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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. AgentMulder

    AgentMulder New Member

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    G'day all, I'm Jeremy from Goulburn NSW. Been vaping for around 18 months and love it!! Cheers
  2. excicem

    excicem New Member

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    Hey guys, my flight to canada is in 2 days, and I've just read a thread here which got me worried.

    Found this thread about travelling to.coms/NZ: traveling with and packing up all my gear
    and read that batteries should be in the carry-on baggage. I was planning on putting my PVs and batts in my checked baggage, but after reading this, and the information on the CASA website, I guess that I should put my batteries in my carry-on.

    Now, my worry is that they might ask what the 14500 and 18350 (2 pairs each) batts are for, and I was thinking if I should have one of my mods in my carry-on to show them what the batts are for. And I'm not really comfortable having my mods in my carry-on (to avoid the long talk and being questioned about them, especially by the corrupt local staff here) and was planning to just take an eGo in my carry-on.

    Hope you can give me some insights.

  3. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Welcome to all the new members , seems there is a virtual herd of newbies coming in LOL

    Spawn, I have never taken anything other than Riva/eGo batts on flights but I have always put them in my carry on bag, with my juices & other vaping gear & not had any real problems with it. Not sure how you would go with taking a mod in your carry on but the batts would certainly need to be in it. Maybe you could buy a cheap flashlight & say the batts are for that?

    POLOFY New Member

    Likes Received:
    He spawn_8

    All my overseas travel is with carry on bag. No checked bag ever!! I regularly pack every size of battery, along with lava tube type mods and certainly eGo stuff. Each battery is in its own zip-lock bag to prevent short circuit. Sure you might get asked about the mods, but all the security people know about ecigs. I only ever had questions about the PV I have in my pocket

    My juice is in 50 and 60ml bottles, marked as PG and VG, carried in the clear liquid bag.

    Dont sweat it.
  5. cheap snapback hats

    cheap snapback hats New Member

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    Welcome newbies :smile:
  6. E.N A

    E.N A New Member

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    Ok, why do my smilies never show up??
  7. neotiger

    neotiger New Member

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    Sitting at Melb airport as we speak with only carry on. Came through with a little box mod and 2 x 14500 in plastic pack and a Provari with 18650. Went through x-ra with no probs. I have been pulled up in the past and as long as you can explain the batteries are secure and that it is a cig then no probs. Tassie is the main prob and takes a little more explaining. Most airlines have a section on e-cigs and as long as you quote that you are ok. These batts are smaller than most other electronic equipment and really is a non-issue but it depends on who is at the security point.
  8. SOSED242

    SOSED242 New Member

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    Welcome multiple newbies :D
    I wish you the very best on your vaping journies , feel free to pop in and liven the community up !
    Researching here is probably the second best thing you can do , the first thing being ditching the dhurries .
    Any Q's fire away , the only silly question is the one you dont ask !
    Come on in .... the water's fine :)
  9. Mastubat

    Mastubat New Member

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    There's a thread about it somewhere Essie, I gave up and just do :)
  10. Dannygirl

    Dannygirl New Member

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    Be.comse you're doing it wrong :p

    :smile: should be : ) without the space between like this :)
  11. Friendly Stranger..

    Friendly Stranger.. New Member

    Likes Received:
    theres smilies and theres emoticons and theres embedded gifs
    smilies are easy :) ;) :D :p
  12. niiks

    niiks New Member

    Likes Received:
    Bon soir, we live in France but will be in.comstralie for Xmas and spend two months in all with my .comghter in NSW.We are very much looking forward to our first ever visit. We both smoke and be.comse of the tabacco prices in your country we decided to start vaping..............We made some mistakes to start with but we are slowly getting the right stuff and the tabacco is almost "gone". So in order to get some advice and support when we are downunder, be.comse everything is still very new to us, before we never even heard of it , we hope joining this forum will do the trick.
    Also do we not know much about forums, we only know one......We have a lowcarb lifestyle :smile:

  13. ildt12

    ildt12 New Member

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    Welcome everyone.
    I think that's is a good of reason as any to start vaping Pink. I hope you enjoy your trip to canada, and make sure you pack enough nicotine for your trip be.comse you cant purchase nicotine in canada, you have to order it from an overseas supplier.
    Maybe you could order some nicotine and get it delivered to your .comghters house so it's waiting for you when you arrive.
  14. tdntdmn93y

    tdntdmn93y New Member

    Likes Received:
    That is exactly what we will do :wink: We are still trying out different juices,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and also how this forum works??!! Do not understand the smilies to start with :)
  15. adigeadige

    adigeadige New Member

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    Hi and welcome pink, what Bullos was trying to say is, bring plenty of nicotine juice with you be.comse you can't buy nicotine in canada
  16. Chepfeda

    Chepfeda New Member

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    Thank you, I was trying to be helpful. would hate to think of people visiting and not have any nicotine when they arrive.
  17. endorphine

    endorphine New Member

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    No worries Bullos, it was the first thing I looked for on the web. But we still can't work out if we can import it ourselfs in our luggage/handluggage and how much they would let us take through customs. Perhaps the best thing is indeed to have the healthcabin send it for us..............still can't work out the smilies, so this will have to do XXXX

    Ps: We are old folk :) So please be patient....the smilie was supposed to be a grin, but a smile will do
  18. jim1989

    jim1989 New Member

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    Welcome to Vape.to Pink. :)

    I would get a 115ml unflavored nic from HealthCabin, sent to your .comghter's address, that should last 2 of you for 2 months or close to it.
    Be sure to order double strength nic, then you can order doublers from canuk vendors & mix them 50/50 with the nic to make your juice.
    You should be able to bring 100ml into.coms. each in your hand luggage, which would give you plenty of time to order doublers after you arrive :)
  19. atm1986

    atm1986 New Member

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    I'm not sure how much you could bring with you, but I'm very sure one of the other members would know.
    I thnk some people bring 60ml with them, and if you are running low on nicotine just put a post up and I'm sure someone close will be happy to help you out with some.
    Have you worked out what you would like to see yet, besides your .comghter :)
  20. Glenn

    Glenn New Member

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    Howdy peeps, thought I'd drop in and say hi. Long time lurker, but only just registered today.
    Been vaping for almost 3 weeks now and have been amazed at how easy it was to kick the cigarettes :D
    I did alot of research before purchasing my kit and finally settled on the eGo-C Twist and Kanger T2 clearomisers. Very happy with this setup and with the juices I pre-ordered, I have not looked back to cigarettes since my first vape.
    I'd been smoking for 18 years, tried gum, patches, cold turkey - nothing worked and made me a very grumpy person to be around. But this time, I really think this is it.
    I have not so much as craved a cigarette and none of my loved ones are hiding from me so this must be a good sign ;)

    Thanks to all of you who've contributed in the forums - your discussions and advice helped me make the move.

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