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need some advice

本帖由 asrarova2014-07-17 发布。版面名称:Vape Politics and Media

  1. asrarova

    asrarova New Member

    Hi all ,well since getting my new toy i have been researching some e juice on the net ,now somehow i came across a mob called vaporeyes and start to look at what they have as there here in adelaide ,ok this is where it gets messy being new to all this they are talking about doublers and i think i have the idea and if you want nic you have to get it yourself be.comse of our regulations ,not wanting to trawl through hours of threads has anyone here done this ?They say they will give a list of suppliers and that it can be brought into the country on a for personal use scenerio .
    Until i start to get my head around all this i will no doubt be asking a lot of what some may consider dumb questions ,but up until around 6 weeks ago i had never even heard of vaping ,mods ,coils (apart from on car engines) and all the other associated lingo that goes with using an e cigarette/vaping so bear with me for a while guys .
  2. solsolbi

    solsolbi New Member

    Hi Crispy,

    Yeah you need to add nicotine to the doublers. Doublers are called doublers be.comse you add equal amount of nicotine (and PG/VG liquid if need be) to the juice.

    For example, Vapoureyes doublers are 15 ml. You add 15ml of 36mg nicotine to the juice to make 30ml 18mg strength juice.

    Nicotine juice can be imported from overseas like China or U.S. I bought mine from MyFreedomSmokes.

  3. Joy

    Joy New Member

    Thanks sleepy it is starting to make some form of sense now when they say pg vg configeration when you order what is the best way to go just 50/50 or is there some other way ?thanks again mate for the info.
  4. BruceMile

    BruceMile New Member

    There are three things you must add to the doubler.

    If you get a 30ml doubler, then you need to add 30ml of PG and/or VG plus nicotine.

    The amounts of PG, VG and nicotine to add depend on your desired nicotine strength.

    There is a great little calculator you can use to help you out.

    eJuice Recipe Calculator
  5. ddduck

    ddduck New Member

    The easiest thing to do is to buy flavour doublers & double strength Nic. If you want to vape at 12mg, just buy 24mg juice in 50/50VG/PG. Add 30ml doubler with 30ml nic. & you're done, 60ml of juice at 12mg.

    But if you don't mind a little more stuffing around to give you more control & versatility, then buy 100mg 100%PG Nic, some PG & VG, then you'll have the ability to increase VG levels in doublers that may only ship as 50/50 blends. Also the Nic will store better as 100%PG. It's all very easy with a ejuice calculator.
  6. JuckTeseefe

    JuckTeseefe New Member

    Buy some of this this 115ml HC Unflavored E-liquid and add it to the doublers you buy from Mo, I never bothered f*cking about with 100mg nicotine, buy the stuff from health cabin fill the doubler bottle you get from Mo to the top of the bottle, give it a good shake and come back to it in a weeks time, vape it and forget about cigarettes.
