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How did you come across ecigs for the first time

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by padun, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. ClaiveWalpletcherbna

    ClaiveWalpletcherbna New Member

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    i am on blardy tapatalk atm, cant see the vites, wasnt there an online one ?
    big fail if not..
  2. blank

    blank New Member

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    Current Votes for you Stoney:

    Saw it on TV (news doco etc) 8 5.16%

    Saw somebody using one 24 15.48%

    Discovered it via the whirlpool forum 28 18.06%

    Discovered on some other forum 8 5.16%

    Some random google event 17 10.97%

    via ebay or online store 5 3.23%

    via a market stall or shop 8 5.16%

    other or via word of mouth 57 36.77%
  3. farbut

    farbut New Member

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    bluudy hull Stuney moit cen't ya spall carrictly? It's that missing finger right? :p sorry haha couldn't help myself :)

    I guess it would come under Other ;)

    edit: yowzer almost been a year for me!!! woot
  4. Gymnpiop

    Gymnpiop New Member

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    hello guys. I started vaping about a month ago. A saw a co worker of mine using an eGo-T and that was the spark. It's great to be able to vape anywhere, no more ashes, bad smell etc..
  5. Prulfusly

    Prulfusly New Member

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    Hi madman, welcome to the forum.
  6. hermittx028

    hermittx028 New Member

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    It was my doctor that first told me about them, he said some of his other patients had succeeded in quitting the smokes. I did the research myself he hasn’t helped me with that but he very pleased with the outcome
  7. pos1

    pos1 New Member

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    heard it a few years back. decided to reseach it last year and try it out.
    Started with an ego-t.
  8. xwewrgg0b

    xwewrgg0b New Member

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    I first heard about some gimmick where the packet had some sort of wireless transmitter which would identify other people using them in your vicinity, and it totally turned me off the idea. I just thought it was some wanky status symbol for fashion victims.

    Then I watched a series of 9 youtube vids from a guy called cozzcon , who convinced me that it was a genuine alternative to smoking, and that got me intrigued. I was then greatly disappointed to realise there's a whole lot of politics around them in canada. It seems nothing is easy in the nanny state.

    I recently sourced a Health E-cigarrette locally (cartomiser style) which I'm very impressed with. I got a Joye 510 as well, which tastes like old boot, so I'm either doing something wrong, or I've got a fake.
  9. Kewtenuekat

    Kewtenuekat New Member

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    A friend of mine had an e-cig which he bought after seeing his brothers. Took me a couple of weeks to decide to give it a go myself and since then, I've been wondering why I waited to try it. Haven't smoked a cigarette since the day it arrived! Saved mega bucks and can breathe so much better. An amazing little device with so many hidden benefits. I absolutely LOVE it!:cool:
  10. xnsvwvovvpwb

    xnsvwvovvpwb New Member

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    I came across ecigs one day when i thought there must be a better way to quit the nasty sticks. I looked around me and thought with all the gadgets i have ( mobile phone, xbox etc..) our technology must be up to speed in this world and i was sure as sure that our country was hiding some electonic device that could help us smokers..... Well i was once again 2 weeks in to the give up smoking plan ( on patches) so my rational thinking was a bit out there. So i started thinking battery powered something. Didn'nt expect to find any information , then i came across another lady from canberra on a savings thread who had ordered a 401 from china and she was having some success with it.
    I slept on the idea for a week. Then pulled the trigger and got me one. It broke within a week , i went back to smoking while waiting for the replacements and the next week i gave up the smell sticks for good. There was a lot of trial & error, spent a good part of it over at ecf, had a bad experience on another thread and now started participating more over in this forum. Have'nt looked back since.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Carol M

