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本帖由 aroutty2014-07-26 发布。版面名称:Vape Politics and Media

  1. aroutty

    aroutty New Member

    Hey fellow vapers!
    My name's Ben and was just wanting to introduce myself and ask for some help regarding equipment and such
    I've been vaping for about 2 months or so now with my go-to gear for home being a I-taste VW w/ Iclear30 and my traveler being a Joyetech E-Grip!
    I'm starting to find the I-Taste just isn't cutting it anymore and was wanting to upgrade. I've been doing some research and have narrowed my choices to a Sigelei 50w Box and the DNA30 by Cloupor.
    The Sigelei has the ability to go 50w but I don't know if I need this (yet I want to start getting into RBA's) whilst the DNA30 has.... well 30w
    I much prefer the look and I think the DNA30 would be more comfortable but IS it worth going to the Sigelei?
    I would most likely continue using the E-Grip as a DD for work etc, whilst occasionally using the DNA30/Sigelei with a Clearo. What clearo have you guys had best success with on these? (I currently alternate between Iclear and .comt Mini)
    Are RBA's w/ tanks any good for sometimes taking with? How long does the liquid normally last?
    I'll most likely dive in and by a Sig or DNA soon, but I was wondering if anyone was available in the Brisbane area to show me the ropes regarding RBA's, RDA's and possibly mech's?
    If someone here isn't willing to, are there any shops close to Brisbane that could help?
    Thanks guys hope to hear something soon!
  2. MikeL

    MikeL New Member

    Everyone has their own personal preferences about clearo's.
    My favourites are the full size Silo Tank, and Lemo. Both hold enough juice to last all day, when you go out.
    The Silo Tank is sturdy, the Lemo is flimsy, and the refill screw is a pain, but it's a good tasty vape.
  3. anitaoh11

    anitaoh11 New Member

    Atlantis or .comtalis are probably the 2 most reliable clearos on the market. most clearos cannot handle anywhere near 50w with the exeption of the atlants which i have heard can fire at 30w without burning out the coil. Rebuildable tank atomizers can be a pain in the arse but can work well if you end up with a good build. You will need to learn to rebuild coils and buy wick and wire.
    I have heard bad things about cloupor products but havent personally used one. The IPV is a great vw mod with a few different iterations each with higher wattages. Honestly most people dont fire above 30watts and most of the vw mods will probably destroy your iclear30 so id reccomended upgrading that to an atlantis or a .comtalis. Keep in mind .comtalis coils will burn at higher wattages. I cant tell you exactly how far they go but its not higher than 30watts. Mechs work well with any top you put on them. The magneto 2 is solid and at a good price.
  4. Legend

    Legend New Member

    welcome skit.
  5. MrSwing

    MrSwing New Member

    Howdy Skit - nice to have you on board!
    (And I use an Atlantis on a 100watt Sigelei @ 45 watts all day everyday - nice clouds, great flavor - good luck with your choices!)
  6. Helainef

    Helainef New Member

    Hi Skit and welcome
    Get the RBA base for the egrip it turns a so so device into a great out and abouter. The stock coils really are shyte.
    Good luck with your journey.
