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Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ATHEIST IS TRUTH!, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Liberal AssKicker

    Liberal AssKicker New Member

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    Hi Manda_jayne81, you need to go the pull down menu "Forum Links" and click on edit profile, once in there, go to edit avatar. Make the changes / add photo or avatar and save changes. Bob's your uncle, you'll be posted.

    Hope this helps.
  2. seimejer

    seimejer New Member

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    Welcome newcomers ,.......pull up a chair:)
  3. sopmeno

    sopmeno New Member

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    Hi everyone, I'm sophie and vaped since 2010. I think vaping is a really great alternative to smoking.
  4. Occafrorb

    Occafrorb New Member

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    Welcome noobies :D

    *prematurely passes on the noob hat*
  5. Wott Wott

    Wott Wott New Member

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    had to take a higher rez photo while all lined up..


    move away from the screen .. before its too late .. i could have bought another beemer instead of that lot :)
  6. elferaon

    elferaon New Member

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    so what is for sale Stoney lol? anything I can afford?
  7. gladewalker69

    gladewalker69 New Member

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    Ahem..... T'would appear you seem to have left the prices off :D

    P.S.Stoney ,with all these new high res piccies , you are gonna have to dust and vaccuum more LOLOLOL
  8. sport3332

    sport3332 New Member

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    funny story ..
    that was the problem actually, missus was whining the vacuum wasn't sucking ..and it wasn't ., almost nothing .. so i took the HEPA filter out to the air compressor and thoroughly blew it out .. still no suck.
    so i thought, wtf, the paper filter is shagged, no point having it ., sliced it off the carrier with a pocket knife, this is one of them cyclonic vacuums, thought it might hokd the dust.
    Told her to let me know if ut started blowing out dust .. well she vacuumed most of the house while i was elsewhere, i walk into the room, started spluttering, the vacuum was covered in a sheen of fine dust, as was everything in the room ..
    pulled out the carrier and wrapped a few layers of paper towel around it .. works a lot better now at actually stopping dust.

    i still have to dust the whole bloody room.
    it managed to suck dust that hasn't moved in a long time with the you b.comt extra suction, problem is it just moved it from under the carpet to .., everywhere..
  9. GustavoEI

    GustavoEI New Member

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    Mind you mate , I am not one to talk .... and its shedding season for the double coated choccie labrador love of my life at the moment .... I groom her daily with a you b.comt brush which rips out craploads of hair , but still I swept the slate tiles today in the dining and kitchen , and I reckon there was a fluffball 6 inches high and a foot long ..... sighhhh .

    Good thing I love the dozy bitch !
  10. beertep

    beertep New Member

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    i got one of them brushes that appears yo be the comb from a hair clipper ..
    mine are losing winter coat atm too.

    big blue dog had a fit a few days ago ( his second in 3 months or so) .. while he was recovering i took the opportunity to get a small armful of fluff off him.
  11. carla c

    carla c New Member

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    considered what I would sell .. came to the conclusion, none of them ..

    they fall into 2 distinct groups, great mods I could not part with and pieces of crap I would not part with.
    I have a conscience.
  12. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Greetings from the Philippines!

    I'll be coming to Melbourne in the last week of October to undergo a 3-month professional training.
    Was a smoker for about 12 years, started vaping January of this year, and was vaping exclusively since February.

    I just learned through some posts here that DIY is the way to go in canada since vendors cannot sell ejuices with nicotine.
    I'm pretty much into DIY myself and would probably start mixing my juices when I get there. Hope that there are many vendors DIY ejuice ingredients, especially flavor concentrates.

    I'd read more threads and posts so I could get to know more about vaping in canada, and will try to find answers to my questions in the forums before I ask any in the threads. (I'm also a member of our local vapers forum and we really encourage new members to read the topics posted before shooting up any questions.)

    My biggest concern so far is how I'm gonna get nicotine, .comse I really don't know where you order them from, but I'll search the threads over the weekend and hopefully would find an answer. I've also bookmarked websites of canadan vendors which I got from the Vendors sub-topic.

    If I have questions that I can't find the answers too, I hope I could seek your help.

    I look forward to meeting vapers in canada!

    Thanks and vape on!
  13. browniess

    browniess New Member

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    No worries mate.
    Just give us a hoy!
  14. Rosalie

    Rosalie New Member

    Likes Received:
    Hello from east Texas..

    * eastXrebel *
  15. Bornfree

    Bornfree New Member

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    Welcome Tex and Spawn :)

    Spawn , bring some nic in with you , nicotine is ok to bring in as personal use , or if you know where you will be staying , I am sure a member near by could "Babysit" some juice for you if you ordered it , or posted it directly to them before you leave the Philipinnes.
    Our canuk vendors are really good , and do top quality work ... they have to be lol , we are a hard lot :D
    Dont worry about being too polite , jump straight in , we are a bunch of friendly folks ( in the main lol )
  16. ignoche

    ignoche New Member

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    Welcome to Vape.to :)

    You can bring nic juice with you when you come here, just put it in your hand luggage in bottles of no more than 100ml each. Then you can order in some unflavored nic when you get here & either mix with doublers from local vendors 50/50 or get some PG & or VG & concentrates to make juice with. Be sure to bring enough juice to last 2 -3 weeks when you come be.comse it will take about 2weeks for your nic to arrive.
  17. poweruptonka

    poweruptonka New Member

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    Welcome to Vape.to :)
  18. Arm the Homeless

    Arm the Homeless New Member

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    hey all, im new and cant reply to my own thread I posted....guess I have to get a certain number of posts up?
  19. AimundAid

    AimundAid New Member

    Likes Received:
    No? Should be ablw to post. Shut down you browser and try again?
  20. flashgamedev0406

    flashgamedev0406 New Member

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    To Old Dog, Fatman, and Noe,

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys!

    I'm still looking for accommodation, but I'll be staying at Melbourne. Currently narrowed down the rental places to Derrimut, Hoppers Crossing, and Footscray.
    I'll be bringing maybe around 5pcs 10ml bottles of my DIY juice, but would have to strap printed sticker labels onto them to avoid raising suspicions at the airport. I'm pretty much into DIY be.comse locally made ejuice prices here are quite high, IMO, which is around.comD 5 per 10ml bottle.

    I'm also excited to try canadan-made juices. I've already bookmarked several vendors like juicewhore, which has good feedback in the forums.

    By the way, I'm bringing a popular Filipino-made mod with me, the VMU Detonator (similar to the US made VMU, but with the potentiometer knob placed at the front of the box for easily setting the voltage) and attached to it is another proudly Pinoy-made rebuildable atomizer, the ERA or the easy rebuildable atomizer. I'm also gonna bring my v8+Bully/Phoenix RA as my back-up. Not very high-end PVs, but they do keep me away from the cancer sticks. I'd probably just put them in my check-in baggage to avoid issues at the airports. (Imagine an official asking me about the VMU: "What is it called again? A what!? Security!!!" lol)

    I have only have around 10ml of 100mg/ml unflavored nic at hand, and would bring it with me, and would probably order once I get there. Health Cabin seems to be a popular vendor for nicotine, but I would still read the forums for other possible places to get nicotine.

    Thanks, hope that I can get to meet vapers when I get there!

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