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How did you come across ecigs for the first time

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by padun, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Ontoppept

    Ontoppept New Member

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    whirlpool - actually I saw the ecig topic many times but never read it or took any notice of it, until in another totally unrelated thread I read a post by some guy about ways he saved money, one was ecigs and that he'd saved thousands by using them.. had a little read of the (closed) ecig threads over there and decided to give it a go
  2. f1r1rere

    f1r1rere New Member

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    Recently went to catch up with an old friend i hadn't had contact with in 12 months. Sat by the pool and as i started to roll a durrie she started puffing on what i thought was a black pen ... was keenly interested as I've been wanting a "magic smoking cure" for many years. After she told me about the basics of it and doing further research i ordered my 510. Wore out the 2 batteries within four days on no-nic juice, still waiting on my nic. Stepping up to a bigger PV now, but will probably get more 510 gear for use in public, as i think they draw less attention and suspicion about their purpose. These things are great as you don't have to give up the smoking action or nic, both the hardest things to deal with when trying to quit burning tobacco and all the other crap in it.
  3. quawnfup

    quawnfup New Member

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    came across them in a shopping mall in the usa, almost bought the crappy kit for $200, but then thought i better do some research, and ordered a greensmoke kit online for $200. Clearly didn't do enough research lol.
  4. Glenn

    Glenn New Member

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    Saw a news item in the paper about them a long time ago but didnt consider them until I quit smoking 12 months ago and ecigs were mentioned on a quit smoking furm. Had a bit of trouble then as went for the no nic juice but used them a bit for about 3 months. Started smoking again and decided I better use the ecigs for real to stop with proper juice.
  5. RichardMaretti

    RichardMaretti New Member

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    Some years ago a friend of a friend bought one when they first came on the Market but I was told his broke or didnt work.. seeing as how I was continously trying to give up I thought this may be my chance be.comse nothing else had worked and believe me I had tried everything,
    I got on the internet and the only dicussion boards I could find had been closed and the last topics were about how they were illegal and people could no longer buy them.So aftr that i gave up. In the meantime I had developed very serious health problems which the Drs told me were due to smoking. So a couple of years had elapsed by then and i thought the situation with the Ecigs was hopless-by this time I was even considering moving to the UK for a while where they were legal.It was the only way I could think of I had no idea of where else to obtain them either legally or illegally.
    One day I was walking past the Mall in brisbane where a bunch of weird kids used to hang out and one of them had a 510 with the blue tip and I recognised what it was,
    The minute I got home I rushed to the computer and eventually found a Whirlpool site - then found canuk Vapers,
    The girl in the Mall literally saved my life- I had given up any hope that I could get ecigs here and stop smoking- i knew that otherwise, no matter how many ultimatums the Drs gave me, I couldnt stop..be.comse I had tried abolutely everything else and this was all that was left to try,
    Thank you to everyone who helped me get here-- now I'm a non smoker,

    FACKYOU New Member

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    i was on holidays and got talked into buying 1 at a stall in shopping center in usa , never heard of them before and was in process of giving up on and off for last 2yrs to the anger of my non smoking partner;/ ,was on patches while on holidays and hadnt had smoke for 3 weeks but new that would change when got back to the old grind in oz . the pack i got was a smokefree 1 and $100 plus tax had 1 small battery 1 atomizer and 5 pre filled cartridges and a US charger ,the guy selling spun/lied it well said each carto would last eqivilant between 20 and 40 analogs or a few months for me for the 5. and he had heard that there are many shops in sydney that stock ecigs liquid ect if i wanted to get extra juice later on. didnt mention battery or atomizer would need replacing regulary or that couldnt buy nic liquid in oz . Anyway got home and cartos lasted about a week so I bought a 1pack of smokes and I thought id get replacments thru their web site and maybe get a back up battery and atty and they sell them for $10 for 5 cartos and batts n attys $55 each and I thought foooook maybe I can get them cheaper elsewhere online or at a shop and found forums and other ecig sites and thats when i realised how ripped off I got that was 2 months ago. Since then I have gotten a t rex ,riva t ,ego t with few extra attys each and liquids for about $200 ish which should last a little bit longer than the smokefree and I havnt bought a pack of ciggys for 2months now and love it but now I seem to vape more than I ever smoked but atleast my partner doesnt mind kissing me now so extra bonus :) I did buy it with the intension of using it as a quitting tool and to ween of it and eventually stop but I cant see that happening anytime soon I love it to much or maybe thats the chocolate nicotine talking ;)
  7. beatsuuqs

    beatsuuqs New Member

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    on Elusion E Cigs Purcased and to quote Neil Young (Was a piece of crap) Found this forum and purchased a 510T. A few teething problems all sorted now but havn't looiked back. Thanks all.

