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Newbie Need help

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by joepervert, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. joepervert

    joepervert New Member

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    Hey Guys

    So I've been vaping on and off for about a year but trying to get serious about it.

    I used to use a kanger tech areotank mega but found it always leaked into the drip tip.

    So recently after some advice from a mate I purchased a new setup
    I'm running a kanger sub tank mini with an MVP 3.0 mod and 0.5 ohm coils.
    My problem is the drip tip seems to get really hot really quick.
    I'm vaping at around 3.9v or 25w. Any less seems to not be enough.
    I'm using juice from vape wild. I'm using 6mg with a 65% VG and 35% PG mix yet I still finding it a bit harsh.
    Sometimes it's fine but sometimes I get an odd really harsh hit.
    I was told it was the nicotine that made it really harsh that's why I went for a low 6mg.
    Are there any drip tips that don't heat up ?
    And any suggestions on how to get a smoother hit ?
  2. tapfer

    tapfer New Member

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    Happens to me heaps. That's a dry hit. I get it when not looking at how much is left or trying to dry out the wick to change flavours.
  3. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    My subox tank gets hot too. Not the dry hits tho.. just the end gets warm. Try a longer or different material drip tip on it.

    Gladstone qld
  4. Mountian_Baby

    Mountian_Baby New Member

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    You could try a delrin or pom drip tip, will probably heat up much slower than the standard metal in the subtank.
    Your other option would be to try the 1.2 ohm coils instead of the 0.5s. I found the 0.5 too full on for me but this is really personal preference. With higher ohms you may be able to drop your wattage which would cool things down a bit.
  5. Stephen

    Stephen New Member

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    PG is often harsh on the throat. I use 100% VG because it doesn't have much throat hit. Dry hits are caused by the juice flooding the wick too slowly, you could try diluting your juice with 1% distilled water to thin it out a little, it will help it wick faster (you might need to dilute VG a bit more as it is thicker.). The heat is normal at higher wattages, but it probably shouldn't be a big issue at 25 watts. Are you doing long pulls in close succession? Try opening up your airflow a bit, and hitting it more like a bong (direct lung inhale instead of mouth to lung) Sub-ohm vaping doesn't work all that well for mouth to lung smokers.

  6. dreemer

    dreemer New Member

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    Hey Chris

    Are you trying to quit smoking? Might be better options if you are... How do you draw/vape?
  7. ztlkjforvp

    ztlkjforvp New Member

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    Hey thanks for the advice

    So after reading this I changed to a straight lung hit instead of a mouth to lung hit.
    It's seems to have mostly fixed the heating up problem for some unknown reason. Also it seems to produce more flavour and double the vapor cloud. :)
    It still is slightly harsh but I'm hoping to fix this by ordering 100% VG on my next order.
    Only problem I'm having now with this tank is I find it leaks out of thE breather sometimes. The breather doesn't seem to have a closed positon , it's either small medium or large breather hole.
  8. Luckii

    Luckii New Member

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    Hi seasonnoob,

    It's not really a yes or no answer. Yes Im trying to quit real cigs because of the cost and because of the smell. I work fly in fly out and am away for two weeks where thE smell doesn't matter. But when I'm home for a week I don't like to smell as I don't want the kids to know I'm smoking. It is super hard to hide the smell. Even if I have a shower , change clothes spray deodorant over me and even glen 20 my son can still smell it on me. I guess eventually I'd like to quit altogether but at this point in my life I'm finding it too hard. I get in really bad moods without nictotine. I can't use patches as where I work reaches up to and over 50 degrees and they just slide off with sweat. I can't use use drugs like champax or Ziban as I'm on anti depressants and can't mix them.
  9. Nancy M

    Nancy M New Member

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    Buy nic juice from o/seas. Problems solved ☺

    Gladstone qld
  10. toothmehanik

    toothmehanik New Member

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    Hi Chris, welcome to Vape.to :)

