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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. BerliGansLonaz

    BerliGansLonaz New Member

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    I have been vaping for over 1 year. But I didn't vape every day until.comg 2012. From the end of.comg 2012, I quitted smoking cigarette and since then I am vaping everyday.

    I live in Liverpool, NSW. I didn't see anyone vaping around. I wanted to share experience with someone who vapes. Fortunately I've found this site and happy that I am meeting canuk vapers.

    Thanks to the site admins who build this community online. I am excited of being a member of this forum.
  2. greenforest6

    greenforest6 New Member

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    G'day fellow vapers.
    I'm new to this game & on a steep learning curve. I initially bought 1of those nasty e-health thingys (dead inna fortnight), then got an assortment of clearo's & an "eGo" battery from DX. That didn't turn out much better, the disposable clearo' leaks & the battery lasted about 3or4 charges. It still allows emergency hits if I screw the top on & off, but the switch is RS. Lucky for me Juice Whore got my Vamo delivered super quick! (Placed an order early AM on a Fri' night & had it @ 9 on Tues! -Thanx guys:smile:.) Which brings me to a question about eGo products. I assume they all come from the same factory, but are there such things as pirated eGos? Did I get ripped off buying cheapies, or just lucked out?
  3. alnmqyjzqyst

    alnmqyjzqyst New Member

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    I just saw an ego w lol a cabbie vaping one while I ducked out for an analog.
    I do know there are plenty of knockoffs out there
  4. ezstudio2006

    ezstudio2006 New Member

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    Hi all,

    New member here. I've been off the ciggies and vaping now for just over one month.

    Great way to quit the Cigarettes!
  5. uliss

    uliss New Member

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    Hi all,
    Another new member.... Live in Darwin.
    Quit smoking a week, and two days ago, have been vaping sky cigs that my wife got a year ago but the life of the batts pissed me off so I found this forum....yippee.....I have ordered some juice from HC and am researching what battery I should get.
    If all goes well I should be on here a while.

  6. naughtybinature

    naughtybinature New Member

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  7. Tom N

    Tom N New Member

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    Its China,,,there's a lot of cloning going on, best to use the verified suppliers here, at least you can ask questions direct to one of them and expect an answer,
  8. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah New Member

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    Good Advice, I think I will!
  9. daleradar

    daleradar New Member

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    Welcome to all the new people.
  10. bac

    bac New Member

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    Hi everyone,

    There are most definitely fake ego batteries out there, some are junk, some are every bit as good as the original if not better. As previously suggested your best bet is to source from a reputable local vendor, not some dodgy stall in a westfield or whatever.

    I work in Sydney CBD and am yet to see another vaper in the wild, although I get a lot of curious looks myself.

    Still yet to have a complete stranger ask me what I'm doing
  11. ancci03

    ancci03 New Member

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    Hi another new vaper here.
    As the name tally-ho implies I was a dedicated rollies smoker.

    I've tried a number of nicotine replacements over the years but always ended up feeling sick as a dog.

    Then I chatted to a fella with a e-gig at an canada Day BBQ and realised this new fangled device was exactly what I needed. I ordered one as soon as I got home and despite a few hassles along the way (a bit of a bad reaction to PG and nicotine spins from even the 6mg mixes) I've settled into a comfortable pattern and am awaiting a bit more kit to arrive so I can refine things a bit more before weaning myself off nicotine entirely.
  12. BlackHawk99

    BlackHawk99 New Member

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    Welcome to the Danger Zone,,,,just kidding mate, take your time, ask questions, do research, use Utube, it gets better, I was. Pack and a half day man, now ,,,,I'm not,,,
  13. fraulaburnst

    fraulaburnst New Member

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    Thank's Richo. I feel like a bit of support tonight. So far vaping has been a pretty easy transition for me (hell it even cured my chronic insomnia) but the last few days I've been struggling to find a comfortable nicotine level.

    No way I'm going back though.
  14. Beatle Susie

    Beatle Susie New Member

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    It will take a little time to find what works for you tally-ho but you will get there and I think you have the right attitude and mind set.
    I have found 18mg works well for me and I have some 24mg mixes for the hard times.
  15. znanmtjbev

    znanmtjbev New Member

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    G'Day Tally-Ho ( and indeed all new vapers over the last few days )
    Support is one thing we are not short of around here :)
    We are all gonna have those off days , in fact I am having one today , but mindset is an important thing to remember , and probably the greatest tool in your arsenal !
    A good mindset , and some vapour , will get you thru most scenarios
    Vape On dudes ( and dudettes)
  16. zlacfdkzdp

    zlacfdkzdp New Member

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    Couldnt agree more.
  17. seelmdip

    seelmdip New Member

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    Thank's for the welcome everyone. Finally got my ego VV starter kit this morning (yay!) and yet more dissapointing vape flavours (sigh!). So far I've bought about 12 and only found three I can tolerate. This is getting to be very expensive. Is there anywhere in Sydney you can try BEFORE you buy?
  18. Mommy of 1

    Mommy of 1 New Member

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    Congrats on giving up the filthies Yasmin! :) t only seems like a mystery at first, but loads of friendly helpful members here that don't mind have their brains taxed a little. lol
    You'll have to get yourself one of these fancy signatures.. like below :)
  19. carpinteyromhc

    carpinteyromhc New Member

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    Hi everyone. A few months ago, I was struck by the Depp vaping scene in The Tourist but never thought much about it again - until that is, I read a news item about the rise of e-cigarettes and other smoking alternatives. Given that I've been partial to the odd smoke over the last 25 years and have wanted to give it away many times (especially since the arrival of my children), I decided to do some research. The long and short of it is, I made a selection, ordered some product and have been totally enamoured ever since. I now hate the taste and smell of analogue cigarettes. In fact I became so enthused by the whole vaping alternative, I decided to take a more commercial interest in it and some time ago, I started a business promoting Green Smoke products in canada. The response so far has been very positive - particularly amongst friends and colleagues; many of whom have smoked analogues for decades. I sincerely hope the TGA and legislators in canada treat this industry and the products it provides with the balance and logic it so desperately requires.

    To all of you who've made the switch to vaping and electronic cigarettes, I salute you.

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