  8. dmwcmw

    dmwcmw New Member

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    Was isohunting for err.. legal downloads.. and there was an ad for the v2.. just went from there.. somehow ended up on this forum.
  9. Eagles in 09

    Eagles in 09 New Member

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    My sister has the 510, i didnt think it was any better for me than analogues, then I started to do some research and here I am....
    Purchased the Ego-T kit from JW, I wished i could get the nic juice that quick :)
  10. Wefssoogs

    Wefssoogs New Member

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    Knew about E-Cigs for ages but never really got around to buying, then I decided in March to give them a go. Went the Elusion way and as much as they were rather crap (did not know at the time) they assisted me in giving up the analogues. Now on Ego-Ts with atties & JW juice and have not looked back since then. I have been analogue free since then and definitely will NOT go back. Trying hard to get partner, brother and mother on them but it sort of is a losing battle but I am going to keep trying. Brother is getting an Ego-T kit for Christmas as he seems to like the chocolate tobacco from JW. Mother & Partner well lets see how they go, if they want to might get them 510 as they don't like the size of the Ego-T........ wish me luck :)
  11. johnjp10

    johnjp10 New Member

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    I joined deals.com so i would be sent discount vouchers for dining out etc. A coupon came for a starter kit of social-lites e cigs, i went to the website to read more about them, then started googleing other brands.
  12. tsaitek

    tsaitek New Member

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    Through a work collegue who was talking about no longer smoking analcigs. I was like "what?!" She got turned onto them from a movie. So I ordered the same as hers to start with...Elusion Standard Kit Blue 1123 & Standard 16 1123 on the 15th and they arrived today from NZ.
    Great service!
    As a 100% newbie I will give this a go and see where it takes me.

    I've spent several days reading through these forums and have learnt a ton. Thanks everyone!
  13. cam4life69

    cam4life69 New Member

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    Hello & welcome Panthers Wolf.
    Any extra questions, don't hesitate to ask in here.

    Hmmmmm, Location = Mascot airport, we may have questions for you? :)
  14. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I tried Elusion, it worked enough for me to start researching better options. I found ECF and then some freindly canuks directed me here.
  15. Blubberfischlix

    Blubberfischlix New Member

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    I started with a dodgy chinese street market version, it was bad, very bad, but then when i got back started with elusions too, still use them, although I refill them now, and find them most convenient when I'm out and about.
    A little googling, and I found HC, then started buying some other kit, worked out how to refill them, then noticed the canadan forum link on HC, and I keep expanding my 510 and other bits collection thanks to all the knowledge here !

    I still get most people who are interested to start with elusion, but give them one of my carts that I've filled to try as well .. they have all moved onwards and upwards with their vaping gear, but keep the lil white elusions for the pub :)

  16. WeeD

    WeeD New Member

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    Whirlpool for me, was just surfin WP and saw it a few times but ignored it until curiousity finally got the better of me and here I am 12 months later still vaping :D
  17. Seeker19

    Seeker19 New Member

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    My partner and i initial observed one thing around the media next for some reason i ran across the particular Katherine Leigh about Jesse Letterman video clip about Facebook. Right after a lot of exploring I ran across this web site and also has been greater than satisfied with the particular assistance I obtained the following. My partner and i don't work with any Ecig community forums today.
  18. Babby Joshua Christomato

    Babby Joshua Christomato New Member

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    Saw a friend using one..got so curious about it..and so I made a quick researched and now addicted to it!! vaping rocks!
  19. Crystal

    Crystal New Member

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    sorry mistake
  20. nnticfr61p

    nnticfr61p New Member

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    A local chinese shop in June, it was $14 with a packet of pre filled disposable carts. O.0 would last 200 small tokes and then it would need a charge. I researched for an alternative, found this forum which introduced me to such a wide range of options. I ended up buying an Ego-T starter kit 1000maH and some ejuice and have simply been experimenting with different mods/ejuices eversince

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