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How did you come across ecigs for the first time

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by padun, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Snoopy

    Snoopy New Member

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    I'm not sure if this has come up before but I was wondering where everyone 1st got introduced to vaping?

    For myself it was a doctors appointment chest X-ray due to extremely bad bronchitis. Doctor asked if I smoked i said I do and he recommended looking into ecigs. Showed me his kr808d-1
  2. MissWilson

    MissWilson New Member

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    thats a first .. cool

    there is a long thread with a poll somewhere asking this question..
  3. victoria d

    victoria d New Member

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    Your doctor recommended e-cigs? That is so awesome to hear!

    My first exposure was crappy disposable models on TinyDeal. I was ordered some Nintendo 3DS stuff and figured for $12 (or whatever it was) I'd see what the hell an "electronic cigarette" was. While I was waiting for them to arrive I started reading up on "proper" e-cigs on Whirlpool. Before they even arrived I'd ordered some 510 and eGo gear. The rest, as they say, is history :)
  4. Methos2

    Methos2 New Member

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    My girl and i where coming up to the end of our champix script (drugs given for stopping smoking) and i was in fear that once the drugs stopped i'd go back to smoking so i herd a friend of a friend was vaping i got online to find out more about it, i liked what i was reading and then i hit utube then i clicked some links and ordered an egoT starter kit and some no nic juice.

    My girl and i enjoyed Vaping but it was missing somthing so i joined this forum and got some ideas about getting nic juice from O/S and been smooth sailing from there on in. :)

    Without this forum we wouldnt know about the pv's and clearomizers we have now.
  5. amateurpix

    amateurpix New Member

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    WOW I am impressed !!

    Which state are you living in - just curious ?
  6. lizaleong

    lizaleong New Member

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    there, found, merged and restickied.
  7. addonisaackrecu

    addonisaackrecu New Member

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    I am so impressed that a doctor recommended vaping. I don't see my doctor often enough for her to recommend anything. I'm too healthy to waste her time. :D

    I read some news articles about electronic cigarettes and went the lazy way. I chose a cigarette look-alike be.comse the cartomisers were available at my local supermarket. No nicotine, of course. Batteries lasted a few hours, very little vapour, tasted like cardboard.

    I lost interest for quite a while, then reached a point where I knew I had to give up smoking before my health really suffered... Except I really enjoyed smoking! Spent ages trawling the net, watching You Tube, reading reviews, got slightly put off by the jargon and supposed complexities, but went with an Ego T kit to start and realised that this really could work. Switched to cartomisers, imported nicotine - yep! No more smoking! It seemed very complicated at the time, but now, it's part of my everyday life.
  8. KaxReanna

    KaxReanna New Member

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    I first heard about e-cigs from a friend I met on a forum I ran - this was about 2 (maybe 3) years ago, and she was living in America where they were all legal.
    I started to read up about them here - mainly on Whirlpool, and was discouraged to see that we couldn't buy the nicotine.
    I kind of forgot about it for a while, and then the local tobacconist (only a few weeks ago) began selling these single disposable e-cigs.
    I think they were called "E-Health" or "Health-e"

    A few of us bought a couple - but they were very bland- hard to draw on & practically no vapour, but still it at least felt & looked like a cigarette.
    So that's when I started searching the internet again, & found this forum, & took my advice from here.
  9. Kayleigh

    Kayleigh New Member

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    I'm in a country town in Wa. He said he couldn't say defiantly that ecigs are not bad for me but he did say its gotta be better than smokes.

