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Help to convert a smoker

Discussion in 'New Vapers Forum' started by dtigrpnew, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. dtigrpnew

    dtigrpnew New Member

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    Hey everyone, I'm trying to get my dad to make the switch to vaping but it's not as easy as I hoped. He's been a smoker for about 35 years and a direct lung hitter on the cigs.

    Every time he has a pull on the e-cig he has an uncontrollable coughing fit and almost vomits.

    I've set him up with an istick50W with a kanger subtank, 0.5ohm stock coil with 50PG/50VG juice at 6mg nic. Only powering at 15W and only having about a 1 second pull. Hardly any vapour yet he's coughing his guts up.

    Any help or suggestions would be great! Thanks :)
  2. punlea77

    punlea77 New Member

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    Sounds bad, but tell him to just stick it out - it's a different sensation to smoking so coughing is inevitable :/ drinking plenty of water helps too.

    Will that Nic level in the juice be enough to get him off the darts?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Logi

    Logi New Member

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    You probably already thought of it but just sharing my experience as a recently converted Vaper....

    I had similar problems as your father. Coughing with every drag, harsh,borderline gagging --aka not a good first impression! (no vomiting though)

    I immediately wanted to stop vaping and was very against trying again. Why would I put myself through that?

    Luckily my friend who converted me got me to try a different ejuice, same problem, then a different ejuice got better, eventually we figured out that I needed to go down on the nicotine and less PG.
  4. bethwood082

    bethwood082 New Member

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    Thanks for the help guys. 6mg at 50/50 is what got me off the smokes and what I still vape so I thought I'd try with that.

    He seemed to handle a caramel cheesecake flavour better than a tropical punch so I'll keep changing up juices to see if he can find a tolerable flavour.

    He's definitely keen to persist (even took it to work today) so if he can just get over the initial sensation of vaping, I'll definitely mix up higher VG, higher/lower nic and different flavours to try and find his sweet spot.

    I know when first started vaping I had a few coughing fits but I've never seen someone react so bad.

    Again, thanks for your help and any more suggestions are greatly appreciated :)
  5. Dellicious

    Dellicious New Member

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    Buy the poor bloke some 1.8 ohm coils. Sub ohm is far too intense for many people, especially those with damaged lungs.

    They can be used with 50/50 juice @ 18mg @ about 8 watts, good starting place for ex-smokers.

    Will be far less harsh and much more satisfying for him. :smile:
  6. bgegorasdarkay1090

    bgegorasdarkay1090 New Member

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    When I started vaping most people used mouth to lung and there was always lots of discussion on how to do it correctly. One or two draws into the mouth and then into the lungs. It isnt harsh and it is a lot easier on the lungs. The people that were using direct lung inhales were mainly cloud chasers.

    I dont understand why this has changed to telling new vapers to lung inhale.........................Vaping is a big change as it is so why not try and make the transition easier.

    Even if the new vaper used to smoke with direct lung draws he doesn't need to continue that way with vaping. Vaping is not smoking it is a new experience and a change of life so try and make that transition as smooth as possible.

    I also agree with the higher ohm and low wattage setup. Another thought is when most new vapers started out in the past we bought beginner kits that were low wattage and high resistance which were great to transition and the we moved on to whatever to our fancy.
    The problem is these days a beginner kit is high wattage low ohm cloud machine which is a smack in the face for someone that has never vaped before.

    Its about time that things got real again and we stopped recommending gear to new vapers that we as long term vapers enjoy and and think about what a new vaper NEEDS.
  7. Alion

    Alion New Member

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    I concur! Trying to get noobs started using sub coils is asking to fail! It's better to start them off on something that may be a bit lightweight and then ramp it up than convince someone to persevere while they're busily trying to pick the carpet fluff off the lung they just deposited on the floor!

    A mate of mine is a case in point about the evils of going too big as a noob. We were driving over to Yorke Peninsula and he'd been pestering me for a hit on my mod. I'd been refusing becomse I was running twin nanos on the Russian, 24mg juice and had just put a new battery in the mech. Eventually I relented and let him try. Result? As predicted, he coughed, spluttered, turned green, pulled over in a cloud of dust and deposited his breakfast on the side of the road! I didn't comgh, honest! :devilish:

    Unfortunately he now responds to any suggestion that he might consider vaping as an alternative to the durries with two words, the second being "off!"
  8. theardy

    theardy New Member

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    As others have suggested, I would thoroughly recommend a higher ohm, higher nic setup. Perhaps a tobacco flavoured juice also so it is similar to smokes for a start.

