grab a bottle of each at the same time:
    115ml PROPYLENE GLYCOL USP(PG) [Z4 115ml PG] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    115ml Vegetable Glycerin USP (VG) [Z4 115ml VG] - $3.50 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    Some empty mixing bottles will also come in handy, perhaps 4x 30ml & 4x 10ml to start with:
    Empty Ejuice Bottle(childproof) [06-D-23] - $0.25 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    A syringe is also a good idea to grab for measuring liquids & refilling some kinds of clearos etc, I would grab one of each size:
    E-juice Injector(1ml 2.5ml 5ml 10ml) Ejuice Injector /syringe [06-D-1-1] - $0.25 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    You will also want blunt tipped needles for your syringes, 4 of these, Long(XL) type:
    Blunt needle for syringe [05-D-2-1] - $0.15 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
  14. cadnemo

    cadnemo New Member

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    thanks for the welcome guys and gals.
    luntingsir, I will read TRILLA'S guide soon and hope to get some good info.

    izmali, I live in the land of pollies, you know where that big bunker under the hill is:rolleyes:
  15. belkakeiit

    belkakeiit New Member

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    Noe, thanks for your advice i have checked out the web site and they seem to have what i need to get started.
    would you or anyone know how the nic juice they sell compares to real smokes that we have here in oz, i'd like to start on nic juice as i have been a smoker for such a long time that changing to just flavour might be a bit of a shock to the system.
  16. HRabb

    HRabb New Member

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    luntingsir, you can call me anything you like as long as it's not late for dinner
  17. Ceakidiks

    Ceakidiks New Member

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    Hi All,

    I'm Mick. 27 and been smoking 20+ per day for around 12 years.
    I quit smoking 1 week ago using patches. Have tried many times before using similar and failed so I was not very confident.
    Until last night my girl came home with a 'vapor stick thing' called Joystick. Ive never seen anything like it. I must say that I really enjoyed it, and together with the patches I felt 'good'.
    I then went on a googling frenzy to find out more and then came across this Forum. As I know everyone has there own taste and way of doing things, I just went straight to ordering what Noe posted above. No point wasting time, I'm impatient and can figure out the finer details as I wait for my purchase and start using it.

    Great forum and can't wait to learn more.


  18. its me

    its me New Member

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    Welcome Stahly.

    I wouldn't be using patches & vaping nic juice at the same time, similarly to smoking while using patches, it could give you nic overdose.
    I'm sure you'll work out how to use the bits you ordered fairly quickly, just be sure to charge the batteries before getting stuck into your new toys ;)

    Flathead, finding juice that tastes like burning tobacco is not going to happen.
    There are tobacco flavored juices that are quite palatable, though they will not taste like burning cancer sticks.
    Most new vapers are surprised at what flavors they like to vape. As your senses of taste & smell return to normal, without being as.comlted by carcinogenic smoke, you will find your tastes change with it & you will find out how much you have been depriving yourself of flavor over the years. ;)
  19. cjw08

    cjw08 New Member

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    I'm Matt, been vaping for 2 days now on an eGo-C
  20. LunaLovegood

    LunaLovegood New Member

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    Thanks Noe,

    Ill defiantly be binning the patches when my parcel arrives. Really excited to get started. Also saw the thread about everyone's hardware and kits, looking forward to getting used to what I've ordered and then customizing something a little nicer.

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