    He then whipped out his and had a vape in his surgery. I went home and researched and was impressed :)

    Good doctor :)
  10. chillinfree

    chillinfree New Member

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    I think I first heard about them via spam a couple of years ago (and I still get a bunch of e-cig spams a day). It wasn't until a member of a forum I operate gave them a whirl and was very enthusiastic about the results that I delved into the topic some more. Who would have thought running a forum would lead to giving up smoking - up until that point, if anything, it was .comsing me to smoke more :).
  11. watch0902

    watch0902 New Member

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    I gave up the analogues cold turkey, NOT pleasant, i had a constant sore throat for almost 4 months, got sick of going to doctors to be told "well, the throats a bit red, but not that bad" when in fact it was so sore i could barely swallow, i started doing some research online about sore throats after giving up cold turkey and discovered it seemed to be a common complaint, a guy in usa said he only got relief once he discovered e cigs, and he believed that the vapour helped, didnt have a clue what an e cig was, but if it worked for him i was getting myself a bloody e cig, i was desperate, got a pathetic lil one at first, things have changed of course :), and who knows maybe a coincendence, but voila! within two days sore throat gone, and havent had one since then, almost 3 months ago. hail the e cig!
  12. Amolladon

    Amolladon New Member

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    My wife got me started on e-cigs (thank you rainbow4006) inadvertently - I was coughing my guts up and not really enjoying the analogues but of course enjoyed one out of every five or ten or so. So rainbow bought a cig alike and she did a bit of a search and found this forum after the useless icanquit forum - i got interested and thought "i'm 43 and being smoking for 30 years now, coughing my guts up, doctors visits etc, it's time to do something about this". I approached it with an open BUT determined mind to give vaping a go. Yes it is not easy but it is way easier than I thought it would be. Without the support of my wife and the larrikins on this forum I'm quite sure I would be hovering between the analogues and the digitals but i'm happy to say it is only e-cigs for me at present. What probably works for me is saying to myself that if I have one analogue it is not the end of the world and they are always close by at the moment but I have not picked one up or even opened my one half pack to sniff them - bit of a rant but it is working for me.
  13. oikos

    oikos New Member

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    have to say, you have shocked me, you were the last person i thought would ever give up the analogues, you have done brilliantly (ive forgiven you for .comghing uprouriously at me vaping while perusing quit sites!....just) but im not sure ill ever forgive you for making our unit look like some sleasy inner city drug lab!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! im very proud of what you have achieved!
  14. maxmaxxi123

    maxmaxxi123 New Member

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    lol, good on you both.
  15. Arlo

    Arlo New Member

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    OK this is TOTALLY off topic ... but I gotta say , its so refreshing to see you and Tugger talk and support each other the way you do , the love and respect between you guys is so palpable , it shows itself thru the written word on a PC screen to a mug like me thousands of kilometres away .
    Good on you both , in this day and age , you often see people bitching or whining , but all I ever see from you guys is a little ribbing wrapped round lashings of soppy !
    I wish we could all be as fortunate in life ( notice I didnt say lucky , luck has little to do with it , you guys make it the way it is I think )

    Good on yas !

  16. YzLUaASjhI

    YzLUaASjhI New Member

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    so happy you both found your way here !
  17. NickollasQ

    NickollasQ New Member

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    I have a TV & foxtel if I want to watch Oprah!
    I think I just threw up in my mouth a little, damn you FM!

    PS, a drug lab is better than an ashtray ;)
  18. visit website

    visit website New Member

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    I discovered e-cigs from the e-cig thread over at overclockers.com.com

    Read through the entire thread and bought my ego-t and greenhouseone.com sampler pack from there. Had my first few tokes and knew straight away that it was something that was going to stay! Moved quickly, and ordered an ego-c twist, provari, liquinator and a whole bunch of cartos within a week!

    Have not regretted it since! :)
  19. flamesfanjosh

    flamesfanjosh New Member

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    I saw ecigs in the wild on MFC and then googled my way to here
  20. helcer

    helcer New Member

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    I saw this photo on Google+ which led me to explore more on what these e-cigs are about. Although I had heard of the term e-cigs before I haven't ever seen any in person which I'm surprised about since I've been smoking for over 20 years. After what I have read I feel angry that organisations such as Quit have done so little in terms promoting e-cigs to the public. I wonder how many lives have been lost due to their position? Anyway I've ordered my first vaporiser and hopefully I can quit cigs altogether.

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