    Ok a few things going on here, which can be solved.
    First I think you need to buy some new coil heads for the ST mini, Kanger make a new BVC 1.5 ohm head which I think would be better suited to you, they don't get as hot as quickly.
    When you have some of those, pop one in & fill the tank, then leave it for 10minutes before using it, this will allow the juice to soak the wick properly, from what you said above it sounds like you got a dry or burnt hit & once you get that initial burnt hit, with the ST mini coils, the coil is ruined.
    Also you are using a juice ratio that is hard for the ST mini coils to keep up with, try switching to a 50/50 PG/VG mix & increase your nicotine to 12mg/ml, with the 1.5 ohm coils you won't have any trouble vaping nicotine at 12mg/ml, while 6mg/ml will feel less satisfying. You may even find 18mg/ml more satisfying & that you will need less puffs to get the same level of satisfaction from your vape, don't be scared of it being harsher, it shouldn't be you'll be using a higher ohm coil & lower wattage with it, many factors affect the "harsh".
    Whatever you do, DO NOT use a 100% VG juice in the ST mini, it is not designed to use very thick VG juice & it will only cause dry/burnt hits.

    Next turn the wattage down to around 12W - 18W start low & work your way up until you hit the sweet spot & go just a little beyond that, then back it down to where you noticed the sweet spot. The sweet spot is where you get the best flavor from the juice you are vaping, going beyond that wattage the juice starts to lose flavor & maybe taste a little burnt, the sweet spot for a 1.5 ohm coil should be somewhere between that 12- 18W.
    Set the AFC to the middle position & go back to mouth to lung puffs, at least until you get to know what is working for you with juice strength, if you are drawing too hard when taking lung hits that can cause flooding(which is what I think is happening to you wit hthe leaking), especially on a coil that has been compromised from a dry/burnt hit.
    All of this should fix the problems you are having & you should find the Drip Tip is not getting so hot anymore too but if you still think it is a little too warm you should look at using a DT made from Delrin/Acrylic/Glass/Ceramic/Stone these materials do not get as hot as metal DTs do.

    Edit: BTW, FYI - I have been vaping almost 5 yrs & I use 70/30 PG/VG juice @ 24mg/ml, in mostly subohm devices.
  11. Louise H

    Louise H New Member

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    Thanks heaps for the advice ,
    Since going to the straight lung hit most my problems have been solved.
    Advice taken on not going pure VG.
    I will get a 50/50 blend on my next order and give that try and step up to an 18mg of nicotine. I was told that the high nicotine content would produce a harsh hit obviously I was mis informed.
    I guess there will be a lot of trial an error while I'm getting started but with all the negatives at least I haven't smoked a real smoke for 2 days now and to be honest I'm not missing it at all. I know I'm just replacing one bad habit with another but I feel better about it and I don't smell like an ashtray !
    Any recommendations on where to order good juice from ?
    So far I've ordered from Vape Wild and when I used to vape on the areotank I ordered from Virgin Vapor.
  12. DaGont

    DaGont New Member

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    I'd recommend trying some local "doublers" from canuk vendors & ordering some 100mg/ml (1 liter will last about 2yrs & stores well in the freezer) nicotine in 100% PG base for mixing, along with some plain USP grade PG & VG (1 liter of each would be good or at least 200ml of each to start with).
    To use the doublers you double the liquid.
    So if you have a 10ml doubler, you will end up with 20ml of juice.
    For 18mg/ml strength you'd use 1.8ml of 100mg/ml per 10ml, so in a 20ml bottle it'd be 3.6ml.
    So 10ml doubler + 3.6ml nicotine = 13.6ml, take that from 20ml & you are left with 6.4ml, which is where the PG & VG come in.
    Depending on the PG/VG ratio you want, you'd add 6.4ml(total) of PG &/or VG to the 13.4ml to make 20ml of juice.
    Using doublers allows you to tailor your juice to your own liking much better than buying ready made juice, you can change the PG/VG ratio from batch to batch to see what suits you better, you can also change the nicotine content & find your preferred strength, while using the same flavor of juice.
  13. mxwybyfpab

    mxwybyfpab New Member

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    Just take caution when handling the 100mg nic mate
  14. If ya want nice tips for that kanger ST look at wedge tails tips there awesome

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. pigboy

    pigboy New Member

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    Hi Chris,

    Noe obviously has a lot of experience with this, so i will defer to their wisdom. I just want to add, that if you do use nicotine that strong (100mg/ml) you really should wear gloves and do some reading on safe handling. I have kids in my house too, and there is no way i would keep nic that strong in my freezer where my 3 year old could get to it. To me the money I would save is not worth the risk.

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