    I have a friend here that has converted to vaping - currently using a 50watt istick set at about 7 watts (only needed the battery longevity of the istick), 2.0 ohm coil in a TS3 Kanger clearo, nic at 24mg. This setup provides plenty of vapor and does the job very well for him.

    He was a hardcore smoker and has been smoke free for 6 months plus. With the above setup he was able to take baby puffs to start as he got used to the vaping instead of smoke.

    All the best and I hope your dad sticks with it.

    Subohming to start would be very harsh I think.
  9. Ang.

    Ang. New Member

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  10. Thanks everyone! Will definitely try a higher ohm. I started him off with a sub ohm as this is was what worked for me.

    I tried to quit on a low wattage, high ohm set up but it didn't do anything for me. It wasn't until about 3 years later when I tried sub ohming that I was able to give up the darts.

    I'll chuck a 1.8ohm in the subtank or maybe bring the old genitank out of the cupboard.
  11. twixxy

    twixxy New Member

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    6mg on a subtank? Your joking. No wonder he's coughing his guts up. Lower the nic to about 2 then he'll be right.
  12. KemeCoeptog

    KemeCoeptog New Member

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    To me the experience of smoking isn't achieving a set level of nicotine in the bloodstream but rather the length of time it took to reach that level. I.e. The initial hit was perceived as more important, a high concentration of nicotine just made me sick.

    I didn't know how to explain it until I found this article


    After reading this I started sub-ohming and never thought of vaping as a substitute to smoking...vaping superseded smoking.

    Nowadays I have a "morning's mix" using something slightly cooling and easy to vape (Heisenberg works well), as close to Max VG as I can mix it with a high concentration of nic (24mg).
    First thing in the morning straight into the dripper, 6-10 hits. Then proceed the day vaping or not vaping with little dramas.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. joe79925

    joe79925 New Member

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    ive never had a morning mix. I just wake up and start vaping. Fairly straight forward I thought. :)
  14. deannecn4

    deannecn4 New Member

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    I'll agree with the others. Higher ohm and lower power. I found ry4an/ vanilla tobacco/rum tobacco to be a great starter. I've got about 80 mls left of some, happy to donate to the comse.
  15. jo_key01

    jo_key01 New Member

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    Thanks for the offer Holmesy but I've got a huge selection of concentrates so I can make up some tobacco flavours for him. The generosity of the Vape.to members always amazes me. Very happy to be a part of this community :)
  16. rajesh

    rajesh Member

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    Gorilla Juice
    You should tell the benefits of vaping to your dad. Leaving smoking can be pretty hard if you are doing it for 35 years (just like your father). When you switch to vaping for the first time, you may experience some problems but they are temporary and they will not last permanently. Over time, it will get habituated. You should elaborate this fact to your father. You can save some research files of vaping and show it to your dad. This will motivate your dad.
  17. oportosanto

    oportosanto Member

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    Vape Pen Endeavor
    I think that the best way to convert a smoker is with the example. If we were smokers and we are now vaping he can see for himself or herself the benefits and try it out.
  18. Stopcigarettes

    Stopcigarettes Member

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    I didn't know you could do that, I always draw first to the mouth and only afterwards do I inhale. I am not saying that I am going to do this but I didn't know that it was possible. I knew a lot of people that were mouth smokers and didn't inhale the smoke but never met anyone that would drag straight into their lungs.
  19. knitmehere

    knitmehere Member

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    It's normally just a matter of finding the right juice and system to work for a person. The nic levels are probably way too high, and on top of that he's been smoking for a very long time so it could take his lungs awhile to adjust.
  20. AboveTheSmoke

    AboveTheSmoke Active Member

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    I'm the one that initially got my dad to quit smoking, though he's since gone back to hookah sadly. What worked was just not giving up, pushing love on him and explaining to him that he was basically killing himself, coughing his way through the night, in pain constantly and digging himself an early grave.

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