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Started a couple weeks ago, really enjoying it - but ...

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by Todacoopy, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. Todacoopy

    Todacoopy New Member

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    Hi guys, I'm new to this whole thing and pretty excited about not smoking and all the new possibilities of vape hardware/flavors etc.

    I bought two aspire k1 starter kits, some e-juice and 24mg/ml nicotine for my dad and myself for christmas recently, and so far I'm really liking the k1 and going very well with not smoking cigarettes, although I already want to upgrade haha. My dad on the other hand, seems to not be too into it after a few days of use and he hasn't touched it since. He told me it doesn't do much for him and he's not really into the sweeter flavors I started us off with. His smoking habit for over 40 years now is around 15 per day. I thought 12mg might be a good starting point but now I'm thinking he needs it a bit higher. I started off mixing the nicotine with e-juice at 12mg and that seemed to be too strong/harsh for me, so I'm currently using 6-8mg depending on what juice I want to vape.

    I'm just wondering if you guys have any advice on how I can help to get him get more into the idea of vaping, and if you have been in any similar situations with a stubborn family member. Would it just be a case of too low nic strength, and perhaps some less sweet ejuice? Sorry if this post is all over the place. If you need any more info I'll happily share.
  2. hm345

    hm345 New Member

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    1. Lose the sweet juice. What you may love, he probably hates. Get a tobacco flavoured juice from an canuk vendor. Avoid the Chinese ones, they all taste like shyte (in my opinion).

    2. Up his nic to ~ 18mg. You will need to buy some stronger nic to do that as you strongest you can go with your current nic in a doubler is 12mg. Get some 100mg nic and cut it with VG to get the right strength. If maths isn't your forte, there are plenty of online calculators. Cutting it with VG will give him more vapour and reduce what is probably too strong a throat hit (a big issue with newbies and high PG mixes).
  3. offersung06

    offersung06 New Member

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    Imo up the nicotine level. Either use the mg he currently smokes or as close as possible to it.

    Tobacco flavours worked for me at the start as they tasted like cigarettes so it made it easier for me to make the transition.
    Forget ry4 type flavours (for now) and sweet flavours and stick to what he's accustomed to, tobacco. :) good luck and stick with it! Keep encouraging your dad :).
  4. eguansbulg

    eguansbulg New Member

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    Maybe try No Flavour
    I have success with lots of people but have a couple i just dont bother with now sad really
  5. ImmanuilTeecymearve

    ImmanuilTeecymearve New Member

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    I think unless he actually wants to stop smoking and give vaping a proper go (for himself) that nothing you try is going to
    work. Once he sees the success you are having and the benefits you are getting from giving up the smokes he might decide
    he wants to give it a serious try. For the moment it sounds like he is not ready to stop smoking though. If it was me, I would
    not be pushing him into it. If he has a bad experience it might put him off ever wanting to try again.
  6. alok c

    alok c New Member

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    You need way higher nic concentrations than the one shown on analogs. As a delivery system death sticks are a lot more efficient in bringing up nicotine in blood than vaping.
    This was a published experiments results. They were vaping 18mg. For the "2nd gen" device they were using evods on evic supremes set to 9w

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. DBlount

    DBlount New Member

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    The blue chart was with a V2 cigalike, red line was a Evod @ 9w, green the analog...
    I wonder what would a 100w dripper do...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. welcute1933

    welcute1933 New Member

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    Not sure what others have said, but my 2 cents are:

    Ask him what flavours he'd like to try, show him a list, get him to choose what he thinks he'll like.

    Then mix 18mg, 21mg and 36mg juices in small bottles. Actually just try 24mg in 6 flavours.

    Make one of the 24mg juices with no flavour. Just pg and vg and nicotine.

    Pester him to try them all, then give up. If he doesn't like one of the 6, it isn't the nic strength, cos 24mg should do it.

    Some smokers like the flavour of burning tobacco along with the throat hit, and vaping will never compensate for that.

    Vaping is a straight up alternative, different with a universe of flavours, but if it replicates burning anything? You're doing something wrong.

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