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本帖由 ATHEIST IS TRUTH!2015-09-23 发布。版面名称:Vape Politics and Media

  1. Acianinio

    Acianinio New Member

    Halo everybody,

    My name is Januar, but everybody know me as Yanto. As Indonesian, most of us have a nickname. :)
    Born in Jakarta in 1969, been in Sydney from 1991 and loving it.

    Just got an eVic few months back and enjoy this vv. That's what I should get last year, instead of the lower end ecig which end up in my draw and drop out from quiting analog cig for the third times, after tried drug and cold turkey. :-(
    Still in the process of finding a few right eJuice for my like, my favs at the moment is Vanda from Johnson Creek, Dark Roast Turkish Coffe and Death By Chocolate from Virgin Vapor.

    Now I can reduce my analog cig from around two packages a day to 3-5 olny, but still no good enough. :-( Is so hard, especially when I'm having a nice strong black coffee...mmm :) Basicly, I just love smoking, but unfortunately the price is no way to follow.

    My plans after reducing this expensive analog cig in a few months, I like to get a better mod and re-buildable atomizer. Don't like cartomizer.
    I'm using Pro tank and love it. I like my egoC and occasionally my eroll to, but sometimes the tank is just too small, no complain but.

    Hopefully I can share and learn more from you guys. And apologize for my introduction, not trying to bragging myself.

  2. mrjfo

    mrjfo New Member

    Welcome Yanto :) you are on the right path my friend. It is hard to quit those final few especially the morning with coffee one! I will leave the recommendation on rebuildables to those more experienced than me. I am still using Stardust clearos on an ego at the moment. Welldone for making the choice to at least cut down.
  3. kayreo

    kayreo New Member

    Welcome Yanto.

    The Protank is about the best tank available. for me. Works just great out of the box. Some people complain that the draw is too airy, but I prefer to regulate that myself to maximise the abount of vapour. A bottom coiler should not be too tight.

    For rebuildables, the Phoenix is a good dripping atomiser. I use one for testing new flavours. I takes about 12 drops from dry. If you want a rebuildable tank system, then look at the Cobras, Aga T2, and other Genesis style tanked atomisers. I've finding the Protank as good or better, and for a lot less work. I can honestly say I have not had a dry hit with the Protank, but I can't say the same for the others.

    Give it time and you will be able to cut the rest of your cigarettes out. Eventually vaping will just taste way better than cigarettes.
  4. Peakimava

    Peakimava New Member

    *waves hello to all the new people* welcome to our community and best of luck on your vaping journey :)
  5. daniods

    daniods New Member

    Hi Modd, Jeff, SinQuaNon and Yanto it's nice to see so many newbies. That Vanda from Johnson's Creek is a great vape. If there are any lurkers out there thinking about taking up vaping I'd highly reccomend it for first timers as it's very pleasant and soft on the throat/mouth, as long as you like vanilla (and who doesn't?).
  6. Snow Kid(is back again 2)

    Snow Kid(is back again 2) New Member

  7. walking lady RIP Tom

    walking lady RIP Tom New Member

    Thank you guys, feel so welcome here...

    Lizbizz25, yes I like using stardust/vision clearos to. And is look handsome with ego battery. :) But since using Pro tank, I prefer bottom coil now. There is new clearos with bottom coil, will get it with my next order.

    fabricator4, with Pro tank, yes I don't like it at the beginning, so airy and cold on lips. :) But now, I'm using my Pro tank more than the others. :)
    At the moment I'm thinking to get Vision Eternity or The Killer 705 or Z-Atty. But I will have a look at the brands you mentioned, thanks for the infos.

    tally-ho, yes Vanda is the first one I like after trying lots of flavours and almost give up. :)
    Vanilla is not my fav in the food section, but glad I bought Vanda. All thanks to the reviewer and the vaper forum :)
    Would love to try their new flavour Merango, but have to stop my self. Need to finish this more than a dozen flavours i bought in the past months. :) Cost more than analog cig at the moment...haha

    I wish, there is a shop front for ecig and ejuice in canada, so we don't need to waste time and money from getting the wrong device or juice. One of my plan is to open one, but have to start from small. Still trying to get all the necessary infos about it. Hopefully...
  8. spar1983tak

    spar1983tak New Member

    well I wish you all the luck in the world with that Yanto :)
  9. w4st3d

    w4st3d New Member

    Hello Pak Yanto. Check this thread out, they sell ejuice at the market. I think they're based in Sydney.


    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  10. arytheman

    arytheman New Member

    thanks modd.
    i will visit them soon.
  11. okbec

    okbec New Member

    morning all,

    i just joined this site after reading an article in the smh this morning about e-cigs and the positive comments from "ex-smokers"
    i had heard about them before but never really did any research

    quick history......been smoking off and on for about 16 years (mostly on) hate the bloody things but have tried various methods to stop and unfortunately havent succeeded permanently yet
    i used to smoke BH smooth (8s) then fine (4s) and now am down to 4-5 ultimates a day (which i believe are 1's but who knows these days) which is a pretty minimal amount but is still having a negative impact on my health ....i am quite health conscious and active otherwise (oh the irony)

    anyway will need to do some reading here as seems there is a wealth of information as to good starter kits and where to get some liquid......if anyone can point me in the right direction that is also appreciated
    my purchase would be a low nicotine dosage naturally as i have worked hard to reduce my intake as it is....one thing i do not want is to become more dependant on nicotine then i already am!! so that is my major concern

    have others really felt the health benefits of no longer smoking on their lungs and lung capacity by switching to e-cigs?

