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MOD Thread maintenance

本帖由 MikeL2015-07-14 发布。版面名称:Vape Mod Talk

  1. MikeL

    MikeL New Member

    A small lesson for me.. and I mention it here in case there is anyone else out there who doesn't yet know this trick.

    After a little while a gifted 2nd hand V2 Vamo started displaying an odd output and refused to fire. Basic tests - changing batteries and atties didn't alter the problem. The display was, I think, something like Vol low or similar.

    A bit of google didn't give me any clues.

    Given I have not had much time lately, I threw the Vamo in the cupboard and ignored it. For a couple of weeks I had the odd idle thoughts about buying new Vamo boards - which are not that expensive - and use one to replace the board in this unit.

    Anyway, a couple of days ago, I hit Jaycar up for some conductive thread grease. They didn't have the "noelax" (spelling?) brand, but they did have a tube of "carbon thread grease"... About 300 ml for $8.00 - about 3 lifetimes supply.

    Back home I took the Vamo apart - separated the end cap and tube bits. Carefully cleaned all the threads with shellite and a toothbrush. Then I smeared a little on each set of threads, worked it in and cleaned off the extra with paper towel. Reassembled with a freshly charged battery, reattached an atty and BINGO - worked perfectly.

    Pretty happy with that success, I then looked at my Sigelei Zmax. Since new (only a few months), it has periodically "rebooted" - turned itself off and requiring me to restart it. This happened once every 2 or 3 days - not enough to prevent use, but just enough to be a little annoying.

    So I took it apart and again worked a little thread grease into all the threads. Being a telescopic mod, there was a bit to work thro. It too, has been working perfectly for the last 3 days.

    Both mods were stainless steel, so ought not have corrosion problems. But never the less, both required that attention. OK, fine, another routine task to perform periodically to keep the Vaping gear in good order.

    Far cheaper and easier than buying new/replacement bits.

    Oh, for the record, this stuff is messy. It is dark grey and it marks your skin and refuses to wipe off and seems to smear over everything within the room. Very similar, in fact, to some types of "thermal heat grease" used between CPUs and heatsinks. If fact, I wonder if the "silver" types of heat compound would work as a thread grease...
  2. yessica

    yessica New Member

    conductive grease is great stuff

    sorry the mod failed you dave :(
  3. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

    Yes it is..

    Ain't your fault, DM. Why should you be sorry? Seems I wasn't caring for it as I should have. Clearly some dirt in a contact somewhere - which a good clean and grease up resolved. Is all good now - it works and I'm vaping with it. What more could you ask from it?

    Just outa interest, roughly how old is it?
  4. evxgyxa97c

    evxgyxa97c New Member

    late last year, around december i think