    Carol M New Member

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    Mate in Canberra got one in 2008 from someone who had come back from China on holiday in. I was interested in them and decided to give it a go after doing some research in December 2011. Now after 3 months of use and results I plan on staying on them for the remainder of my nico addicted life. First kit was a Ego-T and now I have a Lavatube on the way and planning on stockpiling parts and juices. Im hoping they become more accepted and sold and produced locally available over the counter at retail outlets. Im also hoping the govt is not dumb enough to ban them and force people like myself to smoke or try patches again for the millionth time.
  12. Casinoyda

    Casinoyda New Member

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    I heard about them years ago in a bar conversation. I thought they would be flash in the pan technology. Then I saw someone at work vaping a set up he had for years. I decided to look it up on YouTube and haven't looked back since.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
  13. ForeverTheSickest

    ForeverTheSickest New Member

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    i had looked at them online,thought they looked ok and was considering giving up smoking, problem was i enjoyed smoking so much and truthfully didnt really want to
    then my mother died,i used that as an excuse not to quit for a week or so, a week or so after i was at riverside markets, bought an ego-t and some juice, havent touched any tobacco scince
    moved on again scince then now i have a provari, with all sorts of carts attys ,tanks drip tips,loads of bottles of juice in the mail lol you know how it is
  14. MissWeirdo

    MissWeirdo New Member

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    I discovered ecigs via WP forum also.
    I am really glad to see so many heard via word of mouth.Spread the word
    I tell as many people I see smoking especially young people about ecigs.
  15. Totally... The 3 people i converted to e-cigs on average have converted 3 and so on... Someone on the level below me if you look at it like a pyramid has just made a 500 dollar order from healthcabin to pass down the line to the bottom people on the pyramid. 10 kits all up. So from me there are about 20 others who have started.
  16. shell_vac

    shell_vac New Member

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    G'day, i was doing champix and thought if i don't find some product to SMOKE i would be back on the fags in no time ... so i hit you tube looking for some kind of non tobacco grass/ weed/ anything and stumbled on e cigs.

    I was like why hadn't i herd bout this ???
    i ordered a ego t kit same day e pipe 3 days later and just ordered a jazz carto pipe today lol
  17. zepzndz3l

    zepzndz3l New Member

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    Thats great..i am quite surprised by the amount of health professionals who have not heard of them.
    My regular GP,3 Chemists,2 other GP's.I think more health care pros should be aware of ecigs.
    It was debated some time back upon creation of this forum whether it would be good or bad.Most cons were if it became too widely known then the powers that be
    would find a way to tax i heavily or totally ban the importation and sale of hardware and nic juice.
    Pros were it would get a proper study and evaluation and maybe we could buy nic juice in canada.

    Customs and Qld health did confiscate some orders of juice and Qld health banned it (unsure whether that still applies as I have not ordered for 15 months.)
    Hey Qld Health VAPERS are VOTERS and more smokers are becoming vapers..
  18. uyeanonim

    uyeanonim New Member

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    yeah that's a real concern the more popular e cigs get its only a mater of time that the government will want to add a tax and with time that tax will grow
  19. twinkletoes

    twinkletoes New Member

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    i just stumbled across them on the wirlpool forum and had tryed patches gum inhalers with no luck.
    lasted about a month the first time,3months the second and about 4 months the third time gettin on the piss stuffed that idea

    got a kr808d1 kit to start used it for 3 weeks or so now have a vmax and going strong got my brother keen
    hes waiting on his 2x 510 starter kits and juice

    went up to my mates last week and got on the .comce and took my kr808d1 for him to try
    and he liked it so i ordered him a 808 starter kit

    will have to wait and see but i think/hope they will give up the coffin nails

    cheers dawzzy
  20. leonardo007

    leonardo007 New Member

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    At a local market(In Victoria) they had a stall of dirt cheap e-cigs, The Mrs said she saw something about them on the box so we bought a couple thinking if this thing works it should be great.........mine lasted about 5 mins b4 the air flow meter shat itself, the better half's lasted about 3 hrs. But the possibility of this actually working was still running through the head so with a bit of research went off to order a couple of eGo's and haven't looked back

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