    cheers :D
  12. bdunc295

    bdunc295 New Member

    Hey welcome to Vape.to. There are a few shopping lists in the new vapers section and u can order or make ur liquids to any strength u want but the nic content in ecigs vs analogs isn't a direct corilation personally from the info I wld recommend starting at 12 mg and working down from there. I'd go into more detail but mobile at presnt and its a pain to post
  13. Welcome Jenko. In terms of the health benefits of switching to e-cigs, I cannot praise them highly enough in terms of my lung capacity. I can now bring my bin up from the bottom of the driveway (very long and very steep) without feeling like I am about to die cos I cant breath. Also have noticed that I dont get that wheezy, tight chest 1st thing in the morning. I have been off the smokes for about 6 weeks total now and I feel like a new woman! I shall leave the recommendations as to kits etc to the more experienced peeps here in the forum. Can I suggest that you have a look at the shopping list Shopping list for new vapers here. Dont be afraid to ask questions we are all here to help.
  14. gprzlln8a

    gprzlln8a New Member

    Welcome Jenko! I just wanted to back up what Izmali said about nicotine liquids not being equivalent to the nicotine in a cigarette, and sooooo much easier to reduce once you're off the ciggies for good. I smoked 4s, and went onto 24mg nicotine, which I've gradually reduced to the current 10mg I seem to find suits me best now. What I've found happen to me is that I can't tolerate the higher nicotine levels any more - too rough on the throat, and gives me palpitations. I keep one liquid higher to deal with any nicotine cravings, and only a puff or two and I'll go back to my lower nicotine.. especially useful when indulging in a glass of wine. Please let us know any questions you may have.. there are lots and lots of resources here in the forum, but we're very keen to help people get started and love answering questions on something that has become a passion to the point of near obsession for many of us. :)
  15. Parviz E

    Parviz E New Member

    thanks for the replies so far!

    quite excited about this and more importantly not having to burn tobacco but trying not to rush into a purchase without knowing what i need and how it all works......bit to get my head around with the equipment etc .....might hit up youtube for a visual manual haha

    will read through the shopping threads otherwise thinking basic like a start up kit
    Kanger EVOD Starter Kit with BBC(Bottom Coil Changeable) Clearomizer [04-G-43] - $42.00 : Healthcabin Electronic Cigarettes - Wholesale and Retail
    and some pre-mixed liquid

    12 mg sounds like a good starting point for me maybe......i do enjoy the hit and to achieve this without having to inhale smoke deeply sounds great!
  16. arnaytovay

    arnaytovay New Member

    cheers mrs g.. now that im back on a computer i can give more accurate information. Cigarettes no matter the mg rating all only contain approx 1 mg of nicotine the mg rating on the side of a smoke packet is for the amount of tar and that along with all the other dangerous chemicals aids in the absorbtion of the nicotine and is what give you that hit at back of throat. for electronic cigarettes the nicotine doesnt have all those other chemicals to aid in the absorbtion of nic and be.comse in ecigs the nicotine is absorbed via a vapor as aposed to a smoke the nicotine from ecigs is only absorbed at approimately 30% what a cigarette would normally give you.

    Haveing a close look at what you typed even 12mg ecig liquid maybe a little strong for you i would probably suggest maybe start at 8's since you are on such a low strength and smoked very little nowdays. Or you may want to try the zero nicotine path which would be perfect for you as its the easiest path to go down in canada as you would have no need to import anything as canadan vendors are unable to sell the nicotine liquids.

    Keep us apprised of how you go with it jenko
  17. AvainiX

    AvainiX New Member

    Hi and welcome Jenko. New to vaping myself but I'm sorta amazed at how easy it was just not to smoke anymore. In fact the thought of smoking now gives me the shivers. I was a 40 year, 40 a day man and I'd assumed my lungs were cactus. But within DAYS my chest cleared up completely. Even my boogers are as clear as candle wax. Near enough a miracle imo.
  18. saigon1

    saigon1 New Member

    yes when i have tried patches in the past they actually made me feel ill with the constant nic supply
    i have come down to this level over years but it seems i am stuck at my "minimum maintenance" dose so will probably start with the 8mg then as you suggest with a view to nic free one day .......perhaps its silly but i dont want to enjoy it too much either but at this point anything is better then tobacco burning

    sounds good! i have had similar experiences on quit periods which obviously never took long term
    damn alcohol! haha
  19. kostass

    kostass New Member

    I was what I considered a "lightish" smoker of 10-12 thin filtered rollies daily but I found I needed at least 12 or even 18 mg eliquid. It's easier to dilute things down than to strengthen them up. Everyones different; often with "lighter" cigs people just drag them more heavily and hold the smoke in the lungs longer until they get the hit they need. Getting something strong enough to duplicate the hit you need is key.
  20. mr.answerman

    mr.answerman New Member

    Hi everyone! Been lurking the forums for about 6 months and finally made an account :) Nice to see such a strong canuk vape contingent here. I was a heavy social smoker (aka regular smoker in denial) up until 7 months ago when I became mesmerized by colleague's ecig. Haven't looked back since...and now one of my favourite hobbies is reviewing juices and mixes.

    Happy vaping!
