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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. lovemsmall

    lovemsmall New Member

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    Just start a thread in the newbies section and call it something like "Hi Bindy needs advice/ help"or something and we will do our best. It is very confusing at first but it does get easier.:):)

    Here is link

  2. deannecn4

    deannecn4 New Member

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    Hi all A Vapers wife here come to see, what occupys my Husband 99 % of the time :)
  3. meridian0v0

    meridian0v0 New Member

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    hmmmm do i comment to this post (this is the better half)
  4. hocrify

    hocrify New Member

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    Welcome newbies (and wives, hubbies, partners, significant others, ducks, dogs, cats and axylotls) LOL
  5. Chylers Mom

    Chylers Mom New Member

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    You wish you were the better half :p Can clearly see that i am
  6. dvperrysnat

    dvperrysnat New Member

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    Another outsider has breached our defences.
    You know the first rule of vape club, snelly ?

  7. baangelasteaxdy7930

    baangelasteaxdy7930 New Member

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    Life is clearly over haha lets hope she never reads the for sale secton to see what some of this stuff is worth haha
  8. fzwg2cvfvgw

    fzwg2cvfvgw New Member

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    DANGER DANGER ,,,,,,, WIFE ALERT WIFE ALERT!!,,,,,hang on, I'm not married,,,,,
  9. swimnfcp

    swimnfcp New Member

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    haha can be ill swap you for any mod you dont want come on dont got to be a good one a old ego knock off will do hahah
  10. sexatcams.com

    sexatcams.com New Member

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    Hah!, no sneaky getting rid of the wifey that way chummy,
  11. annastar

    annastar New Member

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    Hi Bindy. Glad you made it here. When in doubt about anything vaping wise, just ask. Everyone here gives good advice and has been a big help to me along the way. All the info here will be honest and straight forward. No one will try to hide information from you like on the FB page you came from. There is an entire world of different products out there for you to discover in the vaping world. As far as your your husband not being supportive, well I say just do what you have to do for yourself to keep going and stay cigg free. I myself don't really want to stop vaping. I didn't even really want to stop smoking. I enjoyed it and so I really don't see any plans to stop vaping anytime in the near future either. I won't lie, vaping can seriously become an addiction also but I don't think the nicotine is #1 in that addiction. For me it's having fun flavors to vape and fun mods to vape with. I love shopping for vape gear and new juices. You will learn a lot here. I'm glad I was able to rescue you from that other place so you will see the real deal here :) Stick around and ask all the questions you want to. No one will mind you asking lots of questions. This is how we learn. I still ask questions about things. Without some of the people on here, I wouldn't be where I am today. Even just reading has informed me on tons of things I had no idea about.

    Good Luck and I hope to see you around more.
  12. knittenib

    knittenib New Member

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    Welcome to Vape.to Bindy & Wifey :)

    Bindy, your husband is probably still craving nicotine, to some degree & seeing you use an e-cig is reinforcing those cravings/yearning for his old habit. Do what you need to do for yourself to be cancer stick free & if your hubby relapses back onto the cancer sticks, then you can show him a healthier alternative :)
    Nicotine isn't bad for you in the doses we take, there is no long term risk or short term risk involved in taking safe doses of nicotine. The problems start when you combust(burn) the 4000+ chemicals & tobacco found in a cigarette, it's not the nicotine doing the damage it's those other 4000+ chemicals.

    Anyway like Margy said, start a thread in the new vapers section & we'll answer anything you need to know :)
  13. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Hi! I'm sarah, I live in Townsville and I'm eagerly awaiting my ego volcano inferno device in the post so I can start vaping. I'm doing it nicotine free, so. Wish me luck!

    I've also purchased lots of test flavors from here and overseas which I'm also waiting for. I'm quitting be.comse I've been having stomach issues and have been told smoking wont be doing it any good.

    I'm really hoping I like the flavors I've ordered!

    Anyway, hi!
  14. keanf

    keanf New Member

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    Hi Sarah and welcome, if you've been a smoker for some time you might find it a bit difficult going the nic free route..Always worth a try though and I do wish you luck :)
  15. BlowBubblesNotBombs

    BlowBubblesNotBombs New Member

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    Hi Sarah good luck, and hope the zero nic path does the job and that u feel better soon
  16. Stammany

    Stammany New Member

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    I agree with Shipo, so if your finding it not really working for you. Don't be disheartened. Just get some nic! lol
    I wish you the best of luck on your journey, and think you'll find this the place to find out anything. :)
  17. SpooseNor

    SpooseNor New Member

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    Thanks guys! I managed to stop smoking for over seven months and then stopped again for a few more but it's hard when my other half started smoking again so I'm hoping nic free will be ok. If not though, my other half is going the ecig route too, he is going the nic way so I can just bum a few tokes off him to get me through. Thanks for the replies. :)
  18. ***Sugar Lady***

    ***Sugar Lady*** New Member

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    Hi all,

    new to this forum and new to vaping.

    Eager to learn as much as I can. :)
  19. fdztfdz

    fdztfdz New Member

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    Time to make my mark and say Hi. So I'm a WA Vaper and don't think I could have for this far if it wasn't for the absolute wonderful help and limitless knowledge that VapeBar has happily given. As many I went through all the reading and through I had my self settled on an American 510 kit, ordered.. Damn I just saw a better kit, oh well it's cheap I'll order it too. Oh wow there are eGo in canada, ordered. In the space of a week I had 3 kits on their way, luckily the last kit was from VapeBar who quickly set me on the right path. So in 2 months I have gone from 510's to eGo's and settled on my ProVari. To be honest I haven't had one craving for a smoke in about a month, I did have one just to see but it was so foul I couldn't finish it. Started on 24mg and very quickly went to 18mg after the head spins, now I'm more settled on 12mg 60/40 mix coming from a pack a day 8mg menthols.

    Think I better stop there before I blab on too much.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  20. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Welcome to Vape.to Ozziegirl, Aikhme, vampyre_masq.

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