That's $12.60 without the battery (protected 1600mAh 14650) and the LR B-type atomizer. Made from 15mm brass plumbing fittings from Bunnings and a 510 DIY mod connector from e-cigs warehouse. A 15x10mm reducing connector gets the dia down closer to that of the connector. A smaller brass fitting I had lying around was modified to fit the connector and soldered (lead free) into the reducing nipple. The center terminal of the 510 connector was extended into the reducing nipple using the small dia metal tube out of a defunct clearomizer. A 15mm OD o-ring keeps the battery +VE terminal clear of the atomizer connection. No switch as such as the bottom nut is turned to complete the circuit by compressing the battery against the o-ring. Any 510 compatible atomizer may be used with this mod. Not a mod to put in your pocket but ideal for the coffee table. 浏览附件64
Good on you mate. I've been toying with the idea of making my own wood mod myself - just a one or 2 off, but hey why not?
Geek? I'm thinking of doing the same using an atmel attiny5 in a UDFN package (2x2mm). Should be able to fit that on a 15mm dia pcb with a mosfet, switch, LED and current sense resistor. Dont think I'll bother with a display, just use the LED for status. Will probably use 2 cells and PWM to control the voltage.
That is fantastic! Much impressed Does anybody know of a "pipe mod"? I'd love something that looks like a wood pipe, but used standard attys or cartos. *Does my best Sherlock Holmes impersonation*
Pretty cool mod. Can't beat the price. Kinda reminds me of the "Copper" mods. soundasleep, ivape247 and i actually purchased some last week. Check Micks "2 month no shopping fine" thread. I think i posted a pic of it there. They only take cartos though.
Found it - Jazz carto pipe. That is so frackin awesome, I'm not sure where to start! Problem is I just ordered a Provari, so if I ordered one of these too I think I'd have to order a new set of balls for the one's the wife would cut off.
Are you not going to use an input for the battery voltage, be nice to have a low voltage cutoff as a battery saver. need a reg too I guess (not looked at the data for the attiny 5 apart from the brief, assume its 3v3 or 5v only) You could gain an extra i/O pin by leaving the mosfet hot and turning on the device with the switch on the vdd pin or .. run a voltage diviider to an input pin and the switch across the lower resistor, doubling a battery monitor and a switch on the one pin. yay .. its a geek fest. i have a few plans meself. starting with 12f675 tho, i'm a microchip man. just installed the new mplab ide x on this mbp actually.
I'll be looking to measure battery voltage for sure so that the output can be regulated and also for low voltage cutoff as you suggest. As only 4 I/O pins are available there will need to be some doubling up on pin function. I haven't gone into the finer detail yet. PICs reminded me too much of 8051's when I was choosing which of the then next generation of micros to use more than a decade ago.
Cool! I'll be using an ATMEGA8. I'm thinking of using 2 simple 7 segment displays to display voltage and atomiser resistance. I am using PWM and 2 cells too I'll definitely have low voltage cutoff and expect to have two buttons for adjusting voltage up/down. I've essentially got the code done but I still haven't found the perfect box for it!
Bamboo might be a good choice. I have plenty here so might see if i can find a piece of the right diameter and give